
[Chapter 102 First Gathering the Inner Spirit]

"Wow, it feels really good..." 15 clenched his fist and felt refreshed. There was some kind of power in his body that was ready to move. His whole body was indescribably relaxed and comfortable, as if the repressed spirit was suddenly released. The haze of his long-up was also swept away, which made 15* couldn't help but point himself secretly. Head.

"What is this? Brother Fifteen, have you recovered from your injury? Liu Yuan looked at 15 incredulously, and her eyes kept shining. She never thought of the benefits after the so-called gathering of gas. Unexpectedly, in just half a day, the wounds on her body recovered, and this effect was more effective than some precious medicinal herbs.

"Well... This inner spirit actually has such an effect, which is also a great blessing in misfortune, but it seems to be a little different..." I kept feeling the small internal spiral on my body, but at the same time, a question surged into the mind of 15.

"This time seems to be a little different from the power of rebellion that day? Why? In the world of God, after entering the gathering of the underworld, the breath should not be like this. Why does it seem to be missing something? What is it? 15 muttered, but of course, Liu Yuan didn't know what 15 was saying. Although she was curious, she still didn't ask.

"Underworld decision, underworld decision? The power of heaven's rebellion, the power of heaven's rebellion? Why is it weird? Forget him, this is not bad. Although it's not the terrible power of nature, it's at least a good start..." 15 muttered in his heart, and then looked at Liu Yuan, who wanted to talk and said, "Would you like to try that meditation gathering?"

"I, I don't have to, right? Anyway, I'm also a girl, not suitable for this kind of fighting practice..." Liu Yuan smiled gently and kept observing 15 with her eyes when she spoke. Once she touched the latter's eyes, she hurriedly lowered her head and blushed her cheeks.

"Oh..." 15 nodded and didn't say anything more. He continued to sit on the ground and meditated.

Seeing this, Liu Yuan had no choice but to sigh. Then she found a cleaner place to lie down and ignored anything. It was not until now that she could sleep safely.

After 15 was settled, it was soon found that no inner spirits had been stored in the underworld, because those inner spirits that had been refined by the whirlpool were not stored in the underworld, but flowed around in the underworld and immediately flowed with the blood meridians to the torn wound on the back. Now 15 is like A businessman has a balance of expenses and no savings left behind, so all he has to do now is to accumulate his wealth.


15 slowly exhaled, and the Mingtian's running method jumped out of his mind, but this time it was more domineering than the last gathering. The energy in the whole cave began to fluctuate, and each layer of energy surged towards the body of 15 like running water.

At this time, the fifteenth was not only used to accept these energies, but also generated by whirlpools on his skin, and the energy in the world was also swallowed by him mercilessly.

The energy of heaven and earth entered the body of the fifteenth, not in disorder, but at the moment of entering the fifteenth body, the originally irritable energy began to become quiet. With the thin meridians slowly converge to the underworld of the heart, wisps of energy The amount flowed in an orderly manner, and when the first ray of energy was about to reach the underworld, the strange whirlpool reappeared.

And this time, 15 did not have much reaction. With the last experience, although the whirlpool can make the converged inner spirit as thin as silk, 15 can feel the powerful power of the thin inner spirit, otherwise the deadly wound behind him will not be heal overnight. he.

The inner spirit kept rushing through the strange whirlpool. First, it rotated in his underworld, and then more inner spirits entered and continued to integrate and accumulate. With the suppression of the control of the spiritual power of 15, those flowing inner spirits also slowly precipitated and slowly superimposed in the deepest part of the underworld.

"Okay, I'm finally obedient. This preliminary gathering should also be completed, but it doesn't seem to be enough. If I guess correctly, the devouring of heaven and earth energy is also different according to different skills. Although some inner spirits are gathered in the underworld now, I still feel a little strange. What's the blame? Hey... If only the master was here, he should be able to tell me. By the way, speaking of the master, he said that if I am his apprentice, he will agree to answer me three questions, and if I want to ask more questions, I must find wine for him... But with Master's ability, ordinary wine should be unpleasant to drink, right? Is it really troublesome?"

15 shook his head and continued to absorb the energy around him.

The energy of heaven and earth continues to fluctuate, and the flowing energy is also under the control of 15th, accumulating more and more. At a certain moment, the inner spirits that originally accumulated are faintly red.

Huh? What is this? How did the inner spirit in the underworld become red? The original energy is colorless, but how does it change now? What's the situation? Well, if it goes on like this, I don't dare to gather spirits. What if I suddenly go crazy? Master, Master, did you give me this book just to let myself explore? This is unreasonable. It's crazy..."

15's heart is full of bitterness, but he has nothing he can do. Now 15 has no other discomfort except that the inner spirit in the underworld has turned red, so he has to grit his teeth and fight for his character.

"It shouldn't be so unlucky, right?" Fifteen smiled bitterly. He concentrated all his spiritual strength in the underworld and always monitored the movement of the red inner spirit. As soon as something happened, he immediately stopped gathering spirits.

This is the only way he can think of.

Because the most basic accumulation of the inner spirit has not been completed. Although the inner spirit in the underworld has some precipitation, it has not stabilized. If the gathering of the spirit is stopped this time, the previously gathered inner spirit will also dissipate. This is the special feature of storing the inner spirit for the first time.

Before this, 15 vomited the inner spirits, but some of those inner spirits flowed to the wound and some of them precipitated, but the gathering of the spirits was not completed, so the original precipitated inner spirits also gradually dissipated. This is also the strange part of 15th, but I don't know what the problem is.

Now he is just doing it by intuition. Although he is a little overwhelmed by the red inner spirits that suddenly appear, he also understands that this may be an opportunity, a sign of completing the gathering of spirits.

Therefore, he did not give up anyway. On the one hand, he did not have any impact on himself. On the other hand, 15 always felt that this Hades had a special effect, which could protect the successful completion of this spiritual gathering.

"Red inner spirit, I bet this is a good start... I don't believe it, I can't handle you..." 15 snorted coldly and continued to absorb the energy from heaven and earth in a high profile.


The surrounding energy suddenly made a loud noise, and the flowing energy suddenly became violent. The collision between each layer of energy would splash sparks, and Liu Yuan suddenly felt unusual around her, and she quickly opened her eyes.

She was a little surprised when she looked at the fifteenth, because the energy absorbed by the fifteenth was no longer swallowing like a thin stream, but swallowed like a storm. Liu Yuan couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. She found that the energy around her was constantly flowing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the space where the energy flowed through was It began to twist.


Seeing the appearance of 15 like this, Liu Yuan covered her lips in surprise. Her eyes kept widening, and the astony in her eyes was like substance, rushing into 15's body with the flow of energy.

"He, he, how could he do this... The energy in this world is pouring into his body..."


A sudden gust of wind blew away the branches and rocks placed in the willow garden at the entrance of the cave, and the energy outside the cave poured in desperately. At this time, the light in the cave also suddenly shone out from the entrance of the cave, illuminating the surroundings of the cave, but this did not hinder the convergence of the energy of heaven and earth.

With the continuous influx of energy at the entrance of the cave, a huge whirlpool appeared above the cave, like a huge disk, and the energy of heaven and earth converged like water.

"Oh no... This movement is really too big... It will attract those white demon giant apes..."

Liu Yuan's heart sank. As soon as her words fell, there were several ape roars in the distance. Her beautiful eyes opened slightly, and there was a trace of fear on her face.

"15? ..." Looking at the fifteenth, whose face was a little pale and painful, Liu Yuan's heart suddenly felt a touch of unbearable, but she also knew that the fifteenth at this time should also be the most important moment. She subconsciously bit her silver teeth and picked up a wooden stick to the mouth of the cave. She stared at it, as long as it seemed that there was A white demon giant ape rushed in, and she had to fight desperately.

Naturally, 15 does not know the situation of the outside world, because all his mental power is monitoring the underworld in his body, and he has no time to take care of everything outside, including the perverted movements.

Before that, after the appearance of the fifteen red inner spirits, the fifteen was careful for fear of mistakes, but as time went by, those red inner spirits became thicker and thicker. Later, when the last trace of red inner spirits condensed, the red inner spirits that had been precipitated still flew like spirituality. Finally, it gradually became silent.

Seeing such a movement, the fifteenth party was relieved. However, when he was about to withdraw from the state of gathering spirits, the later condensed inner spirit precipitated extremely quickly.

Fifteen glanced slightly, and there was a burst of apprehension in my heart, but the energy precipitated gradually turned a trace of orange.

PS: Please collect, ask for red tickets... Search everywhere in the network...