
Chapter 6 Death's Confusion

A flash of thousands of years have passed. During this period, when Tanatos went on an err and passed through the Caucasus Mountain, he saw the bound Titan-Prometheus. Prometheus, what a familiar name. I seem to have known this name a long time ago. However, no matter what he thinks, he just can't remember.

It was a stormy night. The poor Titan was soaked in the rain, and the rain flowed down his hair into his eyes, nostrils, mouth and ears.

Prometheus was tied tightly by chains and could not move. The chain sank deeply into his skin, and the blood was quickly washed away by the rain, but he did not even frown. He looked like a stubborn human.

tanatos was pitied and couldn't bear to let Prometheus suffer any more. He said to Prometheus, "Why don't you go to the underworld? The Elysees there will make you forget your pain."

Tanatus raised the sickle in his hand and was about to cut off Prometheus' head. Just then, Morus appeared and he shouted, "Shut! Tanatos, do you want to disobey the metaphor of Zeus?

Zeus again! Tanatos frowned. He was so disgusted with the name that he almost spit.

"Don't you know? Prometheus tried to steal the fire and destroy the sacred objects of the universe. Zeus sent me to punish him. Don't mind your own business!" After saying that, Morus turned into a vicious eagle, stretched out his claws, and grabbed the giant's chest fiercely.

"Ah!" With the tragic cry of the giant, a bloody heart was caught. Morus chewed Prometheus' heart, and blood flowed down his pointed hooked eagle's beak.

Tanatos was trembling and thought: This cruel torture is not an exasurpassable way to treat those extremely evil prisoners. However, this giant stole the fire to human beings out of sympathy for human beings. It is a good deed. Evil should be punished, and good deeds should also be punished. Is this the principle of doing things for God? Tanatos felt confused for the first time.

The following days have been spent in contradictions, and Tanatos increasingly felt that he was out of place with the world.

Occasionally, Pluto will ask Tanatos to drink with him, saying that it is to accompany him, but in fact it is to pour wine. Pluto always stood on the bank of the river, with his back to Tanatos, looking at the dark water and drinking alone. The transparent goblet is filled with the wine that is only available in the underworld. Whenever Pluto finished drinking a glass of wine, Tanatos came forward to fill the glass, and the golden wine pot he held was an endless wine. Usually, Pluto only drinks three cups and orders Tanatos to retreat, but today, Pluto has drunk the sixth cup.

I don't know if this wine will be intoxicating? Tanatos thought to himself. He feels that Pluto is strange today, as if he is full of worries. Tanatos was about to speak when Pluto seemed to know what he was going to say and made a gesture to stop him.

"Do you know, Tanatos, this Styx breeds pain. Even if it is a god, if it falls in, it will lose its divine power."

Tanatos didn't understand why Pluto suddenly said this, so he had to say carefully, "Please make it clear!"

"Alas! In fact, it's better to be a mortal than a god. Pluto suddenly sighed. Tanatos felt that today's Pluto was different from usual and seemed to have something on his mind. He didn't dare to say much, so he had to lower his head and continue to pour wine.

"You can have a drink, too." When he said this, Pluto suddenly had an extra cup in his hand.

"This... I dare not." Tanatos said in a hurry. He has always had a sense of respect and fear for Pluto.

"You have been following me for ten thousand years, and I know you very well. But do you know me? King in this dark underworld seems to be high, but who can feel the cold in that high place? Obviously, it is the role of underworld wine, which is the longest sentence that Pluto has ever said.

Taking over the wine glass handed over by Pluto, Tanatos was at a loss. Ten thousand years, how long is ten thousand years, I don't have any concept of time. He just felt that he had gained something and seemed to have lost something at the same time.

"It's done! If you are still a man." Pluto's words are majestic and irresistible.

Tanatos had to drink up the glass of transparent **. The wine tasted nothing, and he even suspected that it was just a glass of water. Tanatos looked at Pluto doubtfully.

"Because your heart is as calm as water, you can't taste anything. Drink this cup!" The same majesty is irresistible.

Tanatos had to take another glass of wine, which had been drunk by Pluto. As soon as the wine was in its mouth, it was sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty... It was hard to say what it was like. It was simply mixed flavors. Tanatos looked at Pluto again in surprise.

"Do you know? Eternal life is like this glass of wine. One day you will taste it. I hope you can understand me at that time.

Pluto turned around and faced the dark water, leaving only Tanatos a back. This back is magnificent and straight, but there is an indescribable melancholy and loneliness.