
[Chapter 267 Fighting]

Poisoning? What the hell is going on? 15's hand, which was about to touch Jiuxiandao, suddenly stopped. After thinking about it for a while, he also sat behind Jiuxiandao cross-legged.

The colorful Holy Spirit is like a clear spring and slowly condensed in his hand. This colorful Holy Spirit trembled violently in his heart. This colorful Holy Spirit is more than before he came to Crescent Bay. What surprised him more is that the colorful Holy Spirit condensed himself several times faster than before.

"Is it because of the power of heaven? Or the power of God?" Fifteen is full of joy, and he doesn't know where his realm has reached at this moment. According to his own estimation, the threshold of the realm of the sword should have been crossed.

His original inner spiritual capacity is close to the first layer of the imperial sword, and now it is ten times more, which is far better than before. As for swordsmanship, it remains to be tested.

15 controls the colorful Holy Spirit and slowly injects it into the body of the wine fairy road. The colorful Holy Spirit is worthy of being the most magical inner spirit in the world. As soon as a trace of inner spirit is controlled by the fifteen to the body of the wine fairy road, it has been entangled with the toxin.

In a few minutes, the toxin has been completely excluded from the body of Jiuxiandao.

"Wow..." The wine fairy long exhaled and said to the fifteen: "This colorful Holy Spirit is really the best in the world. Originally, I couldn't help that toxin with my strength, but I didn't expect to recover so quickly when I came into contact with the colorful Holy Spirit... It's really enviable..."

"Brother, are you all right?" 15 asked with concern that although the wine fairy road was usually sloppy, 15 admired him from the bottom of his heart.

"Of course..." With that, Jiu Xiandao stood up and stretched out. Xuan Bing's sword was deeply poisonous. With the washing of the fifteen-color Holy Spirit, most of his injuries had healed. At this moment, if he was against someone, he may not lose.

"Haha, stinky boy, I haven't seen you for a few days, and unexpectedly arrived at the realm of the imperial sword. It's good, and the future is terrible..." Jiu Xiandao patted 15's shoulder fiercely. This appearance is not like an elder at all.

" By the way..." Hearing the wine fairy that he was in the realm of the sword, he couldn't help pulling out the silver snake sword and trying it out. However, he held the silver snake sword in his hand and found that the sword had been broken into two pieces.

"What's going on? Why is my sword broken? Fifteen was so terrcerated that he took a step back. This is the sword given to him by Murong Yuheng.

"Was it just now, when the book of heaven collapsed?" 15 recalled that the crystal skeleton absorbed all the power of heavenly rebellion on his body. The heavenly book appeared and then collapsed. The power emitted at that time was unparalleled, and the silver snake sword of 15 fell into the original whirlpool...

The silver snake sword was broken, and the mood of 15 suddenly became lonely. At that time, Murong Yuheng told him that this was his first sword. It accompanied him through a long time and witnessed his growth. For Yuheng, it was of extraordinary significance. In order to make friends with 1515, he gave him his beloved sword. .

The silver snake sword was broken because of the 15th. Does this indicate that his friendship with Yuheng will also be broken?

The wine fairy road standing aside looked at the loneliness of 15 and said with a little disdain, "It's just a sword. What's there to worry about?" Although he said so, he didn't think so in his heart. He just wanted to enlighten him.

"Alas..." Finally, Jiu Xiandao still sighed, "The sword has its own life and will come to an end one day. This silver snake sword has completed its mission. Presumably Yuheng will not blame you..."

Jiu Xiandao stood beside 15 and never said a word again. So did Xiaowu. When she saw the loneliness of 15th, she was also a little uncomfortable. She pulled the sleeves of 155, and her appearance was very lovely.

"I know...haha, it's just a sword..." 15 also stretched out and swept away the lonely emotions. He was born to be an optimistic person. Although he recovered part of his memory and knew a lot about his past, Jiu Jiu, parents, clans, including himself, even if he was not It's very clear, but I'm also familiar with most of it. At that time, I was the same as myself at this moment.

"I'm 15th, and also Xiaoyun..." 15's face was full of smiles. What he has to do in the future is to find the broken jade, restore his complete memory, and then find Jiujiu...

I have decided to shake my hand and throw the broken silver snake sword into the extremely hot magma. This may be its best destination.

15 smiled and was about to talk to Xiaowu about the sea of blood on the top of the mountain, but suddenly a huge sound sounded.


The ground shook, and more than 15 people were suddenly shaken.

The fifteenth and Jiuxiandao shouted at the same time: "There is a fight outside..."

There was a fight outside, and it was in a mess. The high manual start of the divine realm was enough to cause the mountains to shake and the mountains and rivers to collapse.

After the fifteenth and Jiuxiandao rushed out of the cave, the sky has returned to clear, and a piece of peaceful sunshine pours down, shining on this already dry land, like a long-lost nectar, and the jungle of the golden magpie family seems to have regained its vitality.

The reason why the Golden Magpie family has not been eroded by the spirit of heavenly rebellion is entirely the credit of the crystal skeleton. The divine power it exudes to isolate and protect the area closest to him, so that this jungle survives.

Under Lang Lang's universe, several figures are standing out of thin air, confronting each other, and the swordsmanships are flashing, and countless forces are colliding with each other. They are fighting and those who are not fighting, plus peeping to fight.

What exactly happened?

Looking at this moment, in addition to the four fire clan and the old demons he is familiar with, there are several figures standing in the sky. From his point of view, those figures have a thousand power in any action, and any look can make people chill.

"Is that a fairy?"

It's messy. Before the Crescent Bay recovered, no one wanted to come here. When the Crescent Bay recovered, there were so many uninvited guests.

However, this is also reasonable. Crescent Bay has been gloomy for hundreds of years, and no one in the world knows what happened here. As for the gods and demons, it is not worth their attention, which has caused the current situation.

However, once the crescent bay recovers, it will attract the attention of countless people, whether it is gods and demons or immortals...

As immortals are finally a member of the world, they can appear openly. As for gods and demons, they should avoid each other and suspect each other, and can only hide behind their backs to peep.

"Hey, what is the fire clan? Since there are divine objects, take them out and share them, and the plan of your fire clan to enter the land of VIII is well known to the world. Why don't we cooperate and enter together?"

A white-haired old man stood beside Guanglu. He looked more than 70 years old, but his spirit was very strong, and he stood there with an indifferent fairy spirit.

"No ancestor?" A trace of surprise suddenly flashed in Jiu Xiandao's eyes, but then shook his head again, "That Guanglu is his disciple, and it is normal for him to come here..."

"No ancestor? Who is that?"

"The Wuwei ancestor is a scattered cultivation. Although there is no sect, his strength cannot be underestimated. His realm is on the fifth floor of the realm of God, and the road is simple enough to win the immortal, but his nature is impure and it is difficult to break the way of immortals..."

"The road is simple?" Fifteenth, isn't the wine fairy road also on the simple floor of the road? Isn't that the incompetuous ancestor as powerful as the wine fairy?

As if he had seen through the mind of fifteen, Jiuxiandao suddenly smiled, and a rare look of pride appeared on his face: "I'm returning to the original state. This useless ancestor is not my opponent..."

Return to the original? The distinction between this realm of gods is really special...

The strength of Jiuxiandao is unquestionable and unparalleled. It is normal for him to have this self-confidence. He nodded at 15 o'clock and suddenly asked, "Brother, what is the strength of the eldest brother?"

"Big brother?" Jiuxiandao smiled and talked about the empty sword of the first person in Tianshan. Jiuxiandao respected him, but occasionally wanted to compete with him when he met him.

The wine fairy was serious, and then said, "The strength of the eldest brother should have reached the realm of the unity of heaven and man, but from the last match, I guess he has reached the first level of disaster. I'm afraid he will soon enter the legendary realm without sword..."