
Chapter 107 Castle on the Ice

The two teenagers stopped playing. Locke looked at the direction in which the flying dragon chariot disappeared.

"Brother, now we have two swords. Let me give you one. Which one do you want?" Xiao's voice pulled Locke's thoughts back again.

"Oh, whatever, you want, whatever you want!"

"Which one is better?" Xiao took the two swords in his hand and played with them. He didn't know which one to choose.

"How about this? We are taller than those who are taller and shorter." Locke looked embarrassed and came up with such a way.

"You still need to compare. Naturally, you are taller." Xiao pouted. Although he was much bigger after the change, he was still a little worse than Locke.

"Okay, I'll give you the silver sword." I'll keep it. After all, this is given to me by the old patriarch. Xiao's eyes dimmed, and he remembered the old patriarch again. It was the first time he thought of the old patriarch after leaving the West Turkey for so long.

"Well, I don't know what's going on with the old patriarch?" Xiao sighed.

"Forget it, don't think so much. When you grow up, the old patriarch will be happy for you." Locke comforted Xiao.

Locke cast a spell again. The sword called Yao stayed in the air and rotated. After a flash of light, the sword body was wrapped in a golden scabbard with gems, and there was also a belt that was also glittering gold and decorated with various gems.

Locke wore them all on the xiao's body, with a golden belt and golden sword matched with the xiao's golden scales, making him look more powerful and majestic.

"Well, that's right. You look like a golden armored general." Locke patted Xiao's shoulder and put the silver sword and silver belt removed from him on his body.

With a "crying", the glory was shining, and the xiao pulled out the "yao".

"Brother, let's try swordsmanship, okay?"

"Okay, you must have gained a lot of strength." Locke also wants to try his skills.

"Dingdangdang", the two people compared with swordsmanship. The silver sword rolled up a hurricane, and the golden sword turned into a long rainbow, and the two figures were wrapped in a light and shadow. In mid-air, the golden snake spit a letter, and suddenly the silver dragon waved its tail, and the two light and shadows were entangled, just like two dragons and pythons fighting together. It was impossible to tell which one was Locke and which one was the owl.

"Bony" and "Bang", his feet suddenly slipped, followed by a burst of dizziness in front of him. Locke fell to the ground on his back. He touched his forehead, hot, blood flowed out, and even his buttocks became hot and painful.

"Brother, how are you? Are you all right?" Xiao put away his sword and rushed over.

"smooth" and "bang", the bottom of his feet was extremely smooth. Xiao braked sharply and hit the ground. His face kissed the ice, and his nose was almost flattened. He raised his dizzy head, touched his nose, and bled again. It turned out that the two people compared swords on a whim and forgot that they were on the ice.

"Hahaha..." After a burst of laughter, a teenager in a fiery red cloak and black armor suddenly appeared. He stood in front of the two people, with his hands crossed in his chest, and his laughter was full of tease.

Locke and Xiao were extremely embarrassed, and the two helped each other to get up from the ice.

When Locke saw the teenager in front of him, there was a strange feeling in his heart. The teenager turned out to be red skin and has fiery red hair, with a pair of orange eyes slanted on his thin cheeks.

"Who are you? Why did it appear here?" Locke asked.

"Why should I tell you?" The teenager's eyes flashed with a cunning light, and the tone of speech and eyes were a little like a scorps.

Locke curled his lips and said nothing, thinking: This is a difficult role, or it's not good to provoke it.

"Hey, who are you? My eldest brother asked you, why didn't you answer? It's so rude." Xiao was angry. He didn't want his eldest brother to be despised. With a brush, he pulled out the sword from his waist. "Huh," the light flashed. Yao rolled up a hurricane and cut the teenager's neck.

"Hmm!" The teenager snorted coldly. He neither hid nor flashed, but suddenly clenched his fists and roared, "Wingless business fire!" The two fists turned out of their palms, and two orange flames rushed out.

With a "bang", Xiao's sword fell on the ice.

"Oh, ouch, it's so hot!" Xiao covered his hands and jumped up his feet, "It's weird, weird, so weird!" Xiao shouted and shook his wrist violently. Yao is actually burning, and the ice around Yao has melted.

"Quick, let me have a look!" Locke hurriedly took the xiao's hand to check his injury. Locke saw that Xiao's right palm and the whole arm on his right were not only red and swollen, but also full of large and small blisters, which looked extremely scary.

This teenager is just an ordinary human. How can he use fire control? Before he had time to think about it, Locke hurriedly carried out his magic power to heal the evil.

A cold smile flashed in the teenager's eyes. He suddenly stretched out his right palm, and a red light burst out in the palm, which quietly shot into Locke's chest. Locke was healing the xiao. He didn't pay attention to it and didn't expect the teenager to attack him.

Seeing that the conspiracy was about to succeed, the smile in the teenager's eyes became more vicious. However, that smile was quickly replaced by consteration. After the teenager saw Locke's chest flashed, his "candlelight" disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

The teenager couldn't believe his eyes. After wiping his eyes hard, he saw a string of chains hanging on Locke's neck, which were ordinary gold chains.

"Humph, don't play anymore!" The teenager snorted coldly, turned around, and disappeared with just a shake.

"Ouch, ouch, it hurts so much! Brother, don't let him go!"

"You are too reckless. Why do you fight with others as soon as you meet? Hey, friend..." Locke wanted to say, "Hey, friend, isn't your action too heavy?" As soon as he looked up, no one looked around, and there was no one.

"It's strange that it disappeared so soon." Locke felt very puzzled.

He carried magic to heal the xiao, and a halo covered the xiao's arm. Soon, the blisters disappeared and the red and swollen skin returned to its original state. Xiao shook his arm hard and muttered, "Well, let me see him again next time, I won't poke him through a few transparent holes!" He is trying to take revenge.

"Let's go and look for it. I always feel that this place is a little strange."

Locke pulled up the xiao, and the two carefully searched. Gradually, it got dark. Stars appeared in the distant night sky, and a crescent like a curved eyebrow sprinkled cold light on the ice. The ice surface was much brighter, almost shining the shadow of two people.

"Cumugu", Xiao's stomach sang an empty city plan again.

"Brother, I'm hungry."

"Yes, I'm hungry too. What should I do?" Locke looked around, and there seemed to be water not far ahead. "Yes, since there is water, there must be fish. Shall we go fishing?"

"Wow, wow!" As soon as Xiao heard that there was fish eating, he immediately became happy. The two ran to the water.

"What is this?" Locke suddenly stopped. He touched it with his hand. It was cold, and there stood a huge ice wall in front of him. The ice wall was sparkling and looked like water. Locke looked up at the sky, and he understood that the shadow of water was projected on the ice wall by the moonlight. So, where does the water come from?

Locke looked around, with icebergs of various shapes and no water.

"Brother, be careful!" Xiao suddenly screamed because he saw Locke standing on the edge of a wide crack.

"What's wrong?" Locke turned around doubtfully and saw the frightened crow. At the same time, there was a loud noise, the ice under his feet shattered, and he stumbled into the crack.

"Big brother!" Xiao stretched out his hand and grabbed Locke's arm. He wanted to pull Locke up, but Locke's falling force was so strong that he was dragged in by Locke. The two fell into the crack together. Locke was afraid that the xiao would fall and hurt. He wanted to spread his wings, but the crack was not wide enough, so he had to hold the xiao's hand and thought: this time it was his turn to cushion his back, and he could not let the xiao be hurt again.

"plop", "plop" and "wish" aroused big blossoms, and the two fell into the water one by one. The water is particularly cold. Hey, I'm lucky this time. I don't have to be a cushion. Locke is secretly happy.

Locke surfaced, wiped his face, shook the drops of water on his hair, looked into the distance for a while, looked around, and then he was shocked.

"Brother, what is this place?"

"Shh, don't make a sound!" Locke made a gesture to signal Xiao to make a sound.

Xiao quietly moved over and whispered, "Brother, what did you find?"

"Look, there."

Looking in the direction of Locke's finger, Xiao opened his mouth in surprise. In front of them, a castle appeared. The castle was hidden under the ice and floating on the glacier, and there was a large red mass floating above the castle that looked like smoke and clouds. Locke felt that it was a super energy mass.

"It's weird. Let's go and have a look!" Locke took the xiao's hand, and the two pushed away the drifting ice and quietly swam to the shore.