
[Chapter 236 Tianshan Basan]

The master of Jiuxiandao is named Lin Zhenzi, that is, Lin Lao, who handed over Hunlei Tianjing to the 15th.

At that time, in the world of Cangshen, when he met him on the 15th, he did not know the details. When he met Murong Yuheng in Baiqiu Town, he heard that Jiuxiandao asked him to call his brother on the 15th.

15 finally has some understanding of Lin Lao, but he doesn't know much about it. It is only limited to Lin Lao, who is the legendary master of the swordless realm and the Taishang elder of the Tianshan School.

"Is that the elder?" Fei Ling said first that he could be the elder of the Tianshan School, and his status was higher than that of the head.

In the Tianshan School, there are even many Taishang elders who have retired to the second line.

"Taishang Elder? Chen Yuzi? Well, it seems to be one of the eight scattered people of Tianshan..." Fu Yao has also heard of it in the Tianshan faction, including Lin Zhenzi and Chen Gunzi are all one of the eight scattered people in Tianshan.

"That's right..." Jiuxian nodded.

It is no wonder that Jiuxiandao is so solemn. Tianshan Basan people are popular figures that have existed since the founding of the school. No matter how crazy Jiuxiandao is, it is impossible to challenge their master's contemporary characters.

"What are the eight scattered people in Tianshan?" Fifteen seems to have heard a little about the eight scattered people in Tianshan. Tracing back to the source, it comes from Murong Yuheng.

At the beginning, in Baiqiu Town, Murong Yuheng and Murong Yanru found that there was a smell of Lin Zhenzi on the fifteenth and made friends. At that time, they heard Murong Yuheng mention the eight scattered people in Tianshan.

However, there were not so many problems on the 15th at that time, so I didn't know much about it very well. Now when I listen to the wine fairy road, I naturally have the impulse to ask questions.

After all, although he has not officially become a disciple of Tianshan, he also has this name.

The wine fairy said, "The eight scattered people in Tianshan are the eight elders who have existed since the beginning of the founding. Their respective achievements have been created, and their strength has long been beyond everything... Three of the eight people have reached the legendary sword-free realm, and Master Lin Zhenzi is the master of the sword-free realm..."

"As for Elder Chen Gongzi, although his realm has not reached the master's field, his strength is no longer weaker than that of the master, so if you make a big mistake, even if the master comes forward, he will definitely only protect you..."

"The eight scattered people in Tianshan were well known in their era. The Tianshan faction has today's strength and has an inextricable relationship with their eight people. Not to mention this matter for the time being, I know very little about it. If you have any doubts, you can ask the eldest brother..."

"Now I want to tell you about the powerful relationship. There are eight people in Tianshan Basan, including the master, namely Qi Qianzi, Jiang Kunzi, Lin Zhenzi, Xuan Ion, Chen Genzi, Feng Kanzi, Li Duizi, Ji Xunzi... Although they have the same name as Tianshan Basan people, there are also secret struggles among the eight people. These eight people are divided into Three camps..."

"Three camps?" Even the half of Tianshan people on the 15th were stunned, let alone the three formal Tianshan disciples such as Feiling?

"Wait, wait... Is the universe shaking away from Cangon? Isn't this gossip?" Fifteen wondered why these eight people were named after the gossip?

Jiu Xiandao smiled and said with a serious face, "There are still many things you don't know. The eight masters have eight different powers. Each person is controlled by the corresponding power. Take the master as an example, he is known as Lin Zhenzi. Of course, what he holds is the power of thunder..."

"The Power of Thunder?" The rapid rotation in the mind of the fifteenth, the Hunlei Tianjing given by Lin Zhenzi at the beginning was exactly with a thunderbolt. I don't know whether it was indoctrinated by Lin Zhenzi or existed in the past, but it is not surprising that Lin Zhenzi had the Thunder Tianjing.

But they are divided into three camps? Why is it still called Tianshan Basan people? 15 asked, and he also asked Fei Ling's heart.

"I heard this mentioned by my brother, and I don't know the specific things. According to my brother, there were some turbulence in the world 300 years ago, and a time gap outside the human world suddenly collapsed. That night, a meteor fell from the sky and the light crossed the sky. As the meteor broke through the sky, the eight elders also realized the sky. The disaster will definitely happen in the next few hundred years, and the earthquake not long ago has also proved the elder's speculation..."

Of course, the division of the eight elders also began at the moment when the meteor broke through the sky 300 years ago. They were divided into three camps. Among them, Elder Chen Genzi, Elder Xuan Ion and Elder Jiang Kunzi believed that they should unite with practitioners from all walks of life as soon as possible and send Tianshan to unify the world, so as to jointly fight against future variables. They mainly fought, and the other elders Feng Kanzi, Li Duizi and Ji Xunzi believed that things should be developed freely by it in the future, and there was no need for human intervention, because they thought it was a blessing but a curse, and it could not be avoided, so their master let nature..."

"In the end, only the master and the elder Qi Qianzi are left. The two of them remain neutral... remain neutral? Do you know the subtlety of the form? If you and I make a big mistake and then the master will come forward, your life will be safe, but it will cause some uncontrollable developments... At that time, the world may really be dangerous..."

He didn't know whether Jiuxiandao was too serious, but he knew that he could no longer touch Mr. Chen, which made him somewhat aggrieved.

He was chased and killed for so long, and the design framed him for so long, but he watched Mr. Chen go unpunished, and he was somewhat annoyed.

"Brother, what should I do? If I don't kill him, he will definitely come to kill me..." 15 words threw the problem to Jiuxiandao.

However, as soon as his words fell, it surprised Feiling and the others.

"Tenth and fifteen brothers, why do you call Uncle Yichen 'brother'?" Feiling listened to the wine fairy road talk about the powerful relationship between the eight scattered people in Tianshan, and he was already a little suspicious. He thought that 15 is not a disciple of Tianshan. What does the secret fight of the eight scattered people in Tianshan have to do with him?

While Feiling was meditating, he heard the fifteen called Jiuxiandao as the 'brother', and he couldn't help but be shocked. If this happens, won't the fifteenth generation be older than him?

Feiheng and Fuyao, who have a common idea with Feiling, looked at Jiuxiandao for a moment, as if the next words of Jiuxiandao would determine their life and death.

"What's so strange about this?" Jiuxiandao suddenly left the previous solemnity behind. He seemed to be a ruffian and said, "Brother is brother, of course, because we have a common master..."

"Lin, Elder Lin Zhenzi, he, he..." Fei Ling seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world. The corners of his mouth twitched, but he couldn't say another word.

In the Tianshan School, which can become a personal disciple of the eight scattered people, which is not wonderful? Take Lin Zhenzi's vein as an example, known as the first nihilistic sword in Tianshan, as well as the seemingly crazy but powerful wine fairy road, and Murong Yanru as a flower demon.

Lin Zhenzi's three disciples all have the potential and strength to win the immortals. Among them, the eldest brother Xu Wujian has already become immortals. If Jiu Xiandao and Murongyan had not been greedy for the world, they would have already become the mainstay of the Tianshan School.

Feiling knew that 15 was very powerful, but being able to get Lin Zhenzi's favor and his power was completely different, which really made him very speechless.

Instead of Heng and Fuyao, they finally realized what Mr. Chen said that he called himself the fifteenth of Tianshan. Why did he not go down the mountain in the realm of the sword, but he was not chased by the sect.

All this has also been explained.

At the beginning, Mr. Chen asked Feiheng about the rules of the Tianshan School. Feiheng told him that the sword master who claimed to be the Tianshan School and did not go to the realm of the swordsman must not be a member of the Tianshan School. Today, when he saw the fifteenth, Feiheng was also a little puzzled. Why did the fifteenth call himself a disciple of Tianshan?

You should know that the rules of the Tianshan School are extremely strict, and of course, it will not allow anyone to pretend to be a disciple of Tianshan to do evil. Although Feiheng has said in the world of God, if you also enter Tianshan Mountain on the 15th, you can learn to fly with a sword, but it does not mean that 15th can walk in the world in the name of Tianshan disciples.

However, at this moment, when he heard what Jiuxiandao said, he suddenly realized that it was obviously that Lin Zhenzi took 15 as an apprentice, and 15 did not have time to go to Tianshan to participate in the disciple's entrance trial, which led to this series of doubts.

However, after Feiheng fully understood it, he was indeed a little embarrassed. He had always been used to calling 15 as his brother. If he wanted to change his name to 15 as his uncle, he was somewhat uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Fu Yao, after learning that the fifteenth had been worshipped under the door of Lin Zhenzi, he was very envious and worshipped him, and kept calling him the fifteenth uncle after the fifteenth body.

I heard that fifteen eardrums were painful.