
Chapter 95 seems to be an old man

It's already the second half of the night. Although there is at least 100,000 miles from the eastern continent to the western continent, the flying dragon chariot is quite fast. When it flew over the town, it was just slightly bright. The dawn and a faint mist enveloped the town. Looking from afar, the whole town gives people a hazy feeling.

Ville was wearing a black cloak and wrapped in a thick black robe. His heart was very anxious. Can he not be anxious? On the one hand, he was worried that the two teenagers had left, and on the other hand, he was also afraid of the day. He could not see the sun. If the sun hit his skin, he would immediately turn into powder and disappear.

The Flying Dragon chariot stopped in front of a tall building. This building is whereville and Micah quarreled last night. This is an abandoned church.

Miller stepped out of the car, and he lit up the button on the console. The dragon chariot shrank, and he put it in his sleeve.

Miller looked up and immediately frowned. This is an old church. It looks like it has been some years. The wall has tilted, and the broken gray wall tiles protrude out of the wall, giving people a feeling of crumbling.

Ville was in front and Miller was behind, and two figures jumped into the door with a "brush".

A smell of moldy smell mixed with soil and dust, as well as rotten wood came straight into the nostrils. Miller's eyebrows frowned even tighter. How can there be magnets in such a place? How could my noble brother come to such a dirty and dilapidated place? Miller was even more puzzled. He glanced coldly at Ville and thought, "I'd like to see what you can do."

The musty smell became heavier and heavier. Walking through the dusty corridor and pushing open the dilapidated door, Ville hurriedly pulled off the spider web that stopped at the door. Will's heart became more and more uneasy. He was thinking: If the two teenagers were not there, wouldn't he die?

"hoo" "papa", a group of winged things that looked like birds swept over their heads. They were originally bats perched on the roof. As soon as Miller entered the door, the cold on his body caused the temperature around him to drop sharply. The bats felt abnormal and were shocked to fly.

The air is filled with a smell of feces. Will hurriedly raised his cloak to cover Miller's head. Will knew that His Highness loved cleanliness, and if another feces fell on His Highness's head, he would really have to be skinned.

Miller covered his nose with his hand and complained hatefully: What on earth did the two of them want to do in such a damn place? It's unreasonable!

Miller was extremely angry, and at the same time, he didn't understand how his noble brother came to such a place. It is impossible for people to live in such a place, but Will actually said that there were still two teenagers, so what about people?

Ville kept praying in his heart: Don't go. If you leave, I will die!

In fact, Will's heart is very clear that whether the two teenagers are there or not, at least they are dead above the ninth floor, because they lied. If the two teenagers expose their identity, His Highness knows that they are the demons of the demon clan and the incarnation of the vampire beast, relying on his own Understand that he can't let himself go at all. Therefore, Will is ready to run away at any time.

When Will opened the last door uneasily, he breathed a long sigh of relief, because there was no one inside. However, there is a bowl on the broken table, which proves that people have indeed come here.

"Ville, what's going on?" Miller stared at Ville, and the eyes shot on Ville, giving Will an illusion that there was a cold sword stuck in his heart.

Ville's knees softened and he almost knelt down. He turned his eyes, pointed to the bowl and said, "Your Highness, they did stay here. Look at that bowl. Yesterday I clearly saw them drinking water. I think... they should go to town for breakfast."

In fact, Will is talking nonsense at all. The bowl has been on that table for many years, and it has been full of dust. The appearance of that bowl is just a coincidence.

However, Miller didn't pay attention to the bowl at all. All he was looking for was people. Miller thought for a moment and felt that what Will said was reasonable, so the two turned out of the church and walked towards the town.

So, where are Locke and Xiao? Last night, after the owl was injured, Locke went to the boundary to heal the owl. Although Xiao is a half-demon, he grew up eating poisonous insects. At the same time, he is also the descendant of the evil. At that time, after Artemis gave Ufu divine power, the blood of the Ufu king was already flowing in the blood of the Protoss, as if he had been implanted with antibodies. Therefore, even if he was sucked blood by the blood clan, he would not be hit again. Blood poison.

Under the action of magic, the xiao's blood was stopped, the blood hole disappeared, and the skin returned to its original state. Seeing that the xiao was fine, Locke was finally relieved, and the two slept a lot in the boundary again.

At dawn, Xiao's stomach cooed again. After a fierce ideological struggle, he couldn't help but suffer from hunger, and he woke up Locke. The two dressed up as locals, wrapped themselves in robes and walked to the town. Just after they walked out of the church, Miller drove a dragon chariot from a distance, only dozens of meters away, and they missed it.

The east showed a white fish belly, and the pink morning glow rendered the sky like a girl's shy face. A round of red sun is about to come out.

It's already late autumn, and the wind is cool in the early morning. The rising smoke enveloped the town in the hazy smoke. The people who got up in the morning wrapped themselves in their robes and began another busy day.

Lock and Xiao walked into a restaurant.

So, why don't they hide on the roof to hunt? Since hearing the conversation between the shopkeeper couple, Locke has stopped the sling from hunting by stealing food. Because they were regarded as devouring monsters, the store couple even closed the door, and their business could not be completed. How could they survive? Therefore, Locke decided to eat in the store openly. In fact, he wanted to understand the human world by the way.

The owner greeted him warmly.

"What do the two guests need?"

The shopkeeper wore a white robe, wrapped in a white turban, and looked kind-looking.

Before Locke could speak, Xiao said first, "Bry all the best food in your restaurant."

"Xing, just ask for a few things." Locke is worried that he can't finish it and will be wasted.

"Brother, don't worry, I have money." Xiao blinked his eyes mysteriously.

"Are you rich?" Locke's face was full of doubts. He knew that he didn't have any children all over his body. How could he have money?

"The dishes are coming!"

Locke just wanted to stop it, but he didn't expect that the efficiency of this store was so high that the dishes had been put on the table.

Okay, I'd like to see what you use to pay the bill. Locke stopped talking. He looked at the table. Good guy, it's really rich: a table full of dishes, some he knows and some he hasn't seen before, such as bacon, roasted whole lamb, turkey, cheese, salad, toast, grilled pie, sturgeon... Whether it's flying in the sky, walking on the ground, or swimming in the water, really Everything is available, and these dishes are both cold and hot.

"What's your stomach? Trash cans?" Locke joked.

Let's see how you pay the bill later. If you can't afford it, you will be mortgaged to the store and ask you to bring dishes, wash dishes and wash dishes. Hahaha! Locke laughed proudly in his heart.

"It's my treat today! Eat and eat, big brother, you can eat as you like. I'll pay the bill. Xiao patted his chest, just like a rich man.

"Well, that's what you said. Don't regret it then." Locke chewed rudely.

Locke and Xiao are sitting just close to the window. Locke stared at the street outside as he ate. There are more and more pedestrians on the street. They carry hoes, shovels, goods, and carriages... Locke eats and thinks: Human beings only have a hundred years of life, but they are still busy, repeating the same work day after day. Won't they get tired of it? Just like myself, in the long night, repeating the work of capturing souls, sorting out files, and judging souls, but I have never been tired of it, because there is that person around. As soon as I see that person, I know that it is my own business. If I do it, that person doesn't have to do it. I am Solve the trouble for that person. But now, the man is still lying under the petals of Manshu Shahua, without any breath of life.

Alas! I don't know where to find the "sincere". Locke stopped chewing food, and he suddenly felt that he had no appetite at all, so he turned his eyes out of the window.

There are tall trees standing next to the street. The wind blows those trees and rolls up pieces of yellow leaves. They float down from the top of the tall tree. Suddenly, in the flying dead leaves, a person's back appeared. The man was white, with long black hair behind his head, and the wind blew the long hair. Locke suddenly had an illusion that he felt as if he had seen a painting. A strange feeling swept over his heart, just like when he saw the xiao.

"Xing, did you see that man?" Locke stretched out his index finger and pointed out of the window.

"Wow, who is it?" Xiao said vaguely. He was lowering his head and nibbling at the chicken leg, and his mouth was full of oil.

"The man in the white robe always feels a little strange."

"Where is it?" Xiao finally raised his head.

"It's on the street."

Xiao followed Locke's finger, but didn't see anything.

"Where is there anyone? You are wrong, aren't you?" Xiao lowered his head and continued to nibble on his chicken leg.

"No one?" Locke rubbed his eyes. There was no one. Did he really misread it?

Actually, Locke didn't misread it. The white figure is Miller, who is wandering around the street with Will. However, when Locke turned his head to talk to the xiao, Miller was out of their sight.

"I'm full. Take your time." Locke leaned against the back of the chair and looked out of the window. The back never appeared again. For some reason, he had a feeling that he always felt that the back had been seen somewhere.