
[Chapter 314 Departure]

"Really?" Dad was overjoyed. He suddenly stood up and was about to kneel down to thank him, but 15 held him and said simplely, "Uncle, this time I'm not for..." 15 looked at Xiaoqing, "I just want to go to the capital to find Su Li..."

Dad was stunned, and two sharp rays spewed out of his eyes. His words were already in front of him. If he guarded Chi Qiuguo from the 15th army, he would give his daughter to him. How could this be taken back?

"Brother Qianhong, am I really so unbearable?" Xiaoqing is also quite straightforward. She doesn't like Fifteen, but she is quite curious, but Fifteen refuses to talk to her so much, which makes her extremely annoyed and resentful.

"Xiaoqing, you, you misunderstood... I, I'm not, no..." 15 didn't know what to do. He smiled and scratched his head fiercely, but he didn't know what to say next.

"Humph..." Xiaoqing suddenly felt extremely wronged and turned around and ran out. Fifteen smiled bitterly. What on earth should he do? He stood still and could he agree to his father's proposal?

Xiaoqing is indeed handsome and charming. Dad is still very confident in his daughter, but in fifteen eyes, this Xiaoqing is at most on the same level as Fuyao. It is okay to treat her as a sister. If she really wants to rise to a certain height, it is also very difficult.

"I don't care about your young people's affairs. Since you have promised to help me Chi Qiuguo from the army, let's go in three days..." Dad is also a human spirit, and now he has dumped all the young people's affairs. In fact, he was really reluctant to give his daughter to the 15th, and he also saw that there was no shortage of women's likes on the 15th.

15 sighed, what exactly did Xiaoqing think? Do you want to go out and see her? Fifteen was not sure. His perception could accurately know Xiaoqing's location, but he wanted to find her, but he felt uncertain.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and walked out of the wooden house to the grass by the stream. Xiaoqing is dipping her feet in the water, as if rippling happily. Hearing someone approaching, he secretly glanced at it and immediately turned his head and hummed.

"Xiaoqing, that..." 15* is not good at words. He is not pleasant, and the people who like him all see his unique temperament.

After a long time, the bright moon is in the sky, and a disk-like moon hangs high, and the moon before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival looks comfortable.

The breeze is gentle and a little cool, but it is also a little sad.

Xiaoqing shrank and finally said, "Brother Qianhong, you are the strangest person I have ever seen in my life..."

"Strange?" Seeing Xiaoqing opening his mouth, 15 suddenly felt that the unhappiness of the two had disappeared. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Where is the strange?"

"I don't know. Anyway, you give me this feeling... But I don't like you deeply..." Xiaoqing said quietly and couldn't see her expression.

The fifteenth look solemn, what does Xiaoqing mean?

"So, even if you just agreed to Dad, I won't be with you..."

So, a stone suddenly fell in his heart, but he felt something was wrong. When he was about to ask, Xiaoqing had stood up and stepped on the grass with her wet feet, which was crystal clear and very cute. As if she knew the 15th Institute to ask, she said, "No matter what, I'm still a girl. You and you just refuse me in front of me, but you also say that you refuse me for another woman. How do you, let me and I meet people? Difficult, am I really not as good as that Su Li?

Xiaoqing was slightly annoyed, and a few words aroused her mood. But when he saw it, he suddenly smiled in his heart. He still thought it was difficult to do this matter?

"I'm sorry, Xiaoqing, I, I have never seen Su Li..."

"Have you never seen it?" Xiaoqing's eyes suddenly widened, but she also felt that her speech was a little inappropriate at this moment, and her eyes turned red with shame. "What's the matter with me? Humph, you are a little stupid... I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going back..."

Without waiting for 15 to finish speaking, Xiaoqing picked up her shoes and ran back barefoot, leaving 15 with an incomprehensible back.

Dad is right. Chiqiu and Chongyang are at war, and the war has been continuous, which has caused countless wives to disperse and families to die. Mumian Village is a small mountain village in Chiqiu Country. It is sparsely populated. At the head of this national disaster, it is inevitable to choose a son to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

At the third hour of the day, hundreds of people in the village gathered at the gate of their father's house with torches. At this time, I didn't know that my father was the village head of the whole Mumian village. Now in order to send the village's children to the front line, he actually mobilized the whole village to see them off.

Dad waved his hands, and the noisy crowd suddenly calmed down. He shouted, "Our country is fighting with Chongyang. The iron horse of Chongyang is about to cross the border and take the hinterland of Chiqiu. If they succeed, our people will become slaves of war. At that time, it will be difficult for any of you to stay out of it. In order to defend our homeland, we have to fight against the enemy and drive the Chongyang dog thief out of my late autumn country..."

Dad's words were impassioned, and of course he also spit. Finally, he waved his hand again, and dozens of young men suddenly appeared in the crowd. When they walked out of the crowd, the population suddenly decreased by a quarter.

These are all young blood...

15 stood beside his father and looked at these young men, and suddenly there was a sense of sadness in his heart, as if these young soldiers would not return.

He shook his head vigorously, but found that a small hand had held him. Shiwu turned her head slightly, and Xiaoqing was biting her lips: "Brother Qianhong, will you come back?"

Her question puzzled 15 again. Since Xiaoqing didn't like herself enough, how did she ask this sentence? And looking at her, she seemed to be particularly nervous.

Fifteen is just a half-hearted person. He doesn't understand. Looking at Xiaoqing's appearance, he has never been more beautiful than this moment.

15 nodded subconsciously, and he whispered, "I will definitely come back..." He smiled, but suddenly his eyebrows tightened and glanced over his head, but he found an angry cheek.

He was stunned. Isn't that the rock tiger? Fifteen laughed twice and didn't say anything.

"Well, children, you pack up and set out with me. Let's go to the town to meet the children of other villages, and then go to the national capital together..."

Before Dad finished speaking, those young men went back to the crowd to say goodbye to their relatives. Among the people, he was only 15 years old. He went alone and didn't care at all. Speaking of concern, 15 suddenly thought of Chan Lian.

"Oh, my eldest brother and I entered the space channel. Chan Lian should not know yet... A few days have passed, and I don't know how she is doing. Will she still be by the blue lake? Will it still be in Zhanlan Town? Fifteen was anxious for a while, but finally sighed. Now that the scourge of the war, I don't know when I can go back.

"Cun Lian, it seems that it will make you wait for a long time..." Fifteen smiled.

"Who are you thinking about? Is it the woman named Su Li?" Seeing Xiaoqing coming to make fun of herself, the only thing she could do was to smile. It seems that Xiaoqing doesn't care about Su Li at all.

"Brother Qianhong, I just told my father that I will go to town with you..." Xiaoqing smiled and looked much better than before. The unknown 15 was shocked and said, "Xiaoqing, are you also going to join the army?"

"Bah, I'm not going. I'm just going to go to the town with you..." Xiaoqing said, but a trace of tears suddenly flashed in her eyes. She glanced at her head and tried not to let 15 see it.

"Oh..." Just as 15 was about to say something else, the father over there shouted, "Boys, get ready to go..."

As soon as his words fell, the crowd decreased by a quarter again, and as these young people left, the anger in the village seemed to decline a lot.

Dozens of young men looked back step by step until the lights of Mumian Village disappeared into the thick morning fog that they accelerated their pace slightly.

PS: I don't know what to say... That's it... Hey hey