
With the rupture of the cosmic sacred object, the crystal ball, Apollo and Artemis were born. At the same time, because the huge energy stored inside the crystal ball spread to the universe and was absorbed by everything, the demon world and the demon world were also born one after another.

For 20,000 years, when Prometheus was tied to the Caucasus Mountains and suffered the pain of heart loss, and Heweistos was sealed in the polar abyss and endured the pain of ice grinding, the demons and demons gradually became stronger, especially the demons, who were the most powerful. They lived on the abundant oasis of water and grass in the Westland, where they established a powerful empire - * Demon Kingdom.

*The king of the demon kingdom is called Qi'ao.

Qiao is a person close to God. He has a similar appearance to God. The difference is that he has a pair of red pupils, red hair, a pair of golden horns on his head, and a pair of black wings on his back.

Qiao can drive clouds and drive fog, can change his body at will, and is good at using magic and illusion.

The demon king Qi'ao and his princess, as well as the young prince, live in the Moller Palace, the palace of the Demon Kingdom.

Because of absorbing too much energy, the members of the demon clan have a huge body and a terrible appearance.

Among them, Hydra is the most terrifying. Hydra is a nine-headed magic snake. Its nine heads have the ability to regenerate, and any of them will grow again. There is also Saberas, a magic dog with three heads. Its nose is particularly sensitive and can smell the smell of people a few kilometers away; its hearing is also extremely sharp, and it can hear sounds from a few kilometers away; its eyes are quite bright and can distinguish between true and false and good and evil. Saberas's task is to guard the front door of the Moller Palace, while Hydra is responsible for guarding the back door of the Moller Palace. Hydra and Saberas are the lowest demons and can only exist in the form of beasts.

The messenger of the demon clan is called Khaliba, also known as the double-headed vulture. It is a monster with a human head and a bird's head, mainly responsible for conveying the orders of the demon king. Khaliba is a lower-class demon clan. He can't do magic, only illusion, and can transform into human beings.

There are also twelve night patrol demons named Qiu Bai in the demon clan. They usually transform into beautiful men and women. They are responsible for playing instrumental music and dance for the royal family or guests' entertainment. At night, they transform into monsters with giant wings and are responsible for the task of night patrol. Night Patrol is a member of the higher demon clan and is good at using magic and illusion.

*The national teacher of the demon kingdom is named Pierre, an elder who is both civil and martial arts and has profound magic and illusions. Piero assisted the demon king in handling state affairs and was also the teacher of the royal children. In his spare time, he taught the children magic and illusion. Pierre is a higher member of the demon clan, and his status is second only to the royal family.

There is also the Gorgon family guarding the border of the western continent. The Gorgon family has three sisters. The eldest sister's name is Sina, and the second sister's name is Yuri Ellie. They are ugly snake-haired girls, with immortal bodies and belong to the demon clan. The third sister's name is Medusa. She is a beautiful woman. She is mortal and does not belong to the demon clan.

Between demons and demons, as well as some other tribes, they often fought for trivial matters such as fighting for territory, but they were all taken over by Qi'ao. Qi'ao's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and the national strength of the demon kingdom is also at its best. The power of the demon clan is like a flame in the wind, which is unstoppable. Soon, the demons went deep to the west and gradually wiped out the demons who were suffering from the world.

The devil Qi'ao is the king of benevolence and righteousness. He is open-minded, bright, and has made a wide range of friends from all walks of life. He enjoys a high reputation in the three worlds. Even the gods on Mount Olympus have known him. Although Zeus knew that there was such a person, he turned a deaf ear. As the main god in the universe - Zeus, he thinks he is an omnipotent god, supreme and extremely noble. How can he pay attention to those monsters, mountain spirits and tree monsters?