
Chapter 7 Blood Blade of Light

For the world, it is another dark night, and there is only eternal night, eternal night.

Tanatos stood there in a daze. He still didn't understand Pluto's words. Since Pluto did not order him to leave, he had to accompany Pluto.

"Tanatos, go get my helmet!" After a long time, Pluto finally opened his mouth.

"Helmet?" Tanatos thought he had heard it wrong, "Your Excellency, are you going out? Can you let your subordinates accompany you?" Tanatos knew that Pluto's helmet could make him invisible. Unless there was a war, Pluto would not use the helmet. Tanatos couldn't help but worry and thought to himself: Doesn't Pluto want me to accompany him?

Tanatos put a black cloak on Pluto.

"Your Excellency, please take this with you!" Tanatos held out Pluto's "Blood Blade of Light".

The "Blood Blade of Light" is the treasure of the underworld and the weapon of Pluto. It is the corner of the crystal ball broken by Prometheus. It looks like a remnant moon and is golden all over. That's because Pluto soaked it with his own blood for 10,000 years and applied divine power. It was born for Pluto, and only Pluto can drive it. Ten thousand years ago, Pluto defeated Bimon with it, but now, it lies there quietly and has not licked blood for a long time.

Pluto glanced at Anatos coldly and said slowly, "I'm going to meet a woman, not to fight."

Tanatos lowered his head in panic, because he knew that once the "blood blade of light" roared the sky, it would bring blood and light to the three worlds.

When Pluto saw that he was very frightened, he knew that he was worried about himself, so he softened his tone and said, "No one dares to do anything to me, because I am Pluto."

In the worried eyes of Tanatos, Pluto spread his wings and flew away.

Converce your mind. With divine consciousness, Pluto can receive any information from heaven and earth. Even if there is a whirring wind in his ear, he will not be affected at all. Gradually, a slight sob came into the eardrum, and the sound came from the Temple of Olympia. In order to avoid Artemis's moon car and night patrol gods, Pluto hid himself in the thick fog with an invisible helmet.

Pluto put away his wings, appeared behind the temple, and quietly dived in. The temple was surprisingly quiet, and only the remaining sacred flame flashed brightly and darkly. Suddenly, the lights in the hall were bright. The light made Pluto dizzy.

"Hahaha..." Zeus appeared surrounded by the gods.

Suddenly, a feeling of being fooled hit Pluto's heart. Sure enough, Hera, the woman fascinated by Pluto, leaned against Zeus's arms, and the two lips he had kissed feverishly were spitting out such a voice: "Hadis, don't dream! Who would like to live in the dark underworld with you? Go back, I'll be the queen soon. Hahaha..." Hera laughed presumptuously, and the twisted face was as ugly as a snake.

Sum, the throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood ejaculated wildly. Pluto staggered a few steps and almost fell down.

Zeus, the youngest brother, gave up the position of Emperor of Heaven in return for his life-saving grace (It was Zeus who used spitting medicine to save Hades and four brothers and sisters, including Poseidon, from his father's belly). Now, does the high-ranking god king still think of himself as his brother? Unexpectedly, even his beloved woman will be taken away. His forbearance and concession do not mean that he is afraid of him. How could Pluto, who has always been high, be humiliated? Suddenly, he jumped up and rushed over with an arrow...

"Bold, Hades!" With a loud shout, Ares' spear suddenly poked over.

Pluto was caught off guard when he hit his chest. The spear came out through his black cloak. There is no pain at all, just anger, anger...

Pluto's eyes spewed flames and roared: "I'm not willing! I swear that even if I shed the last drop of blood, I will take revenge... revenge..." Pluto's voice gradually faded, and in a trance, he only saw the proud smile of Nemisis.