
Chapter 102 Challenge Apollo

20,000 years ago, Papemius was the goddess of heaven. She was the maid of tea for the gods at the banquet.

Papemius was born dignified and beautiful. When she served tea to the gods, she was looked at by Zeus. Hera, who was suspicious and jealous, thought that Zeus had an affair with Pappusius, so she secretly demoted Papemisius as a flower slave and punished her to plant flowers on the snow peak of Neriseon.

Hera said to Papemisius, "When the flowers bloom on the snow peak, the punishment for you will end."

Nericion snow peak is quite high and there is no sunshine all year round. The top of the mountain is covered with thick ice and snow, with a cold and bitter cold wind all year round, and the cold wind is often wrapped in egg-sized hail.

Papemisius didn't know what wrong she had done. She knelt in the ice and cried while digging ice with a flower shovel. She planted the flowers in the ice. But how can those flowers growing in the sun germinate in the ice? Papemi Hughes felt that there was no hope at all. She just kept crying, and her tears flowed into a river, winding from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

On this day, the demon king Qi'ao happened to pass by Neri Sion Snow Peak. He had unified the West Earth and was chasing the demon king who fled to the west. Qi'ao felt very thirsty. He happened to see the clear spring flowing down from the snow peak. Qi'ao took a sip of Qingquan and couldn't help frowning. The taste of Qingquan was very bitter, like the tears shed by a girl who had suffered a lot of grievances. Qi'ao felt strange. He flew to the snowy peak and then saw Papami Hughes.

After listening to Papemi Hughes's story, Qiao thought: How can flowers grow on the ice and snow? Hera is deliberately trying to make things difficult for Papemisius.

Qiao sympathizes with Papemius and wants to help this innocent girl. After thinking for a while, he decided to go to Apollo.

Apollo is idle and bored. He is playing his lyre.

Apollo is a bloody young man with a dazzling sun in his eyebrows. His golden, wavy curls spread over his shoulders and exude fragrance all over his body. His face is melon-shaped, his eyes are big and bright, and his eyes are blue. His forehead is wide, giving people a firm and dignified feeling. Qi'ao immediately fell in love with Apollo. The sound of the piano played by Apollo is particularly wonderful, just like the sound of nature. Qi'ao was intoxicated. He unconsciously stepped forward and couldn't help applaud.

Finally, the sound of the piano stopped. Apollo saw a golden-horned red-haired teenager standing in front of him and asked, "Who are you?"

Qiao said, "I'm the devil Qi'ao. I'm here to ask you for something."

"Do you have anything to ask me?" There was a charming arc at the corners of his mouth. Apollo smiled, and his heart was full of pride. "There are many people who come to ask me. If I agree one by one, I'm really busy!"

Apollo put down the lyre in his hand.

Qiao smiled and said, "I think I'm an exception."

"Oh? Why do you think you are an exception? Apollo stared at Qi'ao with great interest. Because no god dares to talk to Apollo like this, not to mention that the teenager in front of him is still a demon. However, Apollo saw confidence from his red pupils.

"I can beat you." Qi'ao is still smiling.

"Can you defeat me? Hahaha..." Apollo laughed, and even the sun in the middle of his eyebrows trembled. He suddenly sank his face and said sharply, "You're not here to beg me, you're here to provoke me!"

"I heard that adults have always liked to compete, and I want to compete with adults."

"Oh? Well, what do you want to compare? Apollo became interested, and his face softened, because he was idle and bored. Someone competed with him, just enough to pass the boring time.

"I heard that the adult's arrows have always been a hundred shots. Qi'ao doesn't believe it, so I want to compete with the adult to shoot arrows."

"Compare archery with me? Hahaha..." Apollo laughed, and the sun in the middle of his eyebrows trembled even more, and even the beautiful blonde hair flew up.

"Don't compare, you're sure to lose! Who doesn't know that my golden arrows have always been a hundred times? You'd better change the project." Apollo Ocean is on its own.

"No, it's better than archery. I believe I can beat you. If I lose, I am willing to offer my head.

"Oh? In this case, I promise you. If you win, I will promise you whatever you ask for. However, if you lose, hum, you have to fulfill your promise and offer your head. Let's talk about it. How can we compare it?

Well, everyone knows that my golden arrow has never failed. You are looking for death, so you can't blame me! What is this red-haired head used for? Just put it on my breastplate. It must be cool! Hahaha... Apollo thought happily.

Qiao pointed in one direction and said, "Just shoot there. If you can hit that snow peak, you will win."

"It's not easy." Apollo took the golden bow from his back and put on the golden arrow. He used a thousand magic power and the golden arrow broke through the air.

The golden arrow penetrated the thick clouds and burst into thousands of golden lights on the snow peak. In an instant, the ice and snow on the top of the mountain melted, revealing black soil.

"It's your turn." Apollo handed the golden bow to Qi'ao and thought to himself: No one can pull this golden bow apart except me. Today, you are dead!

"Don't compare, I've already won." Qi'ao said with a smile.

"What, you won? You haven't even shot an arrow yet?" Apollo's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I came to you just to ask you to shoot this arrow. Now that your arrow has been shot out, you have finished what I beg you to do. So, I should go."

"What kind of logic is this?" Apollo jumped up and stopped in front of Qi'ao, "No, no, you can't go!" I don't believe you will win.

"Since the adult believes that Qi'ao lost, Qi'ao had no choice but to offer this head. If one of Qi'ao's heads can be exchanged for the life of an innocent girl, Qi'ao is willing to die.

With a choking sound, Qi'ao pulled out the red flame knife at his waist and wiped it off his neck as soon as he raised his hand.

"Wait, what innocent girl?" Apollo grabbed Qi'ao's wrist.

Qi'ao's awe-inspiring momentum of life and death shocked Apollo's heart, and he felt that things were a little strange. Qi'ao told Apollo about what happened to Papemius. Apollo immediately became interested, and his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Do you want the sun to shine on the snow peak so that flowers can grow on the snow peak?"

"That's right, that's right." Qi'ao nodded.

Unexpectedly, Qi'ao is not only smart, but also has a righteous heart. He did not hesitate to challenge me with his life to save an unknown girl. Although he lost a little unfairly, if he could make such a friend, he would not be lonely anymore. Thinking of this, Apollo was happy.

"Then take me to have a look!"

So, Qi'ao took Apollo to the snow peak of Neriseon. They saw Papemius still kneeling there and crying.

"Why, haven't the flowers bloomed yet?" Apollo asked strangely.

"The seeds have sprouted, but... but the newly grown leaves have been frozen to death again." Papemius cried again.

Qi'ao looked around and understood that although the ice and snow on the top of the mountain had melted, the cold around it was too heavy. The water that had just melted into ice again, and the newly grown flower seedlings were frozen to death.

"What should I do?" Qi'ao looked at Apollo and said, "Exer your magic power to melt the ice and snow."

"How is this possible? I don't have that much magic power. Even if I drive the sun car here, it will take tens of thousands of years to melt all the ice and snow.

"What can I do?" Qi'ao frowned.

"Papemi Hughes thanked the two adults. Adults don't have to worry about me, just let me freeze to death here." Papemius said that she stopped crying and didn't want to add trouble to the two kind adults.

Apollo couldn't bear to freeze such a beautiful girl to death here. He thought for a moment and then said, "Why don't you go to the goddess of ice and snow? This snow mountain is controlled by the goddess of the ice snow clan."

"Goddess of Ice and Snow, where is she?" Qi'ao asked.

"I heard that the ice goddess lives in the ice and snow temple in the far north continent."

"Okay, then I'll go to the far north to find the goddess of ice and snow."

I don't know what method Qi'ao used. Ten days later, when Papemis was freezing and about to faint, he came back. He planted a sparkling seed into the ice. Soon, the ice surface broke, and a young seedling came out of the ice. It quickly stretched its leaves against the roaring cold wind and the snow all over the sky. Soon, a huge white flower bloomed. The white curly petals are wrapped in golden stamens, set off by the bright green leaves, not to mention how beautiful they are, and it also exudes a fragrant fragrance.

Papemi Hughes was very surprised. Apollo told the gods the news of flowers blooming on the snowy mountains.

Soon, the news reached Hera's ears. Hera didn't believe it at all. She ran to the snow peak of Neri Sion to see it. From afar, she smelled the fragrance of flowers. Hera flew to the snow peak, and she saw that many gods were admiring the flower. She had to believe it, so she exempted Papemis from punishment and asked her to stay in heaven as a god.

So that's it. His father is indeed his father. His father has never let himself down. He is worthy of being his role model. Locke is very proud to have such a father.