
Chapter 9 The Doom of Titan

30,000 years ago, Zeus created human beings. He let human beings live on the earth and made human beings pay sacrifices such as horses, cattle and sheep to the gods.

However, the land is cold and wet, full of swamps, and the low roar of beasts comes from time to time in the dark, filled with the smell of death.

Weak human beings struggle in the dark. They live a life of drinking blood, suffer from diseases, and are constantly attacked and swallowed by beasts. All this was seen by the kind Titan giant, Prometheus, whose heart tightened little by little.

There is a dead silence around, and only the Temple of Olympia is always bright. Prometheus quietly walked to the temple, where there was a source of fire that could bring light to human beings. The huge crystal ball contains incomparable energy, and the beating flame in it shines with enchanting light.

"Come on, take me! Come on, come on..." A magical voice was calling to Prometheus.

Prometheus stretched out his hand to the crystal ball...

"No, Prometheus!"

"Ah!" It was Athena, Prometheus exclaimed. As soon as he failed, the crystal ball fell to the floor with a bang. Boom, the crystal ball burst and flew away.

"Hahaha..." After a burst of laughter, the heat wave hit. The ferocious face of Hevast appeared above the temple.

There was chaos in the temple, and the gods came from all directions.

Hwystals has been sealed in the crystal ball for a long time. He absorbed the energy of the crystal ball, and he himself has the power of fire. As soon as he appeared, the temperature of the whole Olympian Temple suddenly rose.

"Ah!" Hevast roared and vented the resentment that had accumulated in his heart for many years. Huge flames rushed out from his head. "Huh," and the Temple of Olympia burned.

Aris danced a spear. His spear turned into countless lights and shadows, especially like golden snakes, spitting letters and pounced on Heweistos' body.

Athena stretched out her left hand, and an Aegis immediately appeared in her hand. She clenched her right hand into a fist, and immediately held a golden spear in her right hand. The goddess of war jumped out of Zeus' head, and her power was almost unmatched. Athena's golden shield burst into thousands of rays of light, like a golden wall. With a "bang", it hit Heweistos and sealed Heweistos' retreat in an in an flash.

Hevast was forced to have no way out and was finally tied up by the two gods of war.

In the chaos, Prometheus flew up and kicked down the source of the fire.

Since then, there has been a fire in the world, and the round part of the bursting crystal ball has become the sun, the curved part has become the moon, and the scattered fragments have become full of stars. The whole universe is full of peaceful light.

Zeus was furious: "Bold, Prometheus, do you know your guilt? You untied the seal of Vulcan without authorization, so that the temple was almost destroyed. I want to punish you! I'm going to punish you..."

Zeus is completely crazy. He tore off the veil of mercy and roared hysterically, "Molos, where is Moros?" Tanatos, go and call Molos for me. I'm going to tie Prometheus to the Caucasus Mountain and strike him with a thunderbolt shield every day. I want Moros to become a vulture and peck his heart every night until he pleads guilty!"

Kindness and compassion brought terrible doom to Prometheus. From then on, the poor Titan was bound to the Caucasus Mountain. Day after day, year after year, he not only had to withstand the erosion of wind, frost, rain and snow, but also had to endure the great pain of lightning and heart loss...