
Chapter 56 Latent Sun Palace

This is an extremely vast space, which is too big to be boundless. Perhaps because Locke has become too small, and the huge space doesn't seem to be in his eyes.

When Shura turned around, Locke quietly put on the golden table and turned into a wine bottle. There was originally one bottle on the table, but it had been removed by Locke using the "migration method".

Soon, several people came in one after another, one of whom Locke knew as the chief bodyguard, and now there are six people including Shura. Like Shura, they all wore robes that almost hung to the ground, and their collars were also erected high, almost covering their heads. The difference was that Shura's robes were ice blue, while others were silver gray.

Now, Locke is opposite Shura. He can see his every move and hear every word he says. Hey hey, now I can see your internal organs clearly. What else can you hide from me? Locke Yang is complax.

Locke thought that the six people would sit down and talk about some secrets, but he didn't think that they would go far away. Locke stretched his neck, his eyes widened, and his eyes followed their backs.

At the top of their heads, there is a huge crystal sphere hanging high. It is hexagonal and emits a bright light, illuminating the whole space. They pointed there, as if they were discussing something.

Soon, they turned to the right again. It was a large crystal screen with many buttons on the silver-gray table. Shura operated quickly on the table with his slender fingers. Soon, various graphics popped up on the screen, as well as a string of characters. Locke couldn't understand those strange graphics and characters at all.

What on earth are these human beings doing? Locke is getting more and more confused. Then, he saw those people pointing points, as if they were arguing. When the images on the screen disappeared, they came back one after another and sat next to the table in turn.

Now, Locke can see everyone clearly. They are all men, and like Shura, they have snow-colored skin and black hair, but their appearance is not as handsome as Shura, and their temperament is not as cold as Shura.

Shura's face is ugly. He is thinner than before. He sat back at the table with a gloomy face and reached out to grab the wine bottle on the table. Locke's neck was grabbed by Shura, which made him roll his eyes. Of course, Shura could not see it. At this time, Locke had clearly felt that Shura's hand was trembling.

After each of them drank half a glass of wine, the discussion began.

"Your Highness, what should we do now?" The first person to speak is the chief bodyguard.

"What should I do? What do you want me to do? The information has been leaked, and the Aryans have provoked us with their strength!" Shura's face was black, and there was a strong burst of thunder.

They called him His Royal Highness, and they called him Shura, and Xuelie regarded him as the queen. Ha ha, how many identities did he have? Locke suddenly felt funny, but the following dialogue made him laugh no longer.

"Aryans are not terrible. What's terrible is inside us. I suspect that there are spies inside us." One of them said.

"At this time, what are you still doubting? I brought you all out and followed me for hundreds of years. I don't believe any of you will betray me!"

"Gugudu", Shura poured down a few mouthfuls of wine, and then heard a "bang", and he put down the cup in his hand heavily.

"The more at this time, the more we can't suspect. Once we mess up, it will create opportunities for the Aryans to take advantage of it. Therefore, stop your stupid hoeing activities quickly." Shura's eyes were covered with a layer of gold. "I really didn't pay attention to the little Aryans. In terms of force, we are not inferior to them."

"But Your Highness, what poses a serious threat to us is not the question of whether there are spies, but the energy shortage..." another person said.

"Of course I know this. With military strength, the hateful Aryans not only cut off relations with us and established independent governments, but also cut off the commodity market and prevented neighboring countries from conducting commercial trade with us. Before long, the whole Atlantis will be in a shortage of food and products.

"We... we can also stop supplying them with energy and impose energy sanctions on them." Another person said.

"If you want to stop the energy supply to them, you have to cut off the circuit of the energy crystal, which is very dangerous. Due to the lack of rare elements, the crystal of the underground crystal bed has stopped growing. If the circuit of the energy crystal is turned off at this time, the crystal satellite may turn and move unstablely at any time, and this fluctuation may cause the satellite to crash. Do you know what the consequences of the crash of the crystal satellite are? It caused earthquakes and tsunamis. At that time, the whole Atlantis, including you and me, will be wiped out.

Shura's words stunned everyone and at a loss for a moment.

"Why don't we give up Atlantis and go back to our own planet?" Someone opened his mouth again.

"Go back? Since I came out, I didn't plan to go back. It took me so many years to build the great Atlantis, how dare you let me go back? Can you say such a thing?" Shura suddenly stood up and his eyes became cruel and fierce. Suddenly, he opened his five fingers and grabbed the man by the neck.

"Your Highness! Your Highness! Please calm your anger!"

"Please don't be excited!"

"Please calm down!"


Other people came to pull Shura, some of which prevented him from moving, and some of them pleaded for mercy.

Shura finally let go of his hand, sat back heavily, and said coldly, "At present, due to the lack of rare elements, the crystal of the underground crystal bed has stopped growing, and we can only rely on the energy stored in the past to maintain the status quo. Once the rainy season comes and there is no sunlight for a long time, the crystal energy system will stop working.

"What should I do?"

"What should I do? Find a way quickly."


Everyone talked in a low voice.

"I order you to come up with a practical plan within five minutes, otherwise, everyone will die together!" Shura said word by word, which made everyone creepy. The crystal cup in his hand is empty, but it is still spinning, spinning on his three fingers, like dancing.

Shura no longer paid attention to those people. While playing with the crystal cup, he dozed on his eyes and fell into meditation.

"Your Highness, isn't Merjuvia, the capital of the Aryans, also equipped with a crystal energy system? Why don't we go and get it back..."

"A school of nonsense!" "Papa," the crystal cup was heavily placed on the table. Shura suddenly opened his eyes and scolded, "Is your brain full of water? Is such a huge crystal energy system moved in? Can you move? Can you move one to show me? Without the ability to cultivate crystals, is not any energy system a pile of waste?

It scared the man that he didn't dare to make a sound anymore.

For a long time, another person said cautiously, "Your Highness, I remember that when we cultivated crystal individuals, we used the technology of the Big Horned Star Man. Maybe the Big Horned Star Man will have a way."

"I've also thought about this, but the big-horned star is far away in the sixth universe, and the big-horned star people like to wander around. They basically have no fixed place and refuse to leave any contact information. I have tried to contact them with telepathy, but so far there has been no response."

Everyone thought about what they could think of, but they were all rejected by Shura. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, they all look at each other in con sight, as if there is only one way left in front of us, that is: sit and wait for death.

Although Locke didn't understand some of their comments, he knew that the crisis in Atlantis had worsened, and Shura was troubled by some problems. Looking at Shura's tight eyebrows and thin body, Locke's heart ached again.

Big Horn Star Man? Locke's eyes lit up, and he suddenly remembered the blue-skinned man named Putuo. Isn't the person they were looking for in Pocedia?

Seeing that the regular meeting ended in vain again, Shura waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go, go down! Let me be quiet. I want to think about it alone.

The others retreated, but only the chief bodyguard was still there. He hesitated and turned around to leave.

"Wait!" Shura stopped him.

"Your Highness..." The bodyguard hesitated for a moment.

"Say, there are only two of us here, and now you are the only person I trust most. I know, you must have an idea. Don't you have to say it and listen to it?"

"Thank you for your trust." The bodyguard gave a salute and said, "I think the energy crisis can be alleviated in this way. We should limit the supply of energy, turn off some power systems, and use manual operations. When the rare elements from Yukatan and Pocks are refined, we don't have to worry about it. As for the Aryans, I think the most important thing now is to seize the time and find a way to control the Aryan army. Only in this way can we force them to give in. They no longer pose a threat to us, and we can open ports and continue commercial trade with neighboring countries. Solving the problem of food and products can at least stabilize the domestic situation.

Sura's eyes lit up and said, "This is indeed a good way, but it is bound to cause panic among the people."

"There's nothing we can do. Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter."

"Okay, I believe you. However, the Aryans have stolen our technology and pioneered the development of 'unmanned magnetic levitation aerial chariots', and a thousand have been built. Some time ago, they have flown overhead and demonstrated to us. Various traces show that their military strength has surpassed us, and our air power is too weak. At present, our 'magnetic levitation air chariots' are less than 500, and they are still manually driven. And Aryan is thousands of miles away. Now, Glass, Pilos and Tirins have fallen into the hands of the Aryans, leaving an Ogo. Do you think it is possible to control their army?

"Well..." The bodyguard murmured slightly and said, "We can use the ground troops to attack the capital of Aryan - Meruvia..."

"This..." Shura pondered, and he was already in a dilemma. In order to find rare elements, he sent the ground troops to Yucatan, and now he is on the way to Ogo. Even if Posedia is in trouble, it is too late to return to the division.

"Are you worried about Posedia? Don't we still have a super weapon 'fire rain'? I don't dare to do anything to Pharaoh Mecca."

Fire and rain? No way. You should be clear about the serious consequences of using fire and rain. I won't use fire and rain until the last minute.

The bodyguard stopped talking.

Shura closed his eyes and meditated again: "Purple reincarnation ground troops" are already on their way to Ogo. Now, the only way is to occupy Ogo before the Aryans. Ogo City is the gateway to Aryan. Once the biochemical soldiers occupy Ogo, it is impossible for Pharaoh Maiga to ignore it. He is bound to divide his troops to find a way to retake Ogo. As long as Locke and others hold back the Aryans and buy time for themselves, their "genetically modified engineering" technology can be put into production. Once the "genetically modified biochemical soldiers" are made, any of his Magyas will not be his opponents. If you wait any longer, once the Aryan's "unmanned magnetic levitation air chariots" are overwhelmed by a large number of people, they will either sit and wait to avoid it or use the "fire rain" to fight back. At that time, the crystal satellite will be overloaded and likely to crash, which will bring disaster to Atlantis.

"Contact Locke for me. I want to know their location. The 100,000 biochemical soldiers are our elite, and there can't be any mistakes. Let them march urgently, arrive at Ogo within two days, and quickly occupy it. Shura suddenly opened his eyes.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

When Locke heard Shura mention himself, his heart suddenly rose to his throat. It's really disgraceful that he became a deserter and hid here to eavesdrop.

The bodyguard went to the large crystal screen and lit the button. "Rock" wearing a golden armor commander's uniform and riding on a tall horse appeared on the screen. Locke was in front of a jungle. He was staring at the jungle in a daze, as if he was thinking about something.

Wow! Unexpectedly, he could see Xue Lie thousands of miles away here. Fortunately, Xue Lie's appearance was covered by helmets and masks, otherwise... Locke was shocked and he had to look at Shura with new eyes.

The chief bodyguard said, "They have arrived in the 'Dadami Jungle'."

"Fuck, why did you go there? Did Xuelie look at the coordinates?" Shura cursed, "The satellite scanning system showed that there was something unusual in the jungle, reminding them to be careful. Also, tell Locke that you must protect Xue Lie's safety. You should know that keeping Xue Lie is equivalent to protecting the command and positioning system.

"Bang", Shura punched the table, and now he regrets not giving the "command locator" to Locke. He is worried about Xue Lie. The boy is too irritable. If the "command locator" is lost, he will not be able to grasp the wherefall of this army. Now, something really happened.

"Also, tell Xue Lie to adjust the march route, march quickly in the direction indicated by the coordinates, and be sure to occupy Ogo!"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Shura gave a series of orders, which made the bodyguard a little confused. The bodyguard grabbed a strange thing from the table and spoke to it. He was conveying Shura's order.

Locke cried secretly. Although he seemed to understand, he knew that he had left his post without permission. Once something happened, the 100,000-strong army was likely to fall into the hands of the Aryans. Locke couldn't help but become very anxious. He scolded himself in his heart: Why are you suspicious and have to doubt Shura? Now Xue Lie has two jobs alone, and I hope he won't make any mistakes. Locke's heart became uneasy.

"Your Highness, do you really believe them? If you can't take Ogo in one fell swoop, it will not only not have the effect of detering the Aryans, but also likely to cause the revenge of the Aryans. I think it seems a little risky to do so. After all, they are outsiders. Why don't I go there in person and take over the 'Purple Reincarnation Ground Force'?

"Don't worry about this, I believe in Locke's ability, and he will never let me down. Although I don't know which planet he comes from so far, my intuition tells me that he is not an ordinary human. He is a righteous and responsible person. I know him, and I believe he also knows me. Besides, those stationed in Ogo City are just some ordinary human beings who use cold weapons. I believe that it is useless to let Locke deal with them.

Shura's words made Locke extremely excited, and a warm current of happiness surged into his heart. It turned out that it was such a feeling to be trusted, and Locke almost burst into tears.

"Continue to strengthen vigilance, use the 'magnetic levitation air chariot', and patrol day and night to prevent Aryan sneak attacks."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"You can go out. I want to sit down a little longer."

"I'm leaving!"

The bodyguard saluted and turned out. There is only one Shura left in the large space. No, it should be two people, and there is a Locke transformed into a wine bottle.

How can I pass the information of the discovery of the bighorn to Shura? Locke is in trouble.

Sura looked at the bottle of wine fixedly. Too many things made him feel a little exhausted, and a little fatigue flashed in his eyes. For a long time, he took out the blood jade from his arms, gently rubbed the strange beast with his hand, and said to himself, "What on earth do you have to do with him? Locke, Locke, it's up to you whether you can keep the Sun Palace or not. This is related to the fate of Atlantis!"

Shura's expression is extremely solemn, and now he has placed all his hopes on Locke. He grabbed the bottle of wine again, and his hands trembled even more. Locke had already felt that Shura's mood was very unstable, and he was nervous and worried.

Shura poured all the rest of the wine into the glass, "goo." After drying in one breath, he stood up and walked to the door.