
Chapter 21 Queen

Suddenly, as if he remembered something, Locke hurriedly stretched out his palms, carried up the magic all over his body, and went to the teenager's chest mask. Soon, the teenager woke up leisurely.

"Who are you?" It's a very magnetic male voice, yes, it's a man. The teenager shrank into the bed in horror and stared at Locke fiercely with hostile eyes. Compared with Locke's tall figure, the teenager's body is obviously much thinner.

"Alas! What a good heart! Obviously, I saved you, but you don't know how to repay you. Why are you so fierce? Locke deliberately leaned forward with an evil smile on his face.

"Ah! No!" The teenager shrieked into the bed in even more horror.

"Hahaha..." Locke laughed violently. He suddenly felt very happy and funny. He wanted to tease the teenager.

Locke's face sank and said harshly, "Say, what's going on? Where did you hide the queen? If I don't say, I'm going to search!" He bullied himself again, with a long leg stepped on the bed and leaned forward. This bed seems to be very large, but it is actually because the vertical is too long, but the horizontal is not very wide, at most three times that of an ordinary bed. Moreover, this bed is placed against the wall.

Finally, the teenager was forced into the corner by Locke and hit the tip of his nose.

The teenager's eyes widened, and his water-blue eyes were full of fear, like a lamb falling into the tiger's mouth, leaving only trembling.

Locke pinched the teenager's chin with his fingers and lifted it up hard. His eyes were full of evil smiles. I don't know whether it was pain or humiliation. A bright star appeared in the teenager's eyes, and a clear ** gushed out of the blue, dripping on Locke's arm, and then sliding on the golden floor, making a crisp "pattering" sound.

"timid human beings! Forget it, let's forgive you when you look pitiful." Locke stepped back and sat on the golden seat. Unexpectedly, it retreated. Locke was shocked and fixed his eyes. Oh, there were wheels on the chair. When he sat on it hard just now, the wheels moved and drove the chair to slide back.

"This is really a wonderful place!" Locke couldn't help sighing. He moved the chair forward, patted it with his hand, and sat down again.

Locke looked at the teenager with joking eyes and said with a laugh, "Say, maybe I can help you."

Locke saw the teenager's aggrieved appearance and seemed to have some difficulties. A sense of pride rose from Dantian, and he suddenly wanted to help the teenager.

"Come here and sit here!" Locke pointed to another golden seat. The teenager hesitated and seemed to dare not move forward.

"Come here, I'm not a monster, and I won't eat you!"

The teenager moved timidly, got out of bed and sat down in the chair on Locke's left hand.

"Take off!"

"Ah!" The teenager screamed again and quickly protected his chest with his hands.

Locke frowned and said unhappily, "You are not really a woman, are you?" Take off your extraordinary clothes. I'm really unhappy to see you. Why don't I take it off for you?" The damn face showed an evil smile again.

"No, no, no, I... I'll do it myself..." The teenager panicked. He hurriedly turned around and ran to the huge closet next to him.

Locke felt that he had had enough fun, so he ignored the teenager. Those evil eyes glanced around. Suddenly, he saw a large bottle of purple ** on the table.

"Oh, wine!" Locke's eyes lit up, and the unique smell seemed to surge to the tip of his tongue again.

The purple and red color is more beautiful against the golden color of the room, which is a very ** powerful color.

Locke raised his hand slightly, and the bottle flew into his palm. He raised his neck and "cooing" and dried up in one breath.

Soon, a stream of heat surged up from the bottom to the top of his head, and a blush flew over his cheeks, and then his whole body became as hot as fire.

"Water, water... where is the water? I want to drink water..." Locke suddenly felt dry.

Sudon, he saw a woman in white floating over like a cloud, and her body still exuded fragrance.

"Hey hey, beautiful!" Locke staggered up and threw the woman to the ground and pressed her tightly under her body.

"Ah! No..." The woman screamed.

"Huh? Why is this sound so loud!" With the breath of alcohol in his mouth and shaking his dizzy head, Locke rubbed his eyes, "It seems to be a man, no, look at this face, it's a woman, and she is also a very beautiful woman..."

Locke lowered his head and kissed the two thin red lips, and his hands were extremely dishonestly on other people's chest**. The man under his body raised his fist and resisted desperately. Seeing that the resistance was ineffective, the man opened his teeth and bit Locke's lips fiercely.

A burst of pain hit, and Locke withdrew the wolf's claw. Just then, his hand touched something, cold and cold. The coolness became heavier and heavier, and quickly spread to him, and the heat around his body quickly faded away. Locke's mind also came to clear. He fixed his eyes and saw that the teenager was being pressed under himself, and his pure white clothes were no longer neat, revealing a piece of snow-white skin on his chest. Locke blushed with shame. He turned over with a "h" sound, followed by a "dong" sound, and hit a huge golden table on his forehead. Locke fell to the floor, with a burst of Venus in front of him, and half of his robe fell off, ** half of his shoulder. That's really how embarrassed it is.

The teenager was so angry that he stood up and grinned, pointed to Locke, and shouted in a trembling voice: ", you, you, you pervert..." Almost all the dirty words were scolded. It was not until there was nothing to scold that he took care of his messy black hair and untidy clothes and sat down. On the golden swivel chair.

"Dick, tick..." ** flowed down from the corner of the forehead. Locke wiped it with his hand: "It's blood! I have halo!" He deliberately screamed, rolled his eyes and pretended to faint. Because I feel so ashamed that I can't see anyone. Just pretend to be dead.

The teenager looked at Locke coldly and suddenly said loudly, "Don't pretend. Look, what is this?"

Seeing the conspiracy revealed, Locke had to open his eyes. He saw that the teenager was holding his jade in his hand and grabbed it.

"This is my heirloom and the only thing left to me by my mother."

"I'm full of gold here. I'm the Golden Emperor. Who still cares about your rag jade?"

"Do you dare to say it's rag?" That mouth is so arrogant. Locke really wants to punch him, "It's the purest and whitest in the world..."

"Why don't you blow it?" The teenager heard that there was no sound. He looked coldly and saw Locke's eyes widened in horror. He followed Locke's eyes, and his mouth was wide open, and he could almost put a goose egg in it. Because he saw an extremely strange scene...