
[Chapter 268 Realm]

(Second update)

"The realm without swords?" Fifteen was stunned for half a while. Murong Yuheng said that in this world, the number of masters who reach the realm of swords will not exceed five fingers. As for whether there are hidden in the world, it is unknown, but from the known people, reaching the realm without swords is not what ordinary people can do.

When it comes to the realm of no sword and nihiken, he is the first person in Tianshan, which is under the premise of removing the eight scattered people in Tianshan. Otherwise, the title of the first person in Tianshan is not worthy of the name.

"Brother, there is actually a question I've always wanted to ask?" 15 said this sentence, which was a little embarrassing.

The wine fairy raised his eyebrows, looked at him and said, "What's the matter?"

"How to distinguish the realm in that kendo?" 15 asked, very religious.

"Realm distinction?" Jiuxiandao took a look, and this guy actually doesn't know the distinction of the realm until now. "The realm of kendo is divided into five layers. The first is the realm of spiritual movement, the shape, the second is the realm of the sword, the imperial, the third is the realm of psychic, the spirit, the fourth is the realm of God, the truth, and the fifth is the realm of no sword, which pays attention to nothing..."< /P>

"These five realms, among which are more subdivided realms, are layered. The flexible realm is divided into five layers. The first layer is the movement of the sword, and the long sword is in the hand, as fast as lightning, as slow as water. The second layer is the sword spirit, the light is thousands of feet, and the sword is like a front. The third layer is the sword marks. The sword comes and goes, leaving traces. The fourth layer is the shadow of the sword, suddenly bright and dark, The sword becomes a shadow, and the fifth layer is the meaning of the sword, which is caused by the sword..."

"This is what is contained in the spiritual realm. I don't know how much you have experienced. Now you are the first level of the imperial sword and have reached the first layer of the imperial sword. As long as you try to pour your thoughts into the inner spirit, and then enter the sword from the inner spirit, you can control the flying sword. Hey hey, this is simple. It's not so easy for you to do. You still have many more. Something to learn..."

Pour the idea into the inner spirit, and then the inner spirit enters the long sword, and you can drive it. This is the way of the imperial sword. After listening to it, the golden light suddenly flashes in his eyes. If he can integrate it, the flying of the sword is not a problem.

"Hey, stinky boy, look at you so proud..." Jiuxian said with a bad smile on her face, "Don't think too simple. The realm of the realm of the imperial sword is also divided into five realms. The first layer is the imperial sword, which is to control the flying sword, and the second layer is the Yuan sword. This layer is a little special, which is to release your own inner spirit outside the body. You don't need to use it. The sword can also be a far-reaching enemy. The third layer is to control things. Look at it..."

Jiu Xiandao knew that he had said too much, which was more convincing than the personal demonstration. When the external master fought hard, he discussed and demonstrated with 15th.

With a wave of the wine fairy's hand, a golden light has condensed in the palm of his hand. Then, he gently pushed towards a rock behind him, and suddenly, the golden light flew straight away like a meteor.


The rock was smashed to pieces.

Then, Jiu Xiandao's eyes condensed, his arm was slightly raised, and the smashed rock condensed again. This scene was extremely shocking.

Is this Yuanjian and control?

As soon as his thoughts turned around, he also understood that Yuan Jian released the inner spirit and retreated from the enemy. The control thing is to control everything. Only when there is the internal spirit of the outside can he control the thing.

The first three layers of the realm of the sword, if you think about it carefully, also have a certain arrangement order. The first layer injects the inner spirit into the object, and then integrates the idea into it. It pays attention to the idea of the sword. In this layer, when injects the inner spirit, only the sword is in the hand, that is, the fifteenth and the moon at that time. In the battle, at the last moment, Yuetu reached out to pick up the sword instead of controlling the sword, so he was defeated by the fifteenth hand.

The second layer is the Yuanjian, and the third layer is the control object. First, the inner spirit must be integrated into other objects before the object can be controlled. In this way, it is somewhat understandable.

Seeing that the fifteenth thought had an eyebrow, Jiuxiandao said again, "The fourth floor is to use the sword..."

"A sword with Qi?" It turned out that this sword was really the fourth layer. I'm afraid that the conditions of this layer are not to mention the wine fairy road. 15 also guessed that when fighting with Kaohsiung, he saw a clue.

This layer of sword is probably the one that condenses into the vitality flying sword, which is understood as controlling the sword spirit.

If you can condense the vitality sword, the realm of the Yuanjian can be done. Put the inner spirit into a long sword, but if you want to collect and release it freely to point into a sword, you must reach the level of the sword with Qi.

In the realm of the imperial sword, the control object arrives at the Qizhen sword, which is a watershed. Only when you reach the Qizhen sword can you become a master and barely be called a sword fairy.

"I understand this layer..." 15 nodded. I'm afraid that he still can't defeat the master of swords with his current kendo realm. If he fights with Kaohsiung again, in the absence of the power of heaven and the power of God, the possibility of his defeat is almost as high as eight levels.

"Okay, since you understand, I won't explain. The fifth level is soul movement..."


This is the first time I've heard it on the 15th.

"This soul movement is the same as the fifth layer of the realm of spiritual movement. It is the connection layer of the two realms. The first layer of sword meaning pays attention to the 'intention'. The first layer of the imperial sword involves the idea to control the sword, which is the connection between the two, and this layer of soul movement is also the foundation for the psychic realm, which lies in the coverage of the power of the soul... Jiu Xiandao explained.

"In fact, when it comes to the five realms of kendo, the first two realms are the real realm of kendo. As for the last three realms, all practitioners are the same, but only when we practice swords, we call it kendo..."

Indeed, from the perspective of fifteen, the first two realms are closely related to the sword, and as for the later psychic and divine realm, the relationship with the sword gradually weakens.

In terms of the realm of God, which one is related to the sword, the first layer of control, the second layer of teleportation, the third layer of volley, and the fourth layer of selflessness?

15 nodded, and then listened to the wine fairy say, "Soul movement is to use the power of your soul. It is not easy for ordinary people to cultivate the soul. The soul movement layer only gives you an opportunity to involve the power of the soul. If you really want to cultivate the power of the soul, you can only reach the soul layer..."

"You have heard of the power of the soul, right? It can assist attacks and reduce other people's sensing ability to heaven and earth. The stronger the power of the soul, the more destructive your attack power will be. This layer of soul movement is to release your own soul power..."

I understand the words of Jiuxiandao, but he has the power of heaven and the power of God, and his strength has long surpassed the psychic realm, so can he also try to cultivate the power of the soul?

When the soul is strong to a certain extent, you can perfectly hide your strength.

Speaking of the power of the soul, 15 suddenly remembered something. Yuheng said that spiritual things can be stored in the soul, but they need to reach the realm of psychic. Now listening to the explanation of the wine fairy road, there is also some truth. Before the psychic realm, there is no need to involve the power of the soul. It is only to reach the realm of psychic. Cultivated the soul and then wrapped the spiritual items in the soul. This should be what Yuheng said about storage.

Seeing that 15* did not speak, Jiuxiandao said again: "The realm of psychics is also divided into five layers. The first layer of attachment is to cover the power of the soul on the object. If this thing is spiritual, you can ingest the soul and hide..."

"Is this storage? No wonder Brother Yuheng said that he had to go to the psychic world to hide spiritual things in his soul. If it hadn't been for the strength of the other party, it would be difficult to find what was hidden in his soul... Hey hey..." 15 smiled secretly in his heart. He had many divine objects on his body, which ordinary people can't see it, but if he met Transient people, then be careful, such as gods and demons...

The wine fairy said again: "The second floor is psychic..."

"Psychic?" Fifteen suddenly shouted. He patted his head. When he first saw Fei Ling, he was on this floor.

"What's wrong?" Jiu Xiandao frowned, and these fifteen were more unruly than him.

"Brother, where are they?" Speaking of psychics, 15th thought of Feiling. Along the way, he didn't find the two of them.

"Don't worry about this. I asked them to wait outside the valley. It's too strange here. I'm afraid that the two of them can't cope with it..." The wine fairy road looked around. The breath was intertwined, the swords and shadows flew, and the Crescent Bay had already been in a mess.

PS: There should be another update in the evening...