
[Chapter 57 Changes]

"I don't mean that, I'm just curious. Now that the ceremony has been completed, the tree king should start his silkworm! Now that he hasn't done it for a long time, what on earth is he waiting for? Could it be..." The spirit snake king was shocked and didn't know whether he should believe his intuition.

"What?" Bai Qiong gritted her teeth.

She also suddenly had a vague and ominous premonition in her heart. Is it so easy to get the cultivation method of the way of swallowing? Or that's not a decision to eat at all.

"Tiger King, what did you say to the Tree King yesterday, and where did he learn the way of silkworms?" The Snake King did not answer Bai Qiong's question, but threw a question to Zhantian.

"It seems that he inadvertently followed a mysterious man and got the scroll accidentally dropped by the mysterious man. It records the cultivation method of the way of swallowing, but there are two conditions recorded above. One is to need a divine clan, and the other is to need the spirit of evil..." The White Tiger King seems to be recalling and thinking .

"A Protoss as a sacrifice? This is really a big deal... But only 15 brothers are a half-god, and they are far from meeting this requirement... Isn't it? ..." Xianghuwang said with a smile, but then he thought of a certain situation, his pupils wrinkled, and his face was replaced by a touch of shock.

If the requirements of a Protoss are not so harsh, then two demigods can also be replaced. Although it cannot be compared with the real Protoss, it is also a method.

At this moment, even the fox king with this game-like personality can't calm down. The appearance of two demigods is not what they can imagine, and the demigods are rare. The tree king devours two demigods at once. Such courage is really shocking.

However, this matter is not so simple. If the two demigods are devoured, the seriousness will not only involve the war between their demons, but also rise to the war between gods and demons. This is not a joke. Although they are not recognized by the gods, those gods who gave birth to them What about the clan? Will you sit back and ignore it?

"Yes, as a sacrifice, and two demigods also have the same effect... In fact, we should have thought that the identity of the little human girl has been inherited by the illusion god? It should be the daughter of the illusion god, right?" The White Tiger King shook his head mocking himself.

The words of the White Tiger King and others were also heard in their ears, but they didn't know what they were talking about at all.

And several demons have automatically ignored the two when the tree king roared, because compared with these two children who have not yet grown into hair, how much threat can they be?

"No wonder that the Tree King wanted to attack Yiyi at the beginning. It turned out that all this was a game... Since it was a sacrifice, why hadn't the 15th and Yiyi been sacrificed?" The Night Dog King was a little surprised and confused.


"Sister Yiyi?" When Feiheng and Feicheng heard the words of the Night Dog King, their hands holding the sword began to tremble.

If what the Night Dog King said is true, then one of the two people arrested is...

And while the two people were panicking and the demons were meditating, a loud voice suddenly exploded around: "Let me answer your questions..."

Before the sound fell, the space twisted, and two white lights flew out of the space.

"Big brother?" A white light fell on the ground, and a figure appeared. He was a young man. He knelt on one knee, covered his chest with his right hand, and there was a trace of blood on the corners of his mouth. This man was Fei Ling, the big brother Fei Ling. As soon as he appeared, the two of them greeted him.

"Haha, Fei Ling, how is my magic power compared with your swordsmanship..." Another white light gradually emerged. This figure is dressed in white, elegant, holding a folding fan in his hand, and his eyes seem to be sharp, like a very cultivated young man.

It depends on his age and Feiling, but his fierce momentum is better than Feiling.

"The demon clan is really extraordinary, and it's not as good as being ashamed..." Feiling held a fist with both hands.

The demon clan? Is that man in white actually a member of the demon clan?

And is it the demon clan that has always been in this world of God? That is to say, this demon should be the person behind the wolf...

"Haha, Feiling, Tianshan School should also feel satisfied to have disciples like you. It's a rare genius to have reached the psychic state at a young age... This time it's not to lose to your inferior skill, but to you to have some scruples..." The young man in white said lightly and seemed modest, but everyone It can be seen that the young man in white is not an ordinary role. The cruelty under his handsome face and the brutality under elegance are just well covered up by him.

However, no matter how well he hides, he can't completely cover it up. As long as he is a master, he can feel his murderous spirit, that is, fierce, sinister and cunning.

With the appearance of the two, the scene has become very complicated.

"Are you a demon? Are you..." Bai Qiong trembled, and she couldn't believe it.

"Yes, I am the messenger of the wolf clan. The Wolf King is really a waste. Even if I use the magic clan to make the wolf clan so powerful, I have been reluctant to kill other demon clans... I have no choice but to calculate by myself..." The young man in white said faintly, with no expression on his face.

The combat power of the wolf clan has greatly increased, which is indeed related to the demon clan. Moreover, the green wolf can restore the corrosion of fifteen blood, and I'm afraid it has something to do with this demon clan.

"Calculation?" Everyone was shocked and their pupils were wide open.

"Oh, oh, don't look at me like that... Since you want to know so much, where should I start? Do you want to taise on the secret method of the demon clan practiced by the wolf clan, or do you want to leave a roll of skills for the stinky old man? ......”

"You are the mysterious man. Did you deliberately leave the cultivation of the way of devouring to the tree king?" The White Tiger King suddenly thought of something and shouted loudly.

The young man in white shook his fingers and kept talking.

The way to eat? It's ridiculous! Almost no one knows this scroll except the Three Demons in my demon clan. How can we give such a supreme treasure to such a useless demon? The young man in white stared at the White Tiger King with some disdain, and there was a kind of deterrent in it, which almost made the White Tiger King fall.

The young man in white seemed to see the puzzled look of everyone. Since he was going to kill all the people here, at least he wanted them to be a clear ghost, so as not to ask questions in front of the king of hell.

Oh, by the way, if they are all eaten, it will be impossible to reincarnation.

"I want you to be a clear ghost. You should know that there is a venerable man in my demon clan who is good at this way of devouring. At the end of the ancient times, the end of the war between gods and demons was both sides. In that battle, the three demons who ranked third among the ten demons of the demon clan were in the human world. A bureau was set up. The coping of this bureau was called Shihuang, a person, but he finally got the inheritance of the three demons, cultivated human demons, and tried to subvert the human world and the way of heaven. However, before all this began, he was killed by a mysterious strongman and finally sealed his illusion of evil spirit. However, now it is the stone wilderness. It's time to realize his value again..."

"Oh, by the way, the stupid tree king completed a ceremony, but this ritual is not devoured, but devoured, so I invite everyone to watch a good play..." The old man smiled faintly, but there was a trace of curvature on the corners of his mouth, highlighting his sinister and viciousness.


The tree king in the cave roared tragically. Suddenly, huge openings in his chest burst, as if he had been cut by something. This scene made everyone tremble.

The skin is open, and the flesh is blurred, and the flesh is not enough to describe the tragedy at this moment. A cup of tea continued. A piece of flesh and blood on the tree king's chest has been peeled off. Everyone only saw a baby lying in his chest. The baby stared angrily at the front with copper bell eyes, as if he wanted to see the person he saw. They are all killed.

What's more terrible is that on the baby's body, there are countless dense small blood vessels, each of which is like a small grain needle, deeply rooted in the body of the tree king, and the blood vessels also squirm as if there is life.

I don't know that the blood flowing from there has soaked the baby's whole body, and he is like a bloody baby.

The blood baby is so ferocious and horrible. This is the ceremony of the tree king, and this is the ceremony of being eaten by the silkworm...

However, this ritual of being eaten is a little special, because the baby has already had its own life. If it is inferred by the words of the young man in white, it is not difficult to find that he did this just to resurrect the stone wilderness.

Everyone in the demon clan knows that what is sealed in this thousand-year grotto is only a wisp of primordial spirit of the stone wilderness. If you want him to be resurrected, the body is indispensable, which also leads to the need for a Protoss as a condition.

Although 15 and Yiyi are half-body, if they are superimposed, it is not impossible to act as the body of the god clan. It seems that the calculation of this young man in white is also really profound.

Use the tree king to complete the ritual of being devoured, so that the yuan spirit of the stone wilderness can be completely resurrected from the seal. Coupled with the body of fifteen and Yiyi, the demigod to restore the ancient power and power of the stone wilderness...

This is undoubtedly a huge conspiracy.

The young man in white smiled slightly and didn't say anything more. He just stretched out his right hand and waved to the grotto, and a light hit the tree king in the grotto. In the flash of light, the tree king's body was beaten completely by him, as if he wanted the blood baby to better absorb the power of the tree king.

PS: Please collect, ask for red tickets, roar... I've been trying to code words...