
Chapter 103 Forgotten Fruit

Everyone is chatting and talking about interesting things. It seemed that no one noticed the girl named Ruoxi. From time to time, she peeked at the golden-horned red-haired teenager, and then a blush flew over her cheeks. How can a mother not know her daughter? Papemius sighed in his heart: Alas, my poor child!

After the meal, the two brothers and sisters in Cologne insisted on pulling Locke and Xiao to see the night scene. Originally, Locke had something to ask Papemi Hughes, but the brother and sister were so enthusiastic that if he didn't go, he was afraid that he would live up to other people's kindness, so Locke had to follow them.

Go out through the back door of the main hall and pass through a path is a lawn. There is a tall tree on the lawn full of red fruits. Those fruits actually have a pair of wings. When the wind blows, the fruits shake, and they look like they are about to leave the branches and fly away. Locke was very surprised, because he had never seen such a fruit tree in the divine world or the underworld for more than 10,000 years.

Colon sat cross-legged under the tree. He took out a green tube from his sleeve, which had many holes in it.

"Don't underestimate it. It can sing more beautiful music than birds." Ruoxi blinked mischievously.

Sure enough, when Cologne's lips touched those holes, a melodious tune flew out. The sound was like the sound of heaven, passing through the palace, flying over the jungle, and resounding through the clouds, and even the birds and beasts in the jungle couldn't help stopping to listen.

It is said that the voice of the Seren is full of charm, and this song is not a kind of charm? Locke was crazy about it.

In the beautiful music, Ruoxi's colorful skirt also rotated, and she danced and sang:

Red dust and purple, vast dust.

The fragrant grass in the sky is indifferent.

The flowers of that year were soft and rotten,

The wind of that season is lingering and warm,

The rain that day pulled long thoughts!

A piece of paper Chanjuan, Danqing rendering.

Full of rivers and mountains, pointing!

That night, you came from the willow shore,

Lang eyes and starry eyes, with a crown;

I walked around the Peach Blossom Ferry,

The red sleeves of the skirt are absolutely beautiful and will never fade!

The cold wind blows the bottom of the sleeves, and the moon shines on the green shirt.

I miss you, singing in the morning bell and evening drums;

Waiting for you, from warbler flying grass to winter snow!

The fireworks are cold, and the clouds are broken for thousands of years.

A drop of thick ink dance, half a remnant of words!

You disappear on the other side of the text,

The sound and appearance are broken, and Guihong is broken,

It's like running water, once gone;

I wander between reality and illusory,

Lighten your mind, mess up Zhu Xian,

is also like falling red, melancholy!"

With the rhythm of the dance, the song is sometimes exciting, sometimes happy, sometimes low, sometimes sad, and makes people cry.

When the colored skirt stopped rotating, the music stopped abruptly. At this time, a large group of fireflies suddenly rose to the sky, and they soared in the afterglow of the music. The scene was so wonderful that everyone was infatuated by the illusion.

"Alas! I haven't heard this song for a long time. A sigh pulled the four young people back to reality. I don't know when Papemius came here.

"I'm sorry, mother, it made you sad again." Cologne stood up and handed the jasper-like tube to his mother's hand.

"This thing is called 'Zo'. It was sent by a friend from afar many years ago. The lyrics were filled in by him, and the music was composed by me." Papemius put the flute close to his cheek, stroked the green flute with his slender fingers, and two lines of clear tears quietly slid down her beautiful face.

"xiao" and "xiao"? Maybe it's just a coincidence. A strange feeling flashed through Locke's heart.

"Two thousand years ago, in this jungle, he fell into a pool of blood with scars. My bodyguard found him and took him back to the palace. He was so seriously injured that his heart was almost penetrated. It took me three days and three nights to take him back from the hands of death. Papemius said quietly.

Lock suddenly remembered something. At that time, he was waiting beside Pluto as a god of death.

At that time, there was a man named Fade, whose soul had drifted to the underworld, but he lingered, and his energy was quite powerful. No matter how Ka Xu drove him away, he just didn't get on the boat. In desperation, Kaxu had to meet Pluto. Pluto ordered Tanatos to forcibly arrest the soul.

In the past, those who succumbed to death, or had an unprecedented wish, resisted when they arrived at the edge of the Styx River, intending to return to the world. At this time, Pluto often orders Death to forcibly arrest those stubborn souls. If the dead souls are allowed to slip back to the world, and their bodies have been destroyed, then they will become lonely ghosts, lightly attach the body of a normal person, control the behavior of the person, and seriously harm the world, which will cause chaos in the world. Maintaining the normal order of the three worlds is also one of the duties of Pluto.

So, Tanatos was ordered to drive away the dead soul. Just as he was about to do it, a whirlwind suddenly blew on the bank of the Pluto River, and a powerful force led the soul to fly to the sun. He cast a spell to fight with that force and entangled for a long time. In the end, the soul was taken away by that force. For this reason, he also went to the world and secretly visited for a long time, but he never found the result.

It turned out that Papemi Hughes was fighting with himself. No wonder, fortunately, he failed, otherwise he would be even more sorry. Locke was secretly happy in his heart.

"Alas!" Papemius sighed and continued, "I healed his injury and wanted him to stay. However, his eyes were stubborn and sad, which made me feel heartbroken.

That night, he was leaving, and he said he had to complete his mission. Although I kept him again and again, he insisted on leaving. So I took him to the tree and danced for him, and he played this song. That night was more beautiful than tonight, but even if it was a beautiful day, it was nothing but a waste. He still left and took our child away. He said that if he dies, a descendant must continue to complete his unfinished mission. Before leaving, he gave me the flute, which he brought from the East Land World. He said that when I saw the flute, I would think of the xiao.

For more than 2,000 years, I have been waiting for him for more than 2,000 years. I often stand here and look out into the jungle, hoping that one day he will suddenly appear in front of me with our child. I sent many guards out to inquire, but there was no more news from them.

At this point, Papemisius has burst into tears. Locke knew that he would never come back, and his undead had rested in Elyseeland.

"Are you talking about? Locke couldn't help blurted out.

"Yes, how do you know?" Papemi Hughes raised his tears in surprise.

"This is your mother. Call your mother." Locke brought over the kong standing there like a fool.

Xiao was confused and looked at the magnificent and floating queen. He couldn't believe that he would have such a mother. He stammered, "The old patriarch said that it was my once..."

"You used to be great!" Locke kicked him to the ground, "kowtow and call your mother!"

"Are you really my child?" Papemi Hughes turned into surprise with a sad face and suddenly turned into a surprise. She pulled the er over, "Son, are you really a sling? Let me have a look!" She pulled Xiao's arm and looked at his left arm. The pattern of a strange beast appeared on the shoulder of the xiao's left arm, shining with a faint light. The strange beast in the pattern has twink eyes, as if it will jump out of his arm at any time.

Papemius looked up and down at the xiao and said in surprise, "Yes, you are the xiao. You have the same pattern on your arm as your father. My poor child, you made me find it so hard!" She held the xiao in her arms and cried loudly.

"See Your Highness!" The attendants all leaned down to salute.

"What, Your Highness?" The xiao was at a loss, just like an old farmer entering the city.

Papemius finally stopped crying. She wiped her tears, took the xiao's hand, and said with a smile, "You are my first child. Of course, you are the brother of Xi'er and Long'er. They said that your Highness is not wrong."


"Brother, I finally found you!"

Ruoxi and Cologne also cheered in surprise. The three brothers and sisters hugged each other tightly.

Looking at the happy appearance of their family, Locke's nose is also sour. Poor parents still don't know where their bones are buried. After all, they are still alone. Locke's mood suddenly fell to the extreme. He just wanted to find a place where there was no one and cried happily.

Locke quietly retreated and came to the fruit tree. A gust of wind brushed the treetops, and a fruit fell down. It rolled a few times on the lawn and rolled to Locke's feet. Locke leaned over and picked up the fruit. This fruit is very strange. I can't tell what shape it is. It is red and bright, with a pinch of white fluff on the left and right sides, like a pair of wings. Locke looked at the fruit fixedly.

"This tree is called the bitter love tree, and this kind of fruit is called forgetting fruit."

I don't know when Papemis came to Locke's side. She saw Locke leaving sadly and felt uneasy, so she followed.

"Forgotten fruit?" Locke's face was full of surprise, and it was the first time he heard the name.

"Yes, if you eat it, you will forget everything in the past, including all the happiness and pain."

Should I eat it? From now on, there will be no more pain. Thinking of this, he picked up the fruit.