
Chapter 5 Rebirth in a Different World

The extremely strong pain swept over the whole body in an instant, and then the eyes were dark. Locke felt that his soul was being stripped away little by little. Ah!" Locke screamed sadly.

"Are I going to die? I'm still so young, dad and mom..." Locke called in a low voice.

When Locke woke up, he found that it was dark around him.

"Have I been blind?" Locke stretched out his fingers in a panic and shook it in front of his eyes, and ten white and slender fingers really looked at it.

I'm not blind. What on earth happened? What is this? Locke tried to think hard, but he couldn't remember. There seemed to be only a blank space in his brain.

"Who am I? Who the hell am I? Am I dead?" Locke was terrified.

"No, you are not dead. Your name is Tanatos, and you are the god of death that everyone fears!" A majestic and magnetic voice sounded in my ear.

Tanatos - Death, what a strange word! Locke opened his frightened eyes and stared blankly at the tall figure.

"So, who are you?" Locke asked carefully. That figure seems to have been seen somewhere. Locke felt that there seemed to be a strong aura around the man, which created a sense of oppression and made him afraid.

"I'm Pluto - Hades, you are my entourage." The man turned around and faced Locke.

Rock was stunned. This man wrapped in a black robe has a silver mask on his face. He must have seen it somewhere, or how could he feel so familiar?

"Yes, my lord!" Locke replied mechanically, as if the sound was not from his own mouth, but only because of his body.

"This is the underworld. In the future, all affairs in the world will be handled by you. If you can't decide, please report it to me." Pluto's words were majestic and unquestionable, and his tone was so cold that it could freeze all over his body.

"Yes, my lord!" Locke responded blankly.

So, what kind of place is the underworld? It is the destination of people's death. After their death, the gods, Hermes, took them to the underworld. Here, there is a big black river, the Akejon River, also known as the River of Pain. The river blocks the way forward. Those who want to enter the underworld must first pass through this river. Those who want to cross the river must also pay a gold coin, otherwise they will be ruthlessly thrown into the river by Karon, the ferryman of the Styx River. Akerong's water is much lighter than the water in the Yang world. Even if feathers are thrown in, they will sink to the bottom of the river. Unless by Caron's ferry, the dead will sink to the bottom of the river and be eroded. Finally, the ashes will disappear and will never be reincarnated.

After crossing the river, there is a vast gray plain, which is called the Garden of Truth. The undead are judged by the three judges of the underworld: Minos, Ladamantis and Iacos. There are two roads connecting to the place of happiness - Elysee Paradise and the place of pain - hell. Between Elysee and Hell, a magnificent palace is built, which is the bedroom of Hades.

Next, Locke, that is, Tanatos, began to take office.

Every day, Tanatos strictly examines the list of dead who enter the underworld, creates a book of good and evil according to what they did before their lives, and submits it to Pluto for approval. For those who are innocent and kind-hearted, their souls are led to Fukushima - Elysee Paradise, where they live a happy life. On the contrary, those who commit crimes and commit crimes are taken to hell and subjected to cruel punishment, which is the work of the three goddesses.

The names of the three goddesses of revenge are Namis, Eris and Keres. They have snake hair on their heads, bleeding tears in their eyes, wings on their shoulders, torches and viper whips. Usually, they chase murderers on the ground, especially blood-killers, which makes their consciences suffer and go crazy.

There are also some people who, although they are dead, their wishes in the world have not been fulfilled, or are still greedy for the wealth and glory of Yangjian. Therefore, even if the souls of the dead have been introduced into the underworld, they always wander on the other side of Akron and refuse to take the ferry of Charon. At this time, Tanatos will personally leave the horse and drive them into the boat. Unexpectedly, after thousands of years of doing this, Tanatos was really bored and asked Pluto to give him divine power. Pluto agreed to his request to impart the "Hell Fire" to him. With the "Hell Fire", it is much easier for Tanatos to work. As long as he gives instructions, flames will fly out to carry out the order to drive him. What those dead souls are most afraid of is the underworld fire. As long as the underworld fire appears, no matter how horizontal the dead souls are, they will obediently queue up and wait for the ferry.

Pluto spends most of his time in the underworld and occasionally inspects his subordinates' work. He always holds a golden sword and rides a black chariot pulled by four gods, coming alone and going alone.

When Pluto saw that Tanatos handled the affairs of the underworld in an orderly manner, he was very satisfied. Gradually, wherever he went, he took Tanatos with him, even the regular meeting of God held every four years.

The regular meeting of the gods presided over by Zeus is held on Mount Olympus every four years. Twelve main gods must be present, and second-class gods such as Tanatos cannot go to the Temple of Olympia unless there is a divine call. Even so, Pluto always took Tanatos and let him sit in the position of the deputy of the carriage, holding a golden sword and waiting outside the hall.

Pluto also often takes Tanatos to some important banquets. At those banquets, Tanatos saw the charming sun god - Apollo; the beautiful and elegant moon god - Artemis; the beautiful goddess of wisdom - Athena; the naughty and cute little love god - Eros; gentle and rude mixture of contradictions, the sea king - Poseidon...

Finally, Tanatos fixed his eyes on Zeus, the almighty god. It was a charming blonde man. He was handsome, holding a scepter symbolizing theocracy, sitting high on the shining golden throne, and every god would offer him a wine. A sense of disgust arises spontaneously. He doesn't deserve the title of God King at all. He is selfish, despicable, shameless, insidious and vicious... He doesn't deserve to sit on the shining golden throne at all... Tanatos was shocked by his own idea, which is the following offense and he wants to lose his head. Tanatos hurriedly restrained his mind and stood behind Pluto.