
Chapter 55 Caught in the Cell

In order not to attract the attention of God, Locke made a beautiful 360-degree circle in the air, and he turned into an eagle.

Now approaching the evening, the rose-colored sunset dyed the sea water orange, and sporadic ships floated on the sea, dotted with the sea water, making the sea water look like a colorful picture scroll. However, who would know that there would be a dark tide under the charming color?

For good, it's just a false alarm for Locke.

Locke flew while flapping his wings and enjoying the magnificent scenery. He was amazed by the beauty and magic of the world.

In the distance, a huge island came into sight. There are three concentric rivers on the island, which are Atlantis. Locke landed and appeared at the foot of the mountain.

How can I enter Pocedia? Locke was thinking when he found a team of guards leaving the port and marching towards the gate. It was thought that the port garrison was changing their defenses. He followed the pedestrians into the port.

Locke was surprised to find that the bustling port in the past was much deserted, and the merchants who came and went were replaced by the guards.

No, something must have happened! Locke had a bad feeling. He took a few steps, followed the guard, then shook himself, turned into a guard, and followed behind them to the gate.

At the gate, pedestrians entering and exiting are undergoing strict official inspection and audit. People's left palms were pressed on a metal instrument for inspection, and the indicator light on the instrument flashed golden and was released. If other colors flashed, they would be taken away by the guards. They must have been detained or subjected to trial and training.

What the hell happened? Locke was full of suspicion, and he couldn't help worrying about Shura. At the gate, the guards also stopped, and they also needed to be inspected.

I don't know what color my palm will show. Let's take a look first. When Locke pressed his palm on the instrument, a miracle appeared, and the indicator lights on it were all on and there were all colors.

"Who is he?"

"That's strange. Isn't it a spy who sneaked in?"


There is a lot of discussion around.

A spy? Will you be a spy? Locke almost laughed. He secretly complained in his heart: Shura, Shura, what on earth are you doing? He couldn't wait to fly to Shura's side immediately to ask him.

The officials in charge of the inspection also looked apprehed.

"What's going on?"

"I can't verify my identity!"


After several heads gathered together and sittering for a while, the leading official shouted, "Take him down and watch him first!"

It seems that they would rather catch a hundred by mistake than let one go. Locke shrugged his shoulders and made a very innocent expression. Soon, the two guards set up Locke and rushed to the city.

"Look, another spy was caught."

"That's right. Anyway, it has nothing to do with us being ordinary people. Let's close the door and sleep. It's getting harder and harder to live!"


People whispered and talked about it.

Locke was escorted by two guards, turned east and west, turned left and right, and was finally thrown into the "cell". Looking at the golden window and the crystal roof, Locke understood that it was this excessive luxury that led to the shortage of resources. Shura, Shura, why are you so confused? Don't you understand the truth of "sitting and eating in the mountains"? He scolded Shura fiercely in his heart.

"Kid, which planet are you from?" A tall man with red skin stared at Locke with malicious eyes.

Locke looked at the red-skinned man from top to bottom and found that the man was similar to most Posetians, but his skin was different. His skin was red, his silver hair was short, and his nose was not very high. Locke knew that this man was not a good person when he saw the domineering look of the red-skinned man and his treacherous face.

"Yes, you are so lucky. We have another partner, hahaha..." The man who laughed loudly was a green-skinned man. Locke looked at him again. The man looked a little strange, even his hair was green and curly. Although he was not handsome, it was not disgusting.

Locke looked at these weirdos and felt strange in his heart, so he casually said, "I'm not from any planet. I'm born and raised here."

"Ninland? So, are you from Posetia?" The red-skinned man's eyes became fierce, "Why, can't Kathy even trust her own subordinates?" Locke wears a soldier's armor.)

He clenched his fist and suddenly attacked Locke. With a bang, the punch hit Locke's abdomen firmly.

"Why did you...why did you hit someone?" Locke didn't expect that the man would attack him. A burst of great pain came. He curled up in pain, covered his abdomen with his hand and squatted down. This punch is strong enough and fierce enough.

A blue-skinned man next to him came over. He helped Locke up and said to the red-skinned man, "Forget it, everyone is a difficult brother. Why do you have to embarrass him?"

"Hmm!" The red-skinned man snorted coldly and stared at Locke fiercely, "What about the golden skin? Isn't it locked up as an alien like us? What's so great about the Bosetians? Are they more noble than us Aryans?

"Oc's it, just say less!" Everyone else is persuading him.

Locke was confused when these weirdos said inexplicable words. After a long time, the pain disappeared. Then he straightened up and said, "A few years ago, I traveled around the world and came back today. I don't know what's going on here. Can you tell me?" In fact, Locke has only been away from Pocedia for a month or two, but he didn't expect such a big change in Pocedia in just a few months.

"What does this have to do with us Aryans?" The red-skinned man's attitude is very unfriendly.

Locke had to turn his eyes to the blue-skinned man. The blue-skinned man is particularly handsome, with blue hair and a pair of purple-red eyes on his angular face. Locke saw his face and knew that this kind of person was the kindest and most easy to get along with.

The man said, "I just came here, but I didn't expect to be arrested before I entered the city. He insisted that I was a spy and forcibly sent me here." He made a very helpless expression.

"Oh, that's it." Locke finally understood and asked, "Who are you? I've never seen it before."

Most of the residents of Atlantis have golden skin and silver hair. Only a few people have snow-colored skin, and other alien species are just black, wheat and brown skin. People like them have never appeared.

"My name is Putuo, and I'm a big horn." The blue-skinned man said.

Locke shook his head. This man's name was very strange, and he had never heard of any big horn star.

"When I was doing Star Trek, I received a request for help, so I wanted to come down and have a look, alas! Unexpectedly..." Pu Tuo sighed and stretched out his hand, "Let's be friends!"

"Hello, my name is Locke. Nice to meet you." Locke shook hands with Pratt.

"I'm in the same situation as him, but I'm from Sirius, and my name is dating." The green-skinned man said.

"Nice to meet you." Locke also stretched out his hand.

Now, only the red-skinned man stared at the three of them with hostile eyes, and Locke read a dangerous breath from his eyes.

"I think there may be some misunderstanding here. Wait patiently. Maybe you will go out soon. Locke comforted several people.

Everyone stopped talking and lay on the golden floor, thinking about their own things.

In the middle of the night, those people fell asleep. Locke got up, walked to the ventilation window, shook himself, turned into a golden lizard, and drilled out of the metal fence.

"brush", Locke ran fast, and he found that the colored light shining on the crystal dome covering the city above his head was much weaker than before. Locke's heart sank, and he had a bad feeling.

Soon, Locke came to the city center. He approached the palace quietly. The whole city seemed to be under martial law, and there were many more guards. He followed the familiar smell all the way to the queen's bedroom.

The palace door is tightly closed, even without a gap.

How to get in? Locke looked at the only window on the tall roof. The window used to be always open, but now it is closed.

What should I do? You can't startle the snake. Locke was in a dilemma. Suddenly, he heard the sound and singing from it. It's Shura. He is playing the "Fengweiqin" and singing the "Fengqin Bird Song".

Locke hid outside the door and listened attentively. The "Song of the Phoenix Bird" played by Shura this time is different from the one he played on the bridge last time. Listen, Locke burst into tears. He heard all kinds of complex emotions from the song, not only loneliness, melancholy, loneliness, sadness, but also pain, forbearance and longing. Complex, too complicated! Why are human emotions so rich? Why am I getting closer and closer to you, but I don't understand you more? Locke became more and more confused and confused.

Soon, the song stopped, but the melodious sound of the piano lingered for a long time.

A crack opened in the palace door, a light came out, and then the door opened completely. A pair of feet in silver boots stepped forward and backward, and the ice-blue wide overcoat almost swept Locke's head. Locke smelled the elegant fragrance. Yes, it was Shura.

It's late at night. What is he going to do? Locke opened his four legs, shook his long tail, and ran up. Turning left and right, turning seven or eight times made him dizzy. He didn't know how many doors he had entered. Finally, Shura stopped.