
[Chapter 235 Secret of the Chen Family]

Not to mention how to escape the pursuit of the two masters on the 15th, after a few words, the wine fairy road said, "Bad boy, if I hadn't stopped you, I would have almost made a big mistake..."

Hearing that Jiuxian was so cautious, 15 was silent for a while and said, "Mr. Chen wants to kill me. How can I be soft?"



The two people were shocked by Feiheng and Fuyao for no reason. Under their doubtful eyes, 15 also told them what Mr. Chen had done these days.

Fei Heng and Fu Yao couldn't help but be shocked and angry, and secretly annoyed that Mr. Chen was sinister and cunning.

After a long time, he said, "Fifteen brothers, as for the Chanlian girl you mentioned, she is indeed not in Chen's house. Today, Fu Yao and I arrived at Chen's house and listened to the maids talk during the day. Three days ago, the woman brought by Mr. Chen disappeared for no reason..."

"What does it mean to disappear for no reason?" I learned from the keeper in Mr. Chen's bedroom that Chan Lian did disappear under the command of a heavy soldier.

"Fifteen brothers, the reason why Miss Chanlian will disappear for no reason, according to speculation, there should be a hidden treasure on her body..." Non-crosswalk.

"In fact, the reason is very simple. I went to Miss Chanlian's room to explore it. There was a very indifferent treasure spirit. If I hadn't had a guide plate, I'm afraid I wouldn't have found it... Of course, Mr. Chen also knew about this..." Feiheng said here, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, because Mr. Chen would set a trap and not be horizontal. The words are also a little involved.

15 finally breathed a sigh of relief, at least Chanlian is not in Chen's house at this moment, that is to say, Chanlian is very safe.


In another place of Chen's mansion, Mr. Chen knocked on the door of a bedroom.

In the middle of the night, it was originally a very disturbing behavior, but a majestic voice was remembered in the bedroom: "Tree man, is it you?"

"Father...two unknown masters have just come to my bedroom..." Mr. Chen stood outside the bedroom and was a little anxious. He said that he wanted to kill him on the 15th but was rescued by two unknown masters.

There was no sound in Mr. Chen's father's bedroom for a long time. Mr. Chen almost broke into the door, and his father's voice came from the bedroom: "You go to the study and wait for me..."

"Father?" When Mr. Chen heard this, he knew that this matter might be important, so he immediately rushed to the study.

Mr. Chen's father's name is Chen Xia. Shortly after Mr. Chen arrived at the study, he hurriedly came.

Chen Xia meditated in the bedroom for a long time. Of course, as the head of the Chen family, he knew that the reason why Mr. Chen did not understand the origin of the two people who saved Mr. Chen from the fifteenth was entirely because the Chen family had a secret passed down from generation to generation, and only the owners of the family knew this secret.

Therefore, it is natural for Mr. Chen to be surprised.

Now, Mr. Chen has also grown up enough to be independent, and Chen Xia is also considering whether to tell the future owner of the Chen family.

Finally, Chen Xia decided to tell Mr. Chen the truth of the matter. He said, "Tree man, some things should also be told to you..."

"What's the matter?" Mr. Chen looked at Chen Xia doubtfully.

"If I guess correctly, those two people should be from the Tianshan faction..." Chen Xia said and scared Mr. Chen to the boss.

"What, the people of Tianshan School?" Mr. Chen seemed to understand again. Today, two disciples of the Tianshan School came to visit, and the two people who saved him at night were also from the Tianshan School.

What the hell is going on?

Chen Xia said, "Our Chen family has today's wealth and status, thanks entirely to one of our ancestors... That's a fairy..."

"Fairy?" Mr. Chen was terrific, but then his eyes were suddenly full of brilliance. There was an ancestor of a fairy, which was a blessing cultivated in several generations.

Seeing that Mr. Chen is so brilliant, Chen Xia has obviously guessed one or two. He shook his head and said, "Tree man, don't think too much. What a detached existence the immortal ancestor is, and he will not miss us mortals for future generations..."

"But..." Mr. Chen originally wanted to say that the two masters of the Tianshan School also saved his life? And he also thought that the Tianshan faction must have sold the face of its ancestors before saving it.

In this way, he can also invite heroes from all walks of life in the name of his ancestors. At that time... Mr. Chen's ambition seems to be not small...

However, Chen Xia's words completely emptied his ambition: "Our ancestor is the elder of the Tianshan School, and the people in the Tianshan School saved you entirely because of an agreement with their ancestors..."

"Are the ancestors the elders of the Tianshan Sect?" Hearing this, Mr. Chen was even more overjoyed. Obviously, he thought he could take this opportunity to win over the people of the Tianshan faction.

That is the leading sect in the world. If it can be won, won't it be able to walk horizontally in the world?

"B bastard..." Chen Xia saw Mr. Chen's expression, and knowing the reason for the matter, he felt that Mr. Chen looked like this, and he would definitely make an uncontrollable scene.

Hearing Chen Xia's reprimand, Mr. Chen woke up a little and only heard Chen Xia say, "Do you know why only the head of all generations know about this?"

When Chen Xia saw that Mr. Chen did not answer, he said earnestly, "That's because the ancestors were worried that future disciples would do evil in his name. Look at your virtue now. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that you will shock your ancestors without waiting for your enemies to trouble..."

Mr. Chen was stunned and knew that the matter was serious, but he was still a little unwilling. Since the Tianshan faction had an agreement with his ancestors, why not make good use of it?

Although he is not allowed to kill 15th, wouldn't it be more suitable for him to force them to stop 15th to kill himself?

"The child knows his mistake..." Mr. Chen deserves to be a very deep man in the city, even in front of his father, let alone treat others?

However, Chen Xia knows Mr. Chen's thoughts clearly, but he can't stop Mr. Chen. Even if he warn Mr. Chen today, he will forget all about it.

Chen Xia shook her head and said nothing.


The pavilion in Chenfu couldn't help but be shocked after hearing what Jiuxiandao said.

An ancestor of the Chen family turned out to be an elder of the Tianshan Sect, and Jiuxian Dao knew more about it than Chen Xia.

Chen Xia only knows that the ancestors are the elders of the Tianshan School, and the Tianshan School has an agreement with him. However, as long as Tianshan disciples see that the descendants of the Chen family are in trouble, they will definitely help them, which is enough to explain the doubts in Mr. Chen's heart, but it can't relieve the 15th.

"Then why didn't the ancestors of the Chen family come forward to sit in the Chen family by themselves? Then won't the Chen family be more prosperous? 15 asked, when he learned that the ancestor of the Chen family was a fairy and an elder of the Tianshan School, he was a little unhappy. In the end, he still couldn't touch Mr. Chen at all.

"Elder Chen is happy with kindness and hatred. He will not let future disciples do anything wrong, so he does not sit in the Chen family, and as an elder of the Tianshan School, over time, Tianshan disciples will definitely help secretly when they meet the Chen family when they go down the mountain, which also forms an agreement... Of course, this can also To say it is a 'custom'..."

Jiuxiandao explained for the fifteenth, and he said, "Moreover, as a disciple of the Tianshan School and killed the disciples of the Chen family, do you think the sect will let you go? Will Elder Chen let you go? At that time, even if the master comes forward, you will be sentenced to death or forgiven, and the living sin will be inevitable..."

Strong as wine fairy road, crazy as wine fairy road, will also be afraid, which shows the seriousness of this matter.

It is not afraid to openly provoke the four major families. In the face of the wine fairy road that has never retreated, it is extremely solemn at this moment, which shows that the ancestor of the Chen family is extraordinary.

I heard that although the fifteenth is a little enlightened, it is also very confusing. On the contrary, they only know that they can't fight against the secular Chen family. If the Chen family has a chance to help secretly, they don't know that the reason is that the ancestors of the Chen family are an elder of the Tianshan School.

However, do ordinary elders attach so much importance to the sect? Besides, who is the master of Jiuxian Road? That's a master of the swordless realm. Even he only gave half of his face. So what kind of person is that Elder Chen?

The Feiling three searched for the elders they knew in their minds, and none of them was surnamed Chen... They all turned their eyes to Jiuxian Road.

The wine fairy smiled bitterly: "The elder Chen's name is Chen Zhenzi..."

PS1: What a tragedy today. I can't log in to the author's area. After restarted my computer three times, I finally finished it...

PS2: Well, why are all the comments on 36086's children's shoes gone???