
Chapter 16 Visitors in the Lake

When Locke woke up, the shadow had turned west, and even the tired bird had fluttered its wings and returned to its nest. The road is ahead, maybe not, but someone has to drive.

Locke touched the so-called "magic wand" and accelerated his pace. Along the way, he waved his wand and cut through the thorns. He regarded it as an axe to open the way.

When night fell, I finally walked out of the forest. Suddenly, Locke saw a sparkling lake.

"I haven't taken a shower for a long time. It stinks!" Locke sniffed his clothes and couldn't help frowning.

Locke grew up in the palace, not only pave and live a good life, but also served by maidservants to eat and dress, let alone take a shower. Since the fall of the West Earth, he has become a wandering beggar and a hunted prey. He doesn't know how many days have passed and how long he hasn't taken a shower. Locke looked at the dirty skin and couldn't help rejecting himself.

Locke looked around as if there was no one. That clear lake is really a great**. No matter, he pulled off the rags and jumped into the water with a fish leap.

The water is cool, not cold or hot. Locke slowly moved his arm, and the water wave rippled a circle of beautiful ripples around him.

This is a beautiful teenager, a standard beautiful man. The lines of the face are angular, and the body is fit and slender; the wheat-colored skin is full of strength and beauty, the texture is clear, and there is no fat in the whole body; especially the two slender legs are well-proportioned and infitting. This is a human body. At any time, as long as he transforms into a human, it is like this. Unless he specifically wants to transform into someone, it is another matter.

The lake is extremely vast, and further east is a large mountain, which is connected by mountains. I don't know how heavy it is.

After a rest, you can fly over those mountains at night and enjoy the tranquility first. It's been so comfortable for a long time. Locke gently stretched his limbs on the rippling lake. The action was elegant and wonderful, which was absolutely eye-catching. If a beautiful woman saw it at this moment, it would be strange not to frighten.

Locke sometimes paddles on the surface of the water and sometimes dives into the water. The water of the lake is clear, but it is also unusually deep, as if it is bottomless. What's more strange is that he dived for a long time and didn't see a fish, let alone any other underwater creatures.

Gradually, the water is a little cold. Perhaps it's late at night, and this human body can't adapt to the cold of the night. Locke floated to the surface of the water.

Raise your head, wipe the drops of water on your face, and then look at the sky, stars have emerged. He was about to row to the shore when the water temperature suddenly dropped, and the cold air permeated his whole body for a moment, and his hands and feet seemed to be stiff and unconscious. Locke was inexplicably surprised. This area, this season, should not be so cold. It's underwater. This cold comes from underwater!

Locke glanced at the water behind him, which was not tight, and he was shocked. I don't know when a huge dark shadow, like a ghost, accompanied by extreme deep cold, is quietly approaching the surface of the water. No, it should be forced towards him.

What would that be? Could it be that Zeus sent to kill his god? I'm afraid it should be a god to be able to approach so quickly and quietly without being noticed by yourself. Locke opened his red pupils, and the magic around him resisted the piercing cold.

Sum, Locke saw two bright lights and a white shadow in the darkness. He can't see it clearly, indicating that there is still a long way to go.

It's better to hide first. Thinking of this, Locke restrained his breath, waved his arms, cut open the water, and struggled to swim to the shore. When he got ashore, he quickly hid behind the rock, showing only two eyes and staring closely at the lake.

After a moment, with a "bang", there was a wild wave on the lake, a huge thing drilled out of the water, and two blue ghost fires hung in the air.

The giant approached the shore quickly and quietly.

Locke hid behind the rocks and held his breath, but his heart was pounding wildly. What will this be? Did you meet a monster again?

Closer, closer, a man in white jumped down from the giant. The man stood on the shore for a moment, walked back and forth a few times, and then walked straight to Locke's hiding place.

Has it been discovered? Shit, I'm dead this time! Locke secretly complained in his heart: It's all his fault. If it hadn't been for the enjoyment, he might have flown over those mountains by now. Locke was regretting, but the man stopped dozens of meters away from him and did nothing for a long time.

Locke peeked and saw the person with his back to him through the faint starlight. The night wind blew the man's long black hair, making the figure look particularly lonely.

A faint fragrance penetrated into the nostrils. I don't know whether it was the fragrance of flowers in the mountains or the sachet worn by the man. Although I haven't smelled it, it smells very good. Well, it smells good! Locke couldn't help moving his nose a few times.

For a long time, there was a low sigh as if he was disappointed. The man turned around and walked back, climbed up the huge thing and went to the center of the lake. The huge thing quietly disappeared underwater. There was only a huge water pattern left on the surface, which spread around one by one.

Calmness has been restored on the lake. After a while, seeing nothing, Locke came out from behind the rock.

What on earth is that? Why didn't you listen to Mr. Piero? Locke had a big question mark in his heart.

Locke lay on the rocks and looked at the stars in the sky, his eyes full of doubts and puzzles.

The coldness of the night quickly climbed into the world. Locke was trapped in the darkness and was once again surrounded by loneliness. His so-called "magic wand" also leaned there alone.

When will we arrive at the Eastern Continent after such a long journey? No, fly over the mountains in front of you when it's dark. Looking at those mountains stretching all the way to the edge of the sky, I don't know how heavy they are. The road still seems to be long. After making up his mind, Locke turned over and jumped down.

As soon as Locke's feet landed, he heard a loud wind from above his head. A huge dark shadow passed overhead, and the two balls of light flashed brightly and darkly. It should be the eyes of monsters. Soon, it rose higher and farther, and soon disappeared into the dark night.

What is that? There have been some strange encounters in the past few days, and it seems that it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Thinking of this, Locke moved his hands and feet, touched the "magic wand", and then opened his red pupils and opened his wings with a crack.

Locke found that his wings had grown again, and his body seemed to be full of strength.

The wings drove a sound of wind, and a burst of dust blew the leaves. Locke flew up like two dark clouds, drifting away into the distance.