
Chapter 94 Night Castle

Because Micah was injured and it was difficult to walk, Will had to carry him on his back. For blood clans, they not only have super physical strength and endurance, but also have quite powerful magic, so even carrying a person on their backs will not affect their speed at all.

In order to return to the Eastern Land as soon as possible, Will turned into a huge bat. He carried Micah on his back and rushed east at a speed of 1,000 meters.

Gradually, a towering castle appeared on the cliff surrounded by clouds. Ville flew towards the castle. He closed his wings on the wall and then incarnated into a human body.

Ville helped Micah and walked into the castle.

Miller, dressed in snow-colored fashion, stood in front of the black window and looked at the two figures who hurriedly climbed over/the wall, and a cold look flashed in his eyes. There was a crystal cup on his palm. The cup full of red ** was spinning on his fingers and still rotated on three fingers, but not a drop of ** in the cup overflowed. Miller looked at the cup for a moment, and then drank all the ** inside.

"What did you two do again? He also came back with a wound. Have you found what I asked you to find? Miller turned around, and his red pupils were filled with cold murder.

Ville couldn't help trembling.

"Brother, punish me! It's all my fault. It's none of Will's business." "Puff," Michael's eyes turned over and fainted.

"What's going on?" Miller frowned and hurriedly picked up his brother. "Will, go out first and guard at the door. Don't let anyone disturb you."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Will is out.

Miller hurriedly used his magic power to heal his brother.

Miller has a silver crescent mark on his eyebrows. A snowy light mass burst out of the crescent-shaped mark. As the brightness increased, the light mass moved towards Micah's chest and gradually disappeared into Micah's chest.

With a bang, Micah fell down. Puff," Miller's mouth spewed bright red blood, and a white gas overflowed from the top of his head.

"What's going on?" Miller's eyes widened in disbelief. He found that a force had been invaded by Micah's body, which was like a burning flame, which was repelling his "mysterious ice gas".

Who on earth did they meet and who would have such a great ability? Is it the people of the Fire Clan? Yes, it should be under the hands of the fire clan. That power looks like the "heart-burning karma fire" in fire control. What should I do? Miller was very anxious. He hurriedly helped Micah up and thought: Can he wake up his brother now? There is nothing he can do, and it seems that he has to ask his father.

He called Will in and said in a cold voice, "Where have you been? Who on earth is under his hands?"

"We... we went to find the magnet, but we didn't find it. Then... Then I met the man who claimed to be the devil at the border between Middle-earth and the West Earth. It was the little devil who injured the second highness. However... I think that man should be from the Fire clan."

Ville trembled all over. If he could sweat, he would have been sweating coldly now. In fact, Will knew very well that Locke was indeed the son of Qi'ao, but he was worried that if his Highness knew that he was from Warcraft, he would reveal his identity as a blood clan, so he made up a lies.

"How many times have I said that you must be careful outside and never provoke the people of the fire clan. Now, Your Highness is injured, and even I can't be saved.

"This...this... my subordinates are incompetent and have not taken good care of the Second Highness. Please punish them." Will was scared. He was afraid of the highness who was as cold as ice all over.

"Forget it, I won't punish you. Go and invite my father to me. Hurry up. If it's too late, the Second Highness may die.

"Yes, yes, I'm going now." Ville hurried out.

Miller picked up Micah from the ground and put him on the bed. Miller looked at Micah, and his eyes were full of strong feelings. It was not wrong that he was his brother, but he was not his brother, which was not wrong. The fault was fate. Fate resurrect himself again and resurrected the dragon clan.

Miller stroked Michael's long blonde hair with his slender fingers and said softly, "Alas! You are so kind that you get hurt. Just like him, you would rather be hurt than save others. Don't worry, although I'm not your own brother, I will do my best to save you.

Soon, Ville came back tremblingly.

"Why, father, he won't come, or didn't you go at all? Say it!"

"Puff", Will knelt on the floor and kowtowed like garlic, "Your Highness... spare my life! Will... Will, please don't move. Lord, he... won't come."

"Hmm, useless things!" Miller snorted coldly, "You stay outside the door and don't allow anyone to come in."

Miller hurried out of the room and walked along the circling corridor to the top floor of the castle, where there was an overpass leading to another castle. Under the overpass is an unfathomable abyss, and the clouds above the abyss are steaming, filled with a bitter cold all year round.

Miller crossed the overpass and came to the door of the castle. The guard guard at the door saluted and said, "Your Highness, the Lord has ordered that he will not see anyone."

"Why, my father won't even see me? Get out of the way, or I'll kill you!" Miller's aggressive red pupils were filled with a cold murderous atmosphere, and the guard who guarded the door hurriedly flashed aside. Miller broke into the castle.

"Poutong", Miller knelt down and pleaded, "Father, Micah is seriously injured. Please help him!"

The figure sitting behind the curtain didn't even look back, but said coldly, "He is not your own brother. Why did you save him?"

"Father, although Micah is not my own brother, he is my cousin! You won't forget, his father and you..."

"Don't mention his father to me! You...get out of here!"

"Father, it's been so long, and my uncle is no longer here. Why should you be worried about it?"

"What do you know? Get out of here! As I said, I will never step out of this door. Even if the sky collapses, the earth sinks, and the night empire is destroyed, I will not step out of this door!"

Father, maybe I don't understand you, but how have you ever understood me? Miller fell down and thought of the man. For more than 10,000 years, the only person who knew himself could no longer stop his tears. They were blood-red tears.

"Father, if you don't save Micah, Le'er will kneel down here." Miller was determined to argue with his father, but he didn't believe that his father would be so cruel.

"You can kneel as long as you want." King Suto closed his eyes and said no more words.

Miller knelt for an hour, and his heart became more and more anxious. He knew the nature of his father. For ten thousand years, his father had indeed not taken a step out of this castle. Even 3,000 years ago, human beings invaded the night empire together with the fire clan. The empire was almost destroyed, and his father did not help. Help. It seems that even if you kneel down again, there is no hope. If you drag it down again, I'm afraid Micah's injury will worsen.

Miller had to get up from the floor, wipe his tears, and hurried back to the castle.

"Ville, you are so bold!" Miller shouted angrily, "Tell me the truth, where have you been with Micah? Who on earth did it? If you don't tell the truth, I'll strip you of your cramps and ashes!"

"Your Highness! Your Highness, please forgive me!" "Puntong", Ville knelt down in horror, "My subordinates... Everything I said is true. His Highness ordered him to look for magnetic European stones and rested in a town on the border between Middle-earth and Western Turkey. I met two teenagers, and I didn't offend them. At that time... At that time... his subordinates were chatting with the Second Highness, the teenager who claimed to be the devil suddenly attacked the Second Highness, and the Second Highness..."

"What nonsense! Micah has always been kind-hearted and never has a grudge against anyone. How could anyone attack him? You must have caused trouble, and Micah blocked the blow for you, didn't you?" Miller said harshly.

Miller knows his brother very well and knows how well he is. If it hadn't been for Michael's bitter plea for him, if it hadn't been for the fierce battle 3,000 years ago, those brothers and sisters had contributed to the Night Empire, he would not have kept them in the Night Empire at all.

Ville smelled the cold murderous spirit, which came from Miller's eyes, and his blood-red eyes were red as if they could drip blood. Will trembled like a sieve.

"Kkaka", a burst of noise.

"Ah! Your Highness, please forgive me! What my subordinates are telling is the truth. It is the person who calls himself the devil. Maybe he is the person of the Fire clan. It is he who hurt the second highness. Will shouted in horror. He found that his body was freezing. He thought that His Highness was really angry and he was going to freeze himself to death.

"brush", Miller withdrew the spell. The ice on Will's body also shattered, which scared him so much that he hurriedly lay on the ground and didn't even dare to move.

Miller picked up Ville, who was shaking like a sieve, and his eyes became cruel and fierce: "Let's go and take me to see the devil immediately. If Micah dies, I will not only tear down your bones, but also let your brother and sister bury Michael together!"

"Yes, yes!" Will kowtowed like garlic. He almost fainted. For more than 3,000 years, it was the first time he had seen His Royal Highness so angry that he thought he had caused his own trouble.

The two walked out of the door and came to the wall. Miller took something out of his sleeve. It looked like a toy car, but its shape was extremely strange and exquisite, which made it look more like a work of art. Miller lit up the button on it. In Will's stunned eyes, the toy car became bigger and turned into a chariot with a roof.

Ville couldn't help but worship this cold Highness.

This is a chariot pulled by a two-headed dragon, but the two-headed dragon is not a real dragon, but made of metal. It is a silver-gray metal with a snake-like torso, four shiny claws, a lion-like tail, and a pair of wide wings. It has a lion-like head, with a pair of elk-like horns standing above its head, and its hair is open. It looks like the real thing.

The whole car is extremely luxuriously decorated, with golden seats, which are tall and soft, and the backrests and armrests are inlaid with sparkling jewelry and jade.

This is a special ride designed by Miller for himself. Except for Micah and himself, no one has ever taken it. Now, in order to save Micah, Miller had to let Vier sit beside him.

Miller moved the button on the console and sprayed hot airflow from the mouth and tail of the two-headed dragon. At the same time, his wings also fluttered. In Will's surprised eyes, the two-headed dragon waved its head and tail, roaring and rising into the air.