
Chapter 51 Hurt again

When the queen left, Shura naturally disappeared. In order not to cause Xue Lie's suspicion, Locke said that his cousin returned to China and went to deal with state affairs. Xue Lie did not care about that person, and naturally he would not doubt it.

During the day, most things are handled by Xue Lie, and Locke is also happy. However, Sprite often came to find Locke on the pretext of visiting his injury, either stitching or washing it. These rough jobs were originally done by the maidservants. She rushed to do it, but in fact, it was just to get close to Locke. Sprite's mind is naturally understandable, but he just treats Sprite as a sister. He always wants to find an opportunity to explain to Sprite, but he doesn't know how to say it for a moment.

At night, Locke used the cloud drive method, hid himself in the thick fog, and then appeared himself and flew out of the city. He was going to practice magic to restore his body to normal as soon as possible.

Locke circled on a mountain for a while and saw a rock landing. He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, carried magic, and a halo enveloped him in the center. Gradually, a lotus bloomed in his body. With the extension of the petals, the air of the moon and mountains and rivers continued to pour into his body.

Suddenly, a strong fragrance came, Locke's spirit was refreshed, and then he opened his eyes. It's a mandala flower essence. He is more like a human. In the past, the leaves have turned into flesh and blood, with a human-like waist, legs and feet, but there are still petals on his head, like a small doll, which is very cute.

"Why did you come out again? I was so seriously injured, are you all right?" Locke is surprised that he hasn't seen the mandala for a long time.

"The mandala is inseparable from the master. Since the owner fell into the water and was seriously injured, I almost died. I grew up by the magic of my master. If my master is not here, I can't live. With that, Xiaohuajing shed a few tears and rubbed Locke's hand with her little head, spitting out the fragrance from time to time.

"You, you, squat on the magic wand if you have nothing to do, don't come out!"

"Yes, master!" The little flower spirit turned around, and the red light disappeared.

More than ten days passed in a flash, Locke felt that he had returned to his former appearance, and there seemed to be infinite power surging in his body. Thinking that the magic had improved a lot, he couldn't help but be happy.

In the evening, Sprite came again. She was holding a plate of exquisite pastries, which she had just learned to make after carefully consulting the cook.

"Brother Locke, look, this is the pastry I made for you myself."

Sprite stepped into the door happily and gently put the pastry box in front of Locke. The big eyes like clear water kept flashing, and the eyelashes trembled like a pair of small brushes.

"Try it. It took me three days to learn it." Sprite picked up a piece of cake with two slender fingers and sent it to Locke's mouth.

"Thank you, Sprite, I know, you are a good girl. However, you shouldn't be so kind to me at all. I don't deserve you to pay so much for me..."

"Brother Locke, am I not doing well enough to make you unhappy? You can tell me and I will change it." Tears are shining in the eyes like blue water.

", it's not that you didn't do it well enough. I mean, you shouldn't put your feelings on me, because...because..." Locke suddenly stuttered. He was afraid of hurting the girl's heart and didn't know how to express it for a moment.

"I see. Is there another girl in your heart? I don't care who you like. Anyway, I like you. You can dislike me, but you can't stop me from liking you. Tears could no longer stop pouring down like a stream. Sprite covered her face, suddenly turned around and grabbed the door.

Alas! I blamed myself for being confused for a while and teasing her. I didn't expect her to be serious. Locke regretted it. He knew that his heart had been filled by one person and could no longer tolerate another, but he didn't know who this person was. He only felt that she was so far away, so far away, as far away as illusory, but his intuition told him that she existed and she must exist.

The tearful eyes and the back that grabbed the door always shake in front of my eyes. Locke felt so confused that he got up and flew out of the city again. After this great hardship, Locke seemed to have matured a lot. Now he regrets and blames himself. If it hadn't been for the joke, it wouldn't have made Sprite so sad.

Locke's heart is so confused that he can't calm down to practice magic. After hovering on the top of the mountain for a while, he landed and looked down at the lights of thousands of people in the world at night. He thought of the * Demon Kingdom of the Westland and his childhood playmates.

Alas! When will the hatred of destroying the land and destroying the clan get snow? Father and mother, do you tell Locke what Locke should do now?

Rock lay down on the rocks and looked up at the starry sky. Tonight's night is very bright, and even the stars are particularly bright. Locke looked at the stars and suddenly envied them. You have so many partners, but why am I getting more and more lonely?

Locke thought of Xuelie, the big boy who was loyal to the "queen", and only thought about how to expand his territory; he also thought of Sprite, the beautiful girl who wishfully liked him but didn't understand his mind at all; he also thought of Shura, the "female and female" (he could only think so for the time being) ), only contain Atlantis and the "queen" of "secret five breaths" in their hearts; and the girl Qier, who has never met, they don't know themselves, let alone what they are thinking. They are always so far away from them. Thinking about it, loneliness surrounded him again.

"It's better for you to stay together every night." Locke said to himself, "Ah! Have you understood what I said? You look so bright!"

Yes, the stars tonight are very bright and very big.

No, no, they are not stars. Locke suddenly woke up, and he turned over and jumped.

Many luminous bodies drifted over from a distance, a dense large area, or at least thousands. They were silent and soon reached the top of his head.

Locke saw that those luminous bodies are similar to air chariots, but they are different in shape. Their middle part is elliptical, and there are sharp-shaped protrusions on the left and right sides, emitting a snowy halo all over them. From a distance, they really look like stars.

Those luminous bodies are very fast. Too late to think about it, Locke used the drive of clouds and control the wind. At the same time, he spread his wings and rushed to the sky like arrows from the string. He wanted to track them and wanted to know where they went. He has a feeling that they should also be air chariots. Has the "secret five gases" mentioned by Shura been successfully developed? But why did he hide it from himself? What are they going to do in large numbers?

A series of questions emerged in my mind. Locke cheered up and accelerated to chase away, because they were too fast. However, gradually, there was a dull pain on his back. He was a little weak and began to slow down. Finally, he could only watch the luminous objects fly over the mountains, fly over the jungle and disappear into the sky.

Locke is very frustrated. These days of magic practice, it feels like there is a lot of power. Why can't the body stand flying for a while? Hasn't he recovered yet? Locke slowed down and finally returned to the palace before dawn.

Locke hid in the bedroom, took off his coat and looked left and right in the mirror, but he couldn't see anything. He showed himself again, opening his wings with a crack, and a burst of pain came. He saw the wound in the mirror, which was the root of a pair of wings, and thick blood was flowing out of the wound.

Oh no! It must be a feather fracture. Human beings can only cure my body, but they can't cure this feather bone. Locke complained in his heart. When he was a child, his father once warned him: "Child, we must protect our wings. Its roots are very fragile and vulnerable. This is our weakness. Don't let others know."

Alas! Unexpectedly, the difference in thought almost destroyed the wings. Locke regretted it. He endured the pain and carried out his magic to heal himself. Gradually, the blood stopped flowing and the pain eased. He put away his wings and was about to put on his clothes. With a bang, the door was kicked open, and Xue Lie broke in angrily.

"What on earth did you do to Sprite? She cried all night, didn't eat or drink, and didn't even say a word. She is my only sister, and I won't let her suffer anything. Tell me, tell me what you have done to her?" The snow roared.

"Alas!" Locke sighed bitterly, "What did I do? What can I do? I just said to her, 'You're a good girl, I'm not a good man, and I don't deserve you to be so good to me'..."

"Since you said she was a good girl, why did you refuse her?"

" won't understand anyway." Locke lowered his eyes, and he just wanted to avoid Xue Lie's aggressive eyes.

"You have someone else in your heart, that's why you refuse Sprite. You like the queen, don't you?"

"Queen?" A great sadness surged in his heart, and Locke shook his head, "How can I fall in love with him?"

Since you don't like the queen, why don't you accept Sprite? She is infatuated with you, don't you know? What's more, you kissed her..."

"No, I... I didn't, I admit, I've been confused..."

"What? You have admitted it, did you say it? You fucking bastard!" Snowy eyes spewed fire.

"Bang", he punched over. Locke did not dodge. He gritted his teeth and punched him. The punch was impartial and just hit his back, which was the part of the wings. A heartbreaking pain, a sweet smell surged up from his throat. Locke only felt black in front of him and didn't know anything.

"Hey, hey, wake up, wake up! I didn't mean it. I... Why am I so confused? Your injury hasn't healed yet!"

When he saw blood gushing out from the corners of Locke's mouth, Xue Lie was scared. He wiped it randomly and shouted, "Come on, come on!" He almost cried out.

"Oh, brother, how could this happen?" Sprite heard something wrong and ran over.

"It's all my fault. I hurt him. Maybe the old injury has recurred. Hurry up and call a doctor!"

"Really, why are you always so reckless?" Sprite ran out while being scruffed.

Before Shura left, he left several senior doctors for Locke as special care. Soon, the doctor came with equipment, and after examination, they found that Locke's shoulder blade was cracked. The doctor operated on Locke.

It was not until the next morning that Locke woke up. The doctor said to Xue Lie: Pay attention to let the patient rest more and not stimulate him with words. If the patient's mood is too excited, it is easy to cause the disease to deteriorate. Xue Lie remembered it one by one and sent the doctor away, so he hurriedly apologized to Locke.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. Am I all right? If I can't stand your punch, it means I'm too bad." Locke smiled, but a burst of bitterness surged in his heart. This human body made him suffer.

"No, it's all my fault. I'm so reckless that I don't remember that you still have injuries." Xue Lie smiled shyly.

"Brother Locke, guess what did I bring you?" Sprite hid her hand behind her, and two red glows flew on her cheeks.

"Well, let me think about it." Locke thought for a moment and said, "Isn't it pastry again? The doctor said that I can't eat anything too sweet.

"Oh, brother, look at him. He is still worried about what happened yesterday. He has forgotten it for a long time." Sprite's face turned redder, hanging her head and looking at her toes.

"I won't guess, I won't guess, I'll surrender. Take it out quickly. What's new?" Locke disarmed.

"I knew you didn't guess." Sprite was a little complacent and smiled strangely, "Look, what is this?" With that, he took his hand out from behind.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Locke couldn't help admiring. This is a bunch of pink roses, delicate but not charming, gorgeous but not demonic, and there are crystal dewdrops rolling on the petals, just like this young girl in front of her, warm and unrestrained, delicate but unpretentious.

Locke was moved, how could he have the heart to refuse?

"Thank you!" Locke stretched out his hands and took the bouquet and sniffed it with the tip of his nose, "Wow, it smells so good!" He made an exaggerated expression, which made the two brothers and sisters giggle.

"Oh, sister, you are biased and didn't give it to me. It's a failure for me to be a brother!" Xue Lie sinued to be sad.

"You, someone will give it to you, just wait, maybe one day your love..." The little girl suddenly stopped, her face was hot, and she thought: It's really shameful! Then he turned around and ran out.

"This girl!" Xue Lie shook her head and said, "She has always been like this. She is crazy when she sees a handsome man. Don't take it to heart."

"Aren't you the same? I can't even turn my eyes when I see the queen.

The two laughed at each other.

Due to another injury, Locke had to lie down again**.