
[Chapter 103 Colorful Holy Spirit]

"Why did it turn orange?" When he saw the orange appearance of the inner spirit, 15's heart was also tight. Although it was a little unclear, he was not a reckless person, so he continued to absorb the energy around him.

His spiritual power was completely immersed in surveillance, and the trace turned into an orange inner spirit.

With the passage of time, under the supervision of 15 spiritual power, the convergence of orange inner spirits is much simpler than that of red inner spirits. It seems that it should be related to the experience of predecessors.

"The orange inner spirit is also getting thicker and thicker. It seems that this orange inner spirit is about to be completed. What color of inner spirit will appear next? I'd like to see how many colors you have..."

15 held his breath, his spiritual power continued to supervise, and the energy of heaven and earth was stably absorbed under his supervision.

Finally, the orange inner spirit is about to squeeze out water, and with the precipitation of the orange inner spirit, the trace of the inner spirit that converges in emits a color, and this color is yellow.

Huh? Is it yellow this time? Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo... colorful colors? So isn't there seven colors? Oh, my God, it's only the third one now?" Fifteen was helpless. He finally had a bottom in his heart. At least he would not rely on luck as he did at the beginning. If he was lucky, it would go smoothly. If he was unlucky, he would go crazy.

The inner spirit of seven colors?

Thinking of this, 15* couldn't help trying. He didn't know if everyone was like him, but at this time there was a faint smile on the corners of his mouth.

Obviously, he is excited, not because he condensed into the inner spirit, but because of the power emitted by the inner spirit after the cohesion of the inner spirit. If it is applied to the sword-inting formula, what kind of power will it have?

At the beginning, Jiuxiandao's move to lead the sword proudly was able to break through the space. It is true that 15 is far from achieving such an achievement, but he is different from the time when he fought against the white demon giant ape. One is heaven and the other is earth, and the two are not the same.

"Is this what Feiling called the inner spirit? It's really awesome. At the beginning, the master said that the inner spirit should be integrated with the moves. If I integrate the inner spirit and the sword introduction formula, it will be the real sword introduction formula. At that time, my sword introduction formula has also been achieved... Hey hey... That power is absolutely not comparable now..."

15 kept thinking that his throat knot also rolled inadvertently and swallowed it with a spit, "But Master also said that as long as I learn the secret of sword, I can become a second-rate master? Only the second-rate... It seems that if I want to continue to cultivate immortals, I have to keep working hard. Second-rate masters are not enough..."

When I kept thinking, the yellow inner spirit was also condensed, and then it was not unexpected, and the green inner spirit cohesion came one after another, so it was repeated.

Although it was methodical, he did not dare to slack off at all. His spiritual monitoring and the following things were much simpler, because he found that the faster he gathered the inner spirit later, the green inner spirit was followed by the blue inner spirit, followed by the indigo, the last purple, such a gathering The spirit proceeded slowly and smoothly until the seven colors were condensed. Fifteen finally took a breath, but what happened immediately made him suffocate.

The spiritual power penetrated his own underworld. With the precipitation of the last trace of purple inner spirit, the originally completed spiritual gathering should have ended in success, but at that moment, the inner spirit of seven colors suddenly became violently turbulent.

Such turbulence also made 15. The originally orderly energy absorption of heaven and earth suddenly became anxious. The energy of heaven and earth does not need capital to pour in, which is many times larger than the previous absorption.

However, under the continuous shock of the seven internal spirits, the fifteenth person suffered violently, and his face became pale in an instant, and the look of pain kept spreading on his face.

At this time, the energy of the outside world also became uneasy, and the condensation of the whirlpool above the cave became larger.

15 clenched his teeth, and the energy that poured into his body crazily was about to burst his whole body. There was an inner spirit oscillate, and outside the energy of heaven and earth rushed in crazily, which made 15's whole people at a loss. If he suppressed the gathered energy, he could not suppress the vibrating inner spirit, thus making him The whole person explodes from the inside out, but if you first suppress those seven-color inner spirits, the energy of heaven and earth that keeps converging can also explode him.

How can this be good?

At this time, the fifteenth hated Jiuxiandao to death, so he casually threw him a book without teaching him any method, and he didn't know whether he was helping the fifteenth or harming him.

Although the fifteenth was very angry, he still had selective suppression. At this time, the whirlpool before the underworld helped him a big favor, because the fifteenth chose to suppress the inner spirit first, and those external energies would become weak when passing through the whirlpool, which also bought some time for the fifteenth, only If you want to suppress the constantly turbulent inner spirit before the external energy explodes him, then he will have a glimmer of vitality, and the rest, no need to talk about it.

As the spiritual power of 15 slowly recovered from the external energy, the energy of heaven and earth suddenly absorbed instantly bulged his meridians and blood vessels.

However, on the surface of his body, some blood vessels have cracked, and a trace of blood overflowed from his broken blood vessels.

But I didn't pay attention to it, but grit my teeth and insist.

Retract all his spiritual power and let the energy of heaven and earth burst his blood vessels and meridians. The sharp pain from his body has made his face shake violently, and his body has been in pain, but the will to suppress the colorful inner spirits has not stopped.

"Damn it, calm down..." There was a sudden roar in his heart, and a little ferocious appeared on his trembling face.

"Quiet me, calm down..."

The colorful inner spirit, which was constantly shaking, became more excited by the slightly ferocious mood of the fifteen, as if he stood opposite of the fifteen, and like a child in an upright and rebellious period. The more he suppressed, the more he resisted, and continued like this, and the whole body of the fifteen outside was stained with blood.

Liu Yuan, who stood aside and was waiting, was so anxious that she was about to cry, but she had no choice but to look at such fifteen, and her heart was like a knife.

"Why haven't it been quiet yet, I'm pressing..." The spiritual power was used to the maximum, and the whole consciousness of the fifteen people suddenly condensed into the appearance of a villain in the underworld, where he constantly competed with the colorful inner spirit.

At first glance, the confrontation between the two seems to be a tug-of-war. You come and go, but the body outside the 15th is already skinless, and the faint white skeleton can be clearly seen.

"Brother Fifteen? ............" Liu Yuan suddenly cried, but just then, there was a roar of ape outside the cave.

"Ah..." Liu Yuan screamed and his pupils contracted violently.

The sound of the ape roar resounded through the sky, and even the surrounding woods trembled. A strong wind blew, and the five giant apes soon appeared at the entrance of the cave.

I saw a bird on the shoulder of the first giant ape, and its eyes were spinning smoothly.

The five white demon giant apes gathered together, and the momentum was very scary, but compared with the momentum caused by 15th, there was too much difference between the two, so the white demon giant apes just wandered at the mouth of the cave and did not immediately rush in to tear people. It seemed that they were also very afraid of such a situation.

Since the giant ape did not rush in, Liu Yuan was also slightly relieved, and then looked anxiously at 15. At this time, the latter's whole body had been dyed red, and the blood slowly slipped along his skin, splashing dust on the ground. Looking at his appearance, it was the end of the oak.

As Liu Yuan saw, the spiritual power of 15 has also begun to fade. Originally, he wanted to suppress the colorful inner spirit before the energy outside to burst his body, but he did not expect that he was exhausted by the colorful inner spirit in the saw race. It seems that 15 is the wrong treasure.

In contrast, the inner spirit did not become quiet under the suppression of 15th, but became more violent. Under the circumstances of this trade-off, 15 is of course on the weak side.

"Is this the end?" The weak voice of 15 lingered around. Liu Yuan heard the sound clearly, and her whole body suddenly became dull as if she had been struck by lightning.

Liu Yuan knew very well that if 15 died, she could not escape the ending of being torn to pieces by the white demon giant ape, but when she thought of being with 15 dead, she suddenly felt less afraid, and instead, a sense of relief lingered in her heart.

The seemingly warm mood swept away Liu Yuan's fear.

After another half an hour, the spiritual power of 15 was about to become transparent, but at this time, the token next to him was felt something, and suddenly a flash of light.

That token was the immopolitan order received by 15 in the world of God, but he couldn't figure out why the word "non" on the denomous order suddenly disappeared, because no one answered him, so he had no choice but to do it.

However, at this moment, the non-Taoist order has a trace of reaction, and this small reaction, 15* does not know, and Liu Yuan does not know.

The energy of heaven and earth kept pouring in from all sides, and the space was twisted like a ferocious face, but the order of the original lying quietly on the ground flashed strangely, and a "non" on it gradually emerged, but for a moment, the word "non" disappeared.

And at the moment when the word "non" on the non-Taoist order flashed away, the colorful inner spirit in the fifteenth body calmed down in an instant.

PS: Please collect, ask for red tickets, ask for rewards... Continue to find a place to surf the Internet...