
Chapter 17 Sacrifice

Far away, the night was left behind. Gradually, the morning stars became more and moreliao, and the fish belly appeared white in the east. Before Apollo's golden arrow penetrated the clouds, Locke closed his wings and landed. He stood on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance, but he saw: beyond the vast world, there were few slips of floating clouds; among thousands of mountains, a roll of ink.

"It's so beautiful!" Locke couldn't help exclaiming. He sat down, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then carried the magic. A halo enveloped his body, and he found a huge force surging in his body, as continuous as seawater. The more beautiful the place is, the more he can improve his magic cultivation)

There is the sweetness of night dew in the air, the green smell of earth, and the heavy smell of mountains... A strong and familiar fragrance penetrates through the nostrils. Locke couldn't help opening his eyes.

A red and gorgeous flower. No! It's not all flowers, because he has a human-like face, but with petals on his head and leaves on his hands and feet. He turned his back to Locke and tiptoed as if he were going to escape.

"Humph, Mandala, where are you going?" Locke stretched out his hand and caught him.

" spare my life, spare my life!" The little flower spirit trembled with fear.

"Do you want to harm others again?" Locke used his hand to crush him.

"No, no, I dare not! Please forgive me! I... I will be your servant for a lifetime!" The little flower spirit prayed, and her eyes were full of tears.

"You must have followed me for too long, absorbing the spirit of mountains and rivers, and become refined. Maybe this is fate, okay, then you can be my servant. But you have to listen to me, or I will kill you!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The little flower spirit nodded.

"Where should I put you?" Locke looked at the robe. There was not even a bag on the robe, and there was only a snake and dragon stick beside him. He picked up the snake and dragon stick and looked at it. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he had an idea.

"I told you, I always feel that there is something missing on the wand. You, go up and squat!" Locke ordered.

The little flower spirit pouted and squatted up reluctantly, just between the head of the dragon and the snake.

"Haha... It's much better!" Locke laughed happily. He felt very satisfied and was about to get up and leave when he suddenly smelled a strange smell, which was murderous.

Lock opened his red pupils and suddenly stood up. He saw a thick black fog rising in the depths of the distant valley ahead.

What would that be? How can there be murder hidden in such a beautiful scenery? The original beautiful mood suddenly disappeared without a trace, and Locke felt extremely depressed.

Let's take a look first. Locke turned into a human again, picked up the wand and jumped down the mountain. The wind was very strong on the top of the mountain. When he jumped down, the wind lifted his black robe. At first glance, it looked like a huge bat.

Soon, Locke went down to the bottom. He searched along the bottom of the valley. At first, it was a narrow passage, the ground was covered with dead branches and leaves, and something was stepped on under his feet from time to time. Locke looked down and saw that they were all rotten bones of people or beasts, and he wanted to know more and more about it.

Gradually, the eyes became wider and wider. Soon, a village appeared. Those high and low houses were scattered in the mountains, and there was a rising smoke on the roof.

Oh, it turns out that human beings live here. They are all weak creatures. Don't disturb them. Locke was about to leave, but she heard a sob in her ear, as if someone was crying. She followed the sound and saw a girl leaning on the tree trunk. If she didn't look carefully, she really couldn't see it. Because the girl was wearing a dress decorated with leaves, she buried her head in her arms and her shoulders trembled, as if she was crying very sad. Heart.

Incredible human beings! Locke shrugged his shoulders and made a very incomprehensible expression. He was about to raise his foot and leave when suddenly there was a noise. Locke hurriedly dodged behind the tree trunk.

A dozen human beings are coming this way. Their waists are surrounded by animal skins, and the rest of their bodies are **. Their skin is dark, with colorful stripes on their faces, bird feathers on their heads, bows and arrows on their backs, and spears in their hands. The leading man is tall and powerful, with strangely shaped skeleton ornaments hanging on his neck and wrists.

The girl opened her eyes wide with fear. The man walked to the girl, reached out and patted her on the shoulder, and said softly, "Sister! My brother can't bear to part with you, but the lives of our people and the whole village are on you alone. There's nothing we can do..." He first spoke softly for a while, and then suddenly showed a fierce light, "Come on, take her back!" He shouted sharply behind him.

Two people immediately ran forward, and they walked into the woods with the girl's arms.

"No, no! Please, brother! You'd better kill me! I don't want to make sacrifices..." The girl cried and struggled desperately, but there was nothing she could do, and was finally dragged away by those people.

Sacrifice? Locke remembered that Mr. Pierre and Mr. Pierro once said that human beings often slaughter livestock as sacrifices to God on some important days. They are usually horses, cattle and sheep... Those slaughtered livestock are called sacrifices.

Is it possible that the god, Zeus, is tired of eating horses, cattle and sheep, and also wants to taste the pet he created? Locke's face showed a contemptuous smile.

Humph! I would like to see whether the self-proclaimed omnipotent god wants to drink human blood or eat human flesh. Thinking of this, Locke turned into a tree and quietly followed it.

So, such a strange scene appeared: a group of men dragged a crying girl, followed by a tree behind them. The tree suddenly stopped, because the person walking at the end felt strange. The man stopped to look back, but saw nothing.

"Is it that I'm dazzled?" The man said to himself, then wiped his eyes, shook his head, and walked forward again.

Those people walked through the woods and walked straight forward. They walked into the village. From time to time, there were 100 men and women, old and young. They surrounded the girl and walked forward magnificently. Locke didn't dare to follow too closely, so he hid in a place with trees on the roadside.

Finally, the crowd stopped. They also had to stop because there was no way to go. In front is a swamp overflowing with sewage, and the water is covered with black fog and stinks.

The crowd suddenly knelt down, and people put their palms across their foreheads, kowtowing while chanting words:

"Great river god, please give us pure water!"

"Great river god, please forgive our sins!"


The girl was pressed to the ground.

Gradually, the crowd calmed down. The guy who looked like the leader, who was called his brother by the girl, knelt down facing the swamp, bowed and bowed, and kept praying: "Great river god, my most admire god, please forgive our ignorance! We dedicate the purest girl in the clan to you. Please give us pure water!"

Locke understood that they wanted to sacrifice the girl and ask the "God" for drinking water. It seemed that they were going to throw the girl into the swamp.

"These stupid human beings!" Locke cursed coldly.

Locke recovered. He wrapped himself in a robe and approached the front, thinking: I'd like to see what kind of god will live in this smelly swamp.

The girl's brother stood up. He waved his hand behind him and came up with two more men, plus the one who had held the girl before. Now there are four people in total. The four people pulled the girl's hands and feet respectively and tied her firmly to the altar with ropes or something (that was a platform built with stones).

After doing this, people piled up firewood around the girl. After the fire lit, in the burning flames, people sang and danced around the girl, which was strange and ugly. Locke had to swing around like them. He wanted to find out and want to know what these obscene human beings were playing.

After singing and dancing enough, people knelt down again, patted their foreheads with their palms, and said words in their mouths, nothing more than begging God for forgiveness. At this time, several women came out of the crowd. They were wearing more gorgeous robes and didn't know what they were holding in their hands. They wiped the sticky things on the girl's face with their fingers and kept saying something.

After doing this, three men in robes came out of the crowd. Their costumes were very strange, with bone decorations hanging on their heads and necks. Two of them still held stone bowls in their hands, and the other held a short knife and looked very fierce.

Presumably they are priests. Are they going to do it? Are these low-level creatures really not sympathetic at all when they can bear to watch their peers die? Locke stared coldly.

"Ah!" The girl screamed sadly. Sure enough, it was the priest with the knife who cut the girl's skin with a knife. Yin Hong's blood flowed out, the girl shouted in pain, and many tears immediately gushed out of her eyes. Locke thought that the two bowls were used to receive blood. Unexpectedly, the two bowls were close to the corners of the girl's eyes, and they were receiving the girl's tears.

The girl bit her lips tightly, and blood oozed from the corners of her mouth. Maybe he was afraid that the girl would die if she bit her tongue. Another person came forward. He pried open the girl's mouth and stuffed a ball of things in.

The priest cut one by one, and the blood flowed. The girl was so painful that she could only shed tears, and those bright ** dripped into the stone bowl. While cutting, they also rescued the girl to stop the bleeding. They don't want the girl to die soon, because all they want is the girl's tears, so they slowly cut them one by one, in order to prolong the girl's pain in order to get more tears.

One of the girl's arms was blurred, and her breathing was weak, but the butcher still did not stop. When the tenth knife was cut (Locke was counting), people suddenly felt a flower in front of their eyes and saw that the priests had collapsed to the ground, and a man wrapped in a black robe held the girl in his arms.

The crowd stood up immediately. People stood up, pointed to Locke, and accused:

"Oh, my God! It's amazing!"

"God will condemn us!"

"Who is so bold and dares to destroy the ceremony?"

"Kill him! Kill him!"


The crowd shouted and shouted, surrounded Locke like a tide.

Locke acted as if he didn't hear it. He carried magic, and a light enveloped the girl's arm. In an hour, the girl's arm was intact as before.

The girl opened her incredible eyes, and her brown eyes were full of surprise, joy, gratitude, and...

Suddenly, an arm poked out from the crowd, followed by a ray of blue light shooting at Locke's back. It was the girl's brother who shot this arrow.

"Be careful!" The girl exclaimed and pushed Locke away. The arrow shot into the girl's body. A black and thick blood gushed out of the wound. The girl turned back and fell back.

"Despicable! Shameless!" Locke was angry. The red pupils burst, with a "brush" and flying red hair. The black robe rolled up a hurricane, and the vegetation and tree trunks shook and rattled.

"Go to hell!" Locke roared, and his palms pushed out, "bang bang". There was a sudden sound, which was the sound of broken bones and the body being torn, and 100 people instantly became broken bodies. A fishy smell came to his face, and the dirty blood quickly permeated, penetrated into the ground and flowed into the swamp.

Locke picked up the girl on the ground. There was also a black ** rushing out in the corners of the girl's mouth, which was a symptom of high toxicity.

Locke was about to rescue. The girl shook her head and said intermittently, "Can"

Locke couldn't bear to disobey the girl's request and removed the robe covering his head.

"Thank you... thank you... save me..." The girl reluctantly smiled, "," Before she finished her words, her head tilted and died in Locke's arms. The brown pupils were wide open, and her mouths were half open, as if there were many things she wanted to say but couldn't say. This is a pair of eyes that refuse to close their eyes until death!

For a long time, Locke gently closed his eyes for the girl and sighed: "Alas! Why can't you even protect yourself, but you have to sacrifice your life to protect others? Locke doesn't understand, how can he understand? That was the choice that prompted her to grow.

"Jie Jie Jie", there was a strange laugh behind him.

Who? What kind of person?" Locke hurriedly turned around. The sound chilled his back.