
Chapter 50 Baltic Sea

In the evening, the banquet hall of the palace is decorated with colorful lights, and the hall is full of all kinds of pastries, fruits... and the best wines. In addition to Shura and several young people, there were also senior officials at all levels in Yukatan who attended the banquet. Everyone raised their glasses to toast the young people and thanked them for removing the tyrant for Yukatan. For a while, the hall was intertwined and bustling.

During the banquet, Shura gave Locke a wink. Locke immediately understands. He stood up and said, "All the people present here are Yucatan's elders. Now that Rhe has been removed, the country can't be ownerless for a day, so I have to bother you to recommend a new king."



Officials talked to each other and talked about it.

"However, King Ritter has no other children."

"That's right, without a crown prince, who should I choose?"


Finally, everyone focused their eyes on Sprite.

The oldest old man stood up and said, "In my opinion, it's better to let Princess Ruoya be the king. Besides, Princess Ruoya was originally the queen of my Yukatan."

"Yes, yes, it is most appropriate for Princess Ruoya to be elected queen!"

Everyone nodded in favor. Shura and Locke also turned their eyes to Sprite.

"Oh, brother!" Sprite pulled Xuelie's skirt and frowned like a pimple. Xue Lie didn't say a word and lowered his head to drink. He was very unhappy. He felt that such a big thing should be decided by the queen, but the queen was unexpectedly absent.

"So, what do you mean? Would you like to?" Locke asked Sprite.

"No! It's not easy for me to meet my brother. I want to follow my brother. Who wants to be a queen? Sprite pulled Xuelie's skirt hard, "Brother, are you talking?"

Sprite pouted his small lips, but his eyes glanced at Locke. Xue Lie still didn't say a word.

"Look, what should I do?" Locke turned his eyes to Shura again.

Sura thought for a moment and said, "It's better to implement a cabinet system."

"Cabinet system?" Several people's faces showed puzzled expressions.

"Oh, it is that all the members in important positions participate in the management of the state at the same time, and there is no need for any kings."

"Oh, that's it." Several people don't seem to understand, but because it's the first time to hear about it, it feels quite fresh.

Locke said, "Princess Ruoya is very grateful for your trust and revering, but she is the only daughter of Pokharto. Sooner or later, she will inherit Pokharto's throne."

Sprite looked at Locke gratefully, stood up in a hurry and said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid that Ruoya will disappoint everyone's kindness, just because my father is weak and sick, and Ports is waiting for fun. Ruoya needs to share her father's worries. I'm really sorry for everyone's kindness!" She gave a deep salute.

"What should I do?"

"That's right, what should I do?"

There is a lot of discussion.

"I have a way, but I don't know if it's workable?" Locke said.

"Typ and listen to it!"

"Young people always have a way."

So, Locke conveyed Shura's advice to everyone.

"That's a good idea!"

"Well, it's good. You can have a try."

"Thanks to young people, the idea is different!"


Seeing that everyone has accepted this suggestion, Sprite is very happy. Locke squeezed his eyes at Shura and quietly gave him a thumbs up. Shura shrugged his shoulders and made a disapproving expression. Isn't this kind of thing a piece of cake for him?

Everyone continues to drink happily. Throughout the night, Xue Lie didn't say a word. He sat there sullenly, pouring wine one bottle after another. Soon, his face was stained with blush.

Shura couldn't stand it anymore. He grabbed the bottle in Xue Lie's hand and said, "If you have anything in your heart, you can say it. We are all friends. Maybe we can help you."

"No one can help me. Give me wine, I want to drink!" Xue Lie grabbed the bottle again, and "coo coo" is a few big mouths.

"You can't drink any more. You're drunk. Sprite, help your brother to the bedroom!" Locke hurriedly ordered.

"No, I'm not drunk. Who said I was drunk?" Xue Lie staggered to stand up, with the breath of wine in his mouth and blushing. "I, I took Yukatan, you all know, right?"

"I know, we all know that you have made great contributions." Locke said hurriedly.

"Do you know? Ha ha, do you know what's the use? Queen, she doesn't know..."

"I know, I know." Shura said quickly.

"It's useless for you to know!" Xue Lie pointed to Shura's nose and everyone's nose one by one, "You and you, it's useless for you to know. Only the queen knows it is useful!"

Shura stood there awkwardly, his face blue and white.

This stupid boy is muddy again. He doesn't know that the queen is here. If he continues to make trouble, something may happen. Thinking of this, Locke reached out and brushed Xue Lie in front of him, and Xue Lie fainted.

"Quickly, help him into the bedroom."

Sprite and Locke walked out with one arm.

"What's going on?"

"What's wrong, young man?"

There is a lot of discussion behind him.

"It's okay. He has drunk too much. You all go on." Shura said something and hurriedly followed him out.

Xuelie was framed into the room and thrown into the bed.

"Sprite, take good care of your brother. We still have to go to the hall to accompany those old people." Locke said.

"Go ahead. I wish I was here." Sprite suddenly flashed her big eyes and looked at the tall figure reluctantly. It was not until she disappeared outside the door that she withdrew her eyes.

luo ke and Shura sat back in the hall again. Yukatan has just arrived and must stabilize these talents. The two smiled again, exchanged cups, and exchanged cups with the officials.

"How long are you going to hide it? Do you know that you will kill him like this!" Locke whispered.

"I can't help it. The fewer people I know about my identity, the better." Shura answered in a low voice.

"Alas!" Locke sighed. This evil man always gives himself an illusion that his daughter, sometimes he can't even tell which one is the real him.

Both of them were drunk this night.

With the efforts of Locke and Shura, Yukatan's affairs are on the right track. In order to trap those senior officials, Shura often asks his subordinates to secretly transport gold, silver, ivory and other luxury goods to them. Therefore, those officials are also under their control. Now, they can blatantly station troops. They set up an underground factory in Yukatan and secretly engaged in activities such as collecting rare elements and smelting metals.

At the behest of Shura, the chief bodyguard used the "magnetic levitation air chariot" to take the two brothers and sisters of Xue Lie and went to Polks several times. They sent a set of advanced mining equipment to Queen Ruoya, as well as a group of so-called technicians. With Posedia's advanced technology, the mining of bronze mine is more convenient and faster.

Queen Ruoya is very happy that Pokes's fiscal revenue has grown rapidly. Gradually, they asked to send more staff to assist in the mining, and Queen Ruoya approved it. Because she saw that those dark things were exchanged for gold, ivory, jewelry, and delicious food for the people of Pokes. The more they produced, the richer the goods they got. I don't know how many times richer than the old king Pockharto was in power.

On the surface, they have done a good thing for Ports, but in fact the opposite is true. In the process of helping Polks mine bronze ore, those so-called technicians plundered rare elements from the soil and then smelt metals in underground factories. Naturally, the purpose was to solve the energy crisis in Posedia. How can Queen Ruoya know the mystery of this? Soon, Polks was held in their hands.

Since then, Yukatan and Pokes have been included in the territory of Atlantis, and they have actually become the colonies of Atlantis.

Three days later, Shura returned to Atlantis, and he regained his identity as the queen. Before leaving, the queen summoned Xue Lie again and not only praised him, but also officially made him the deputy commander of the Purple Reincarnation Force, a silver armor military officer.

As soon as the boy saw the longing person coming, he not only had a much better attitude towards himself, but also made himself the deputy commander. Many previous unhappiness were suddenly thrown away. He patted his chest and assured the queen, "Wherever the queen's finger points, I will hit it. I will put the flag of Atlantis on every piece of land."

Locke couldn't help sighing: The power of love is great!

At night, Locke sent Shura to the seaside.

This is a moonless night. The looming stars cast a faint light on the sea, and the sea is shining. The two walked along the seaside and listened to the waves singing. The night wind was strong and cold. Locke took off his robe and wrapped it around his thin body. He was afraid that "she" would catch a cold.

"You stay in Yucatan for the time being. Xue Lie's personality is very reckless and too vigorous. If you want to be optimistic about him, you must protect the command locator."

"What? Feed the fish with paper gray? Locke looked puzzled.

"Oh, how can I forget such an important thing? It's the talking box in Xuelie's hand. Why don't I ask Xuelie to hand it over to you?"

"No, how can I use that thing?"

"Let Xue Lie teach you."

"It's really unnecessary. He has done a good job. Don't worry, I'll protect it."

"It's okay." When Shura saw Locke's refusal, he no longer forced him and continued, "A few days ago, that is, in the days when you were seriously injured, I have surveyed that the land nearby is very barren, and the soil contains relatively few rare elements. If you can't meet the demand, you have to push inland. You recover first, and I will assign you a new task after your body is fully recovered.

"My injury is fine. If you don't believe it, you can see." Locke deliberately bent his elbow and lit up his hazy biceps.

"And don't be careless. The doctor said that although the broken bones have been connected, it will take some time to fully recover.

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!"

"If you have something to discuss with Xue Lie, he will get in touch with me. It's almost time, and the chief bodyguard is ready.

As the queen said, she took off her robe, handed it to Locke, and told her, "You must pay attention to your health."

"Yes, my subordinates will pay attention."

At this moment, a huge wave rose from the sea, and a column of water rose to the sky, and a shining object emerged from the water.

"What is that?"

"The chief bodyguard has arrived."

"The Chief of the Guard? Will he... come out of the sea? Locke was surprised.

"Have you forgotten? That's our magnetic levitation air chariot.

"Oh, that's it." Locke remembered that he saw an air chariot hunting sea monsters at sea that day, but he didn't know that it could also carry people.

After a while, the wind sounded, and the chariot flew over their heads and suspended in the air. It is about 100 meters in diameter and oval, emitting soft light all over its body. From the metal shell, a door was opened, and a metal ladder hung from it.

The queen took Locke's hand and whispered, "Take care, I'll come again."

The queen walked up the steps.

"Wow", the chariot rose into the air and gradually disappeared into the night.

Locke looked at it until it disappeared at the end of the sky and walked back sadly.

Since then, there may be unknown luminous objects in and out of the sea. Some people saw it, saying that Apollo came to the world to take a bath, and some boldly went to the sea to peep. It is said that the sea is hot, and people believe it even more. Therefore, people call that sea area the Baltic Sea.