
[Chapter 315 Converge]

There are more than a dozen small villages that are the same as Mumian Village, and dozens of people will join the army in each village. There are hundreds of these people together.

Nearly two hours after walking, the people in Mumian Village have arrived in Huanshan Town, the town where Dad gathered.

Huanshan Town is surrounded by mountains and rivers. Under the cold autumn wind, it also has a special meaning. The young men in Mumian Village are dusty, and their temples have overflowed with a trace of sweat.

Dad waved his hand and shouted, "Young men, Huanshan Town has arrived. Let's go in and rest for a while. After all the neighbors and villages arrive, you will go to the national capital and embark on a journey to protect your country."

The young men looked at each other and their cheeks were red, obviously a little excited. But among these people, except for 15 people, the reason why he joined the army was to meet Su Li one day. Moreover, Chiqiu is a country that Su Li sacrificed her own happiness to defend. As a friend, it is incumbent on him. In this way, this military service has also become a disguised way to help Su Li relieve the siege.

"Brother Qianhong, in a while, we will be separated..." Xiao Qingbei bit her teeth tightly, and her two small hands were constantly entangled. She seemed to have something to say in her heart, but she didn't know how to say it.

The father took a look at his daughter and knew what she was thinking. It seemed that the rejection of her on the 15th day did not have no impact on her. But what can he do? There is only sigh.

15 looked at the crowd, and then looked into the distance. There were also young men from other villages, but he didn't hear Xiaoqing's words.

No matter how good a person's hearing is, it won't help if he doesn't listen attentively. Seeing that 15 ignored him, Xiaoqing was annoyed and hummed and ran to her father. When Dad saw her appearance, he immediately shook his head and was ashamed.

"Xiaoqing..." However, the Yanhu beside him was alert and hurried forward to talk to her. After all, the two were childhood sweethearts' playmates. Xiaoqing still treated Yanhu as if he was a big brother.

"Brother Yanhu, you should be careful when you join the army this time. We are all looking forward to everyone's safe return..." Xiaoqing said with a smile, which was as fragrant as osmanthus.

Yanhu was stunned. He nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, Xiaoqing, I will definitely come back safely. At that time, then..." He bulged up all the surges, closed his eyes and shouted, "At that time, Xiaoqing, you must marry me..."

However, Xiaoqing disappeared. Yanhu was slightly stunned and looked into the distance, only to find that 15 had quickly entered the town, and Xiaoqing had not known when to follow him.

"Alas..." This scene was seen by the father of the experienced people. Seeing that Yanhu was looking at Xiaoqing and the back of 15 in a daze, he came forward and patted Yanhu on the shoulder, "Young man, you have to cheer up..."

When Yanhu heard the words, his face turned red, but his eyes suddenly became firm. With the encouragement of Xiaoqing's father, what else could he be afraid of? Now he recovered and quickly walked to the town.

The flow of people in Huanshan Town is many times higher than usual. Of course, this is because young men from nearby villages are going to the battlefield, and many people come to see them off.

The square in the center of the town is overcrowded. Several village chiefs gathered together and the mayor of Huanshan Town delivered a personal speech to express their most cordial condolences to the soldiers who are about to go to the front line.

The mayor is young, but he has a big belly and fat and oily. It doesn't look like a very period of war. Those who should eat still eat, and those who should play still play.

Suddenly, there was an impulse to hold him around three times.

"This time, it is not small to go to the front line. Chongyang has devoted all its national strength and is about to destroy my Chiqiu Kingdom. On the one hand, I, Chiqiu to discuss peace with Pan Ziguo, but on the other hand, it is also prepared to fight backwater... This battle is crucial, so you have to fight me hard and kill the enemy. Lida..." The fat mayor said so much that he spit, which was more than twice as strong as his father.

Finally, he said slowly: "This time, our young man will go to the national capital and arrange the same training until he goes to the battlefield... But before going to the national capital, we must first select several leaders to manage hundreds of future pillars..."

As soon as the mayor's words fell, a voice suddenly sounded. As usual, the recruits were led by a leader who had experienced the battlefield, and then quickly took them to the national capital to record*, and then collective training, but they had never heard of the need to elect a head of the household.

I only heard the mayor say, "Of course, this head is just for the convenience of managing everyone, and our new leader also needs to see the strength of your sons... That is to say, the heads of household we selected are the most powerful among hundreds of people..."

There was silence off the court. This was a disguised challenge, but it was crowned with words such as war, defending the country, and selection. The mayor said again, "There are no rules for this selection. As long as someone feels that they are strong, they can come up. Others have challenged one after another, and a total of five household leaders are selected, each leading 100 people..."

Before the mayor's words fell, the ground was boiling. The head of this household led a hundred people, which is equivalent to a leader, even if he has an official and a half. When these children heard such a**, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely lively.

Suddenly, a strong man volunteered to step forward and stepped on the already set up ring. He gently stamped his foot, and the whole ring trembled three times.

"This man's strength is not weak, and he is not much different from the spiritual realm..." 15 looked at the strong man and muttered in his heart.

From the past few days, he found that human beings in the original Chinese world are not as strong as in the world. Of course, this is for people with martial arts in the world, and there is no difference between those soldiers between dynasties. It's just that there are monks in the world who have already surpassed mortals many times.

While shaking his head, a big man jumped into the ring and fought with the previous man. After a few rounds, the big man who went up later had been defeated.

At this time, the strong man who won the victory roared, and the crowd under him was dizzy and shouted loudly.

15 has no interest in this kind of comparison. In his eyes, these things are like a child's family. He silently stared at the young men around him, who were indirectly or directly helping Su Li. Although she doesn't know who Su Li is, 15 knows that she can definitely help her better when she joins in the army.

"Bang..." There was a soft sound on the stage, and one person was thrown down from the stage, and the one left on the stage was the rock tiger in Mumian Village.

At this time, the young men around him turned red and seemed to be very excited. Everyone saw the strength of Yanhu, and they were really excited to have an elected head of household in Mumian Village.

After an hour, this short selection was over, but Xiaoqing, who stood in the crowd with 15th, stared at herself and seemed to be a little disappointed.

15 He didn't care. He spread out his hands and didn't know what expression it was. If he wanted to fight, take down the wooden sword at his waist and wave it casually, more than half of the people in the square would be killed or injured.

What does he have to show off in front of these ordinary people who have not even reached the spiritual realm?

What is completely different from Xiaoqing's idea is Dad. He stares deeply at 15 and only feels that there is a faint sense of horror on this young man, which is entirely because he has experienced the battlefield and has a strong feeling of this horrible breath.

He felt that 15* did not fight, which made his guess more certain: this person is unfathomable...

The mayor stood on the ring again and announced the results, and finally he solemnly invited the leader to the scene.

The leader is nearly middle-aged. He walked and stared at his eyebrows, and a faint power was natural.

When he saw him, he was slightly stunned. The strength of the leader had reached the beginning of agility, and there was a faint tendency to break through to the second level.

"Wow, there is finally a spiritual situation..."