
Chapter 106 Dragon Boy

"Bum" and "Ouch!", accompanied by a loud noise, followed by a scream, the poor kong fell straight from the air, which made him dizzy.

"Bang" was another loud noise, and a big man fell from the sky without bias, just hitting the xiao's chest. Pu", a mouthful of blood spewed out, splashing Locke's face, and then looking at the man under him, his head was tilted and he had fainted.

"Empg! How are you? Are you all right? You must have nothing to do!" Locke was scared.

It happened so suddenly that he only felt dizzy in front of him, and a powerful force pulled him in. He wanted to get rid of the shackles of that force, but he couldn't get rid of it. He wanted to use his magic power and was soft all over, as if the bones around him had been torn apart. Shocked, Locke had to hold the xiao's hand tightly. When the power suddenly disappeared, the two also flew out at the same time. Locke didn't even have time to spread his wings. As a result, the unlucky oc� became his back. Locke felt extremely guilty. He was afraid that something would happen to the xiao, so he hurriedly put his palm on the xiao's chest. He wanted to lose his magic to the xiao.

"You... don't scare me!" Locke was incoherent, "I... I promised the old patriarch to take good care of you, and I also said I would protect you with my life. You must not die!"

"Hahaha..." With a burst of laughter, Xiao suddenly opened his eyes and clasped Locke's wrist with his backhand. "Is it true that you want to protect me with your life?" Xiao tilted his head and asked seriously.

"Of course it's true. I have sworn: If you violate this oath, you will be struck by lightning..."

"Well, then why do you still push me to death? Cough!" Another blood gushed out of the xiao's lifeless mouth.

"Don't talk anymore. I'll heal you."

"Hahaha..." Xiao laughed more happily.

The second monk Locke - he was confused and thought to himself: This child should not return to the light, right? He was about to cast the spell again when the xiao pushed him away and jumped up.

"It's okay. It's okay. Look, what is this?" With a "bang", he spit out a dark green bumpy thing from his mouth.

"What is this?" Locke asked in surprise.

"Should I ask you if I knew?" Xiao frowned and said, "When I fell down just now, it rolled into my mouth by itself. Well, it tastes good. This is the only one left while chewing." With that, he also exaggeratedly licked his lips.

"You are not afraid of being poisoned!" Locke cursed hatefully while taking the thing and looking carefully. This thing is dark green, which is smaller than half of the palm. It looks angular. As soon as you turn it with your hand, there seem to be strips of lines on the surface. Then you weigh it with your hand, it feels quite heavy. Locke understands a little.

"What kind of fruit should it be? It turned out that you were stealing fruit and cheated to death, which made me so nervous. You look for a fight!" With that, he casually toss the thing he thought was the core at the door of the xiao.

"It's really hard to break the iron shoes without any effort. Since you two don't want it, I won't be polite." A cold air penetrated his spine, and the cold words were like his cold appearance.

The "core" that Locke toss has been pinched into a teenager's finger.

The teenager's skin is as white as snow, and there is a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes on his melon-shaped face. His red crystal glazed pupils are shining, and his cold eyes seem to absorb people's hearts. There is also a silver crescent mark on the center of his eyebrows.

The teenager wore a pure white and snow-like fashion, wearing a silver belt with ruby around his waist and a brocade bag decorated with colorful tassels. A long ink-like hair is scattered behind the head, and those long hairs are drifting in the wind.

At this time, the teenager is sitting in an extremely luxuriously decorated chariot that looks like an ark. The chariot is pulled by a two-headed pterosaur. The dragon raised its head and tail, with its mustache wide open, one paws on the clouds, and one claw to pluck the fog, which is very majestic.

His eyes were fierce and cold, like a sharp sword, as if it could penetrate people's hearts. However, why is there such a deep sadness and loneliness in such cold eyes? A strange feeling flashed through Locke's heart.

"Hey, who are you? It doesn't count to rob other people's things, but it's revering. It's impatient to live, isn't it?"

The teenager's condescending and condescending expression really annoyed the xiao. Xiao's eyebrows stood up. He jumped his feet and crossed his waist, looking like a shrew scolding the street. Anyway, there is a big brother who seems to be invincible in the world. Even if the sky falls, it is not his turn to stand up. Therefore, Xiao was even more fearless and almost moved out the 18th generation of his ancestors. When the xiao scolded enough, the teenager didn't speak, but he still had a frost on his face.

"I don't know what it is, but I dare to say it's my own. Do you know how shyness?"

"Wow, damn it! What are you talking about? Xiaofei jumped up and pulled out the sword at his waist with a "brush". "Wow," the silver sword rolled up a strong wind and cut down the teenager's neck.

Presumably the white snow-like skin exposed outside the collar, if a piece of blood splashes, it must be very beautiful! Xiao thought with hatred.

Suddenly, I heard a "ding" in my ear, and I saw that the teenager only flicked his fingertips, and the silver sword swung away. A beautiful arc crossed the air and listened to "bang", followed by a "wow" scream. The poor owl made a second leap and fell down again. His eyes turned and he fainted. I guess it's not pretending this time. Locke hurried over.

"Xing, wake up! Are you all right?" No matter how Locke called, the one lying on the ground did not respond.

"Friend, you're too heavy, aren't you?" Locke shook his body and blocked the teenager's car. He was afraid that the teenager would escape, and his life and death were uncertain, so he had to ask for an explanation.

"Too heavy? Humph, I just taught him a lesson. If I really take action, can he still die? The teenager snorted coldly.

The teenager's domineering posture angered Locke.

"Leave the things behind, or you won't leave!"

Although Locke didn't know what that thing was, he must have been extraordinary when he saw the teenager in front of him. In fact, Locke doesn't want that thing, but he doesn't like the arrogance of the teenager. Besides, he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive, and he has to ask him to explain.

"Kakaka", the bone joints are long, followed by the sound of "brushing", the red hair flew up.

"I'll take it!" Locke's head was a heavy punch, hitting the teenager's face, which was full of ingenuity. Locke's fist is not the fist of ordinary people. He is the devil. As soon as he exerts his magic, the power accumulated in his body will condense the surrounding energy into a powerful aura. It is a powerful energy mass of light and heat that ordinary people can't see.

The energy mass roared and rolled over to the teenager. However, the teenager is not an ordinary person, and he has seen it.

This person is not our race, and it seems that we can't underestimate it. Unable to think about it, the teenager turned around, jumped out of his throne, jumped down in the air, and then pushed one palm to meet Locke's fist. A cold current hit the heat wave, "swish", and the water vapor steamed. In an hour, the clouds covered the fog, and permeated half of the sky. The two were wrapped in a piece of water vapor.

In the haze, the teenager saw a handsome and domineering face with fluttering red hair, which was filled with a murderous atmosphere.

This face seemed to have been seen somewhere, and there was a strange feeling in the teenager's heart. Is it him? The teenager suddenly remembered the man he met in the dungeon. The man actually broke his "crystal ice array".

"Who the hell are you?" The teenager still had an indifferent tone. He knew that this person was extraordinary, but he did not know what his origin was, and he couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

Locke didn't answer, but the strength in his hand increased, and the teenager had to catch the punch. For a moment, the sound of "swish" was louder, and the water vapor became stronger. Locke's fist is sandwiched with hellfire, and the teenager's palm wind is sandwiched by ten thousand years of black ice. The two really don't blend in with each other. They were glued to each other and fought with each other. Suddenly, there was a moan of "Ouch" below, which sounded very painful. That's the voice of the sling.

"He's awake!" Locke's face showed surprise, and he immediately withdrew the strength of his fist. Locke actually forgot that he was still in danger. A cold current broke through the air and hit Locke's chest. The cold current came from the teenager's eyebrows - the crescent-shaped mark.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light burst out in front of his eyes, and the cold current was like a mud cow entering the sea, and disappeared in an instant.

The teenager was stunned. He looked at Locke's chest, where there was only a string of chains, which was the most unusual string of gold chains. But that light? The teenager was confused.

"It seems that we can't tell the winner today. I'll fight again another day. Say goodbye!"

The teenager glanced at the ground, said coldly, and then the luxury chariot that drove him disappeared like a gust of wind. Locke ignored it, but hurriedly picked up the tycoon on the ground.

"How are you? Let me have a look!"

"My stomach hurts so much, oh, it hurts me so much!" Xiao gasped heavily, and his face was blue and white. Bean-sized sweat rolled down from his forehead.

There's something wrong. It's really wrong. It's not pretending. Locke put his hand on the xiao's wrist. The xiao's pulse is chaotic, and the qi and blood are surging. It seems that he will spit blood and die at any time.

Is that the boy so heavy that he broke the heart? I don't think so. Anyway, Xiao is also a monster with more than a thousand years of demonic power. Besides, when we first arrived, we have no grudges with that boy. Is he going to be a killer? Lockes couldn't think of a reason. Isn't that the thing? Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, and he remembered the strange green thing robbed by the teenager.

"You are all greedy. What did you eat just now? Isn't it poisoned? Pull it out quickly!" Locke roared.

"La...what? It has been digested for a long time." Xiao said weakly. At this moment, his face turned red.

"I mean vomiting, then vomit!" Locke is determined to fix the boy, let him taste the pain, and let him have a longer memory in the future so that he can restrain himself.

"vomit... just...vomit! Wow! Wow!" Two mouths were red one after another.

"It's blood, stop, stop!"

Locke screamed and thought to himself: It seems that he really vomited blood this time. He can't make any more trouble. If he continues to make trouble, he must die. Before he could think about it, he slapped the xiao's chest and transported magic to the xiao's body. Suddenly, the magic was blocked, which was another force, and it turned out to come from the shack's body, which was resisting Locke's magic.

What is that? Locke was surprised. He increased the strength in his hand and wanted to suppress the power. As the magic increased, the power also increased.

"Ah! I can't stand it!" Xiao shouted in pain, his eyes were round, his face was red, and his hair stood upright, which looked very horrible.

It seems that the more you enter magic, the more painful it will be. Helplessly, Locke had to withdraw his magic and looked helplessly at the rolling corpse. At this time, Xiao was pulling his hair like crazy and was still scratching his chest.

"What should I do? What should I do? Locke said to himself, "If it goes on like this, he has to kill himself."

Suddenly, Locke took the xiao into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"Xing, I said that I will protect you with all my life. If you die, I will never live alone!"

I don't know if Xiao understands it or not. Anyway, Locke hugged him desperately. And Xiao struggled desperately like crazy, and his mouth was torn and bit, and scratched and scratched with his claws that had stretched out. Soon, Locke's robe was torn, and his chest and arms were scarred and stained with blood. Let the xiao vent, Locke just won't let go. He would rather die than be hurt.

"Two big men hugged each other. It's so funny!" The cold and mocking tone seemed to come from the sky.

"You..." Locke is angry.

I don't know when the young man in white turned back with an arrogant expression.

"Stupid! Why don't you let go? He is mutiny." The teenager popped out coldly, and a strange color flashed in his red glazed eyes.

"What? Variation?" As soon as Locke's words came out, he suddenly felt something strange. He looked down and arched a hairy big head in his arms.

"Wow!" Locke shouted and jumped up. He looked to the ground. There was no shadow of the eagle. The one curled up on the ground was clearly a monster. The monster's head looked familiar, as if it had been seen somewhere. Locke suddenly remembered that it was the same animal head as the tattoo pattern similar to the shoulder of the xiao's left arm.

Locke looked at the monster on the ground tremblingly. It is covered with cyan scales and has a male lion, which is like a tiger's head. The head is covered with slightly curly mane, and there are two pointed and hairy ears beside the cheeks. Its limbs are also covered with cyan scales and has tiger-like claws. The tail is like a curly hairball. The monster collapsed softly on the ground. At this moment, it was peeling like a snake, fading its shell little by little, and something inside was struggling to squirm out. Locke, who had never seen such a scene, was scared out of his mind. For the first time, he knew what fear was. This strange scene actually happened to his partner who lived with him day and night. Locke stood there stiffly, and his heart was cold inch by inch. He only felt that his limbs and bones were like falling into an ice cave.

Slowly, a golden hairy head emerged from the cracked head, followed by a neck covered with scales and two front claws... After touching a cup of tea, a golden golden scale beast completely drilled out. A gust of wind blew, and the faded cyan fur turned into powder and disappeared. A foreign beast shook its fur and stood up majestically.

"Congratulations, this friend. Why don't you put him in a chariot? How about you and I drive together?" Another cold sentence.

"Wo", a long roar, crisp and loud, straight up to the sky. "Kkaka", something broke, followed by the sound of "splitting" falling into the water. Looking at the sound, Locke was surprised to find that he didn't know when he was already in a different place, and the successive events made him not have time to pay attention to his surroundings. Only then did he see that the white area around was full of ice, and there were icebergs standing on the ice, which were dazzlingly white. Those icebergs were strangely shaped, transparent as crystal and sharp as swords. The airflow from the roar just now hit the glacier, making the ice splashed and falling into the water, which made a "crack" sound.

Where is this? Lucy and Cologne, and... Locke was thinking about it coldly, and he heard a roar in his ear: "You should be my mount!"

Locke took a look. I don't know when Xiao has returned to his human form. He is much taller and more powerful than before. The original cyan scales have turned into shining gold, and even the chest muscles of ** are covered with golden scales, and the whole upper body looks like wearing a strange vest.

"Thank God, you scared me to death!" Locke breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "If you can't come back, I have to tie a sleeve around your neck, keep you as a pet, and ride you as a mount when you go far away."

"Bah, you look for a fight!" Xiao took a fierce breath, then waved his fist and hit the guy with a bad smile.

Locke dodged. He crossed his arms and kept laughing. That was clearly saying: If you have the ability, come again!

Xiao was angry. He was like an angry lion, scratching Locke's face. He wanted to scratch the hateful face into a big flowery face. The two of them fought. They jumped from one ice floes to another, and from the ice floes to the glacier, chasing happily, like fighting and playing.

The teenager looked at the two cheerful figures, and a little Luo Mo flashed in his eyes. His thoughts floated back to 10,000 years ago and floated to the island country that had fallen asleep in the Atlantic Ocean.

"Alas!" The teenager sighed long and put away his drifting thoughts. He still has important things to do, and he has no time to recall the past. The teenager drove to Locke and Xiao.

"Give it back to you!"

"Wow", a thing rushed through the face of Locke. Locke stretched out his finger, which was a shining sword.

"'yao'! Why is it at your place?" Locke and Xiao shouted out almost in unison.

"See you later!"

As soon as the cold words fell, the dragon chariot had risen higher and higher, and soon roared away. In Locke's vision, it first saw a back, and then turned into a black spot.

The two teenagers looked at each other in con's face. It turned out that he was the man in black robe in the dungeon. No wonder he had a cold murderous atmosphere. Locke understood and thought to himself: This man's ability is really good, and he must not be an idle person.