
Chapter 20 Golden Capital

The carriage passed by and there was something lying on the ground. Locke bent down and picked it up. This is a purple scarf, which I think just fell out of the carriage. Locke put the silk scarf on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. There was a faint fragrance, which smelled very good. It seemed that he had smelled it somewhere. For a moment, his mind was a little absent-minded.

"Guest, Your Majesty, please!"

"Oh." Looking at the bodyguard standing in front of him, Locke suddenly woke up and withdrew his erratic thoughts.

Locke followed the bodyguard into a carriage. He looked inside the car and touched the smooth walls, which were soft and elastic. He didn't know what material was made of, but the outside was wrapped in a very thin layer of gold. It seems that this place is really gold everywhere. Posedia is really rich! Locke couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Locke's hometown, the West Earth Continent, where gold is relatively rare, and more gems are. In contrast, he prefers those colorful stones. Gold, um - gold gives people an unreal feeling. Its color is like Apollo's charming smile, which will make people unconsciously indulge in it and can't extricate themselves...

"Guest, please get out of the car, we are here!" Locke is thinking about it, and the bodyguard has lifted the bead curtain.

Locke stepped on his long legs and got out of the car.

In front of us is a huge palace. The solid wall foundation is made of gold. The huge wall is silver, and the roof is also gold, which is both magnificent and magnificent.

Locke came to the door. These are two huge doors, as if they are made of whole pieces of gold, each of which weighs at least 10,000 catties. God knows how they set up such a big golden gate.

The gate is closed. In the center of the door is the head of a foreign beast, which is divided into two halves from the middle of the nose and worn by two golden rings. The shape is very strange.

There are more than a dozen armed guards standing at the door, wearing golden helmets and gold armor. They are tall and fierce, all holding their heads high and their eyes wide open, and they look very powerful.

Such a huge palace gate is cast in gold, at least on 10,000 catties. I'd like to see what kind of ability you human beings use to open it. Locke stopped.

At this time, the bodyguard walking in front of him to guide Locke had come to the door. He stretched out his finger and pointed to the head of the strange beast. Quietly, the two huge palace doors opened by himself. Locke was completely thundered. He knew that the bodyguard was a human and knew neither magic nor illusion, but he opened the heavy golden gate with one finger. It was incredible!

Locke stabilized his mind, walked calmly, and continued to follow the guard forward. His mind was messy, surrounded by gold, silver, crystal and ivory in addition to the guards... Gold floors, golden seats, golden tables, murals inlaid with gems, crystals and ivory carving ornaments... Gold, gold, almost everywhere, those dazzling yellows give him a very uncomfortable and depressing feeling.

Think about your own prince, the palace where he once lived is simply a thatched hut compared with here. A sense of inferiority hit, and Locke suddenly felt that he was so short. He lowered his head, as if he had suddenly lowered into the dust.

"You can go out."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

It was not until he heard the soft soft words that Locke came out of the confusion.

The gentle voice came from a large golden carved bed. The bed is so big that it looks big enough to accommodate more than a dozen tall people like Locke. **The bead curtain is half rolled, and the pearls are egg-sized, and the purple gauze hanging from the top wall is dragged all the way to the floor.

Damn it, is it necessary to be so luxurious? Shouldn't you meet some banshee again? Locke cursed in his heart.

"Come here, I want to thank you!" The beautiful voice sounded again.

"This, this..." Locke has been here for a long time, and there is no reason. He was thinking: I'm a big man. What's wrong with walking into the queen's bed?

"Young man, don't be afraid, come here!"

Locke was hesitating. Suddenly, ** gasped and his voice was getting louder and louder. Locke was just an uninvolved teenager. He didn't know what was going on, but the sound made him blush and his heart beat. Locke stood there at a loss, neither entering nor retreating, and was planning to escape.

"Ah! I can't stand it!"

"Go-dong", it seems that someone fell down, and then there was no sound.

Locke, who was about to escape, was stunned. He stood there in a daze and thought, "What's going on?" The queen... After a long time, there is still no sound. Locke's forehead had oozed dense beads of sweat, and he wiped it with his hand, full of cold sweat.

Locke looked around. There was a huge palace full of ornaments, but there was no one. Those guards threw their queen to a stranger, and they were really relieved? Maybe they are outside the door or under the window. No matter what, let's take a look first. Locke stepped forward, lifted the heavy gauze, and then saw the queen lying on **.

Is she dead? Then won't you become a suspect? Locke wanted to quit and slip away, but suddenly hesitated. He always felt that it was a little strange.

Locke looked at it carefully and found that the queen was very tall, wearing a dress with gold pieces and a golden mask on her face. This mask is exquisitely carved, and the part covering the queen's cheek is exactly the two wings of a strange bird, which looks strange but beautiful.

Locke reached for the queen's wrist, and his pulse was still beating slightly. No death! Locke breathed a long sigh of relief and thought to himself: Is it true that the queen is beautiful? Isn't it as ugly as Sina? Why don't you wear a mask? A prank drove him to stretch out his hand and take off the mask.

It's okay not to look at it. At this glance, Locke's eyes almost fell out, because what he saw was actually a man's face. This face is extremely young and handsome, and seems to be about the same age as himself. The long black hair is scattered around the waist, and the snow-white skin is as condensed like sheep fat, which seems to be blown out. This is not a man, but a woman! However, the throat knot is protruding, the chest is flat, the straight nose bridge, the sword-like eyebrows, and the angular outline of the face is like an ice sculpture and snow chisel, which is obviously a man. However, people call him queen, and they do hear sweet and touching female voices. What the hell is going on? In an all-time, Locke's brain was blank, and he stared at the undressed teenager lying in **. Locke is confused. He is really confused.