
Chapter 113 True and Illusional

Locke found himself flying up in a golden halo. He saw the earth, jungle, houses, mountains, rivers...

Then, Locke saw the cloudy Mount Olympus and continued to fly up. He saw the gods in the Temple of Olympia.

The gods are holding a grand banquet. They were enjoying the beautiful dance, listening to pleasant music, drinking jade dew, tasting mountain and sea delicacies and fresh vegetables and fruits... Locke also saw the high and invincible god in the temple, the enemy who had a deep blood hatred with him - Zeus. Zeus was sitting on his golden throne and flirting with the beautiful Trojan prince, Ganymedes.

In an instant, the hateful eyes of his parents and the tragic death of the clan jumped into his eyes one after another. The charming smile of Nemith fell into his pupils, and the ripples quickly spread, and soon became a rolling wave of anger, drowning his reason for a moment.

"Ah! Zeus, I'm going to kill you!" In the roar, with a "brush", his red hair flew up, and Locke spread his wings and showed himself. He exerted magic and condensed the surrounding aura, and a black light mass burst out in his palm. As the brightness increased, the light mass also became larger. Then, in a golden halo, the black light burst, and it turned into a huge, black light and fire flame. With the shocking anger, the flames roared at Zeus, the god king sitting high on the golden throne.

Rock tried his best in this blow. He has exerted his magic to the maximum extent, and the trick used in this blow is "Hell Fire".

Suddenly, with a "c click", a blue lightning cut through the sky, followed by a sweet smell rushing to my throat. Wow," a mouthful of blood shot out, Locke only felt black in front of him, and his body quickly fell down...

I don't know how long it took, Locke saw a dark and sparkling river, which flowed silently under his feet. There is no wind on the river bank, but there are bursts of dark fragrance flowing, which is a familiar smell. Looking around blankly, Locke suddenly saw the huge white flower on the water.

"It's Manshu Shahua!" Locke exclaimed.

He flapped his wings, flew over, bent down and looked at the stamens: the black robe shrouded in soft light was so conspicuous. Locke removed the silver mask and showed a face like an ice sculpture. This face is still beautiful and still not angry at all.

"Alas, sincerity, where is the truth? And where am I going to find the person who loves you? Locke frowned and sighed endlessly.

Suddenly, he saw a hand exposed outside the black robe. The green-white index finger wears a huge black ring, which is multifaceted and shining with black brilliance. This abstinence is called the Pluto Ring, which is a symbol of Pluto's identity.

Locke gently shook Pluto's hand, which was cold and not warm at all. He removed the Pluto ring, put the ring on his finger, and then whispered in Pluto's ear, "I'll keep it for you until the day you wake up." He put that hand into the black robe and put a mask on the beautiful face.

Locke began to rise again. He looked back and saw that Manshushahua's petals had withered. The petal rotated alone on the water, as if it couldn't bear to leave, wandered again and again, and finally sank into the water.

Alas! I don't know how many days have passed. If it is delayed, I'm afraid that the sleeping person...

"Rock! Locke..."

"Oh, why are you bleeding?"

Whose soft voice is eagerly calling in your ear? Locke tried to open his tired eyes. The first thing that came into sight was Ruoxi, who had a pair of green eyes and had been blown away by her palm, and then Cologne, a teenager with short chestnut hair and aristocratic atmosphere. Their eyes were full of concern and surprise.

"Isn't this another dream?" Locke wiped the corners of his mouth with his hand, and he saw red blood on his palms.

"It's not a dream, it's us, it's really us! Thank God I finally found you!" I don't know if it's excitement or some other reason, Ruoxi's little face has turned red.

"Why are you here? What is this place?" Locke stood up and sat up. He pressed his finger on his temple and felt dizzy.

"Then why are you here? Where's my brother?" The little girl shouted anxiously.

"Yes, where's the xiao?"

Locke looked around and looked far away. What he saw was the rolling ice field. It is said that the ice field is because they look relatively flat, not as tall and sharp as the icebergs seen before. At this moment, Apollo's sun car drove through most of the sky. It should be afternoon, and the golden light on the ice looked particularly dazzling.

Locke's heart was at a loss, and this was another strange place. Are you in reality or in illusion? But, just now, what about the beautiful face and the Manshushahua that has withered a petal? Are they all your own hallucinations? He is a little confused.

Suddenly, Locke stood there as if he had been petrified. He saw a huge black ring on his left hand and forefinger, which was the unique Pluto ring in the three worlds, which represented the right to hold the underworld and a symbol of Pluto's identity.

Locke's forehead oozed fine and dense beads of sweat. He wiped it with his hand and felt cold. Locke was a god of death, and he knew that seeing Pluto's ring was equivalent to seeing Pluto. How did it run to my finger? So, everything is true. I not only went to heaven, but also stopped in the underworld... Have I died once? He feels really weird.

"Hey, what are you thinking? Let me ask you, where is my brother Xiao? Ruoxi asked questions like a cannon, which confused Locke, who was already confused.

"Yes, where's the xiao? The two of us were originally together, but why did we suddenly disappear? Come on, look for it. Maybe he's nearby."

"Empg! xiao..."


"Big brother..."

The three young people used their mana and shouted. Locke used the "thousand-mile transmission" technique, and the two Cologne brothers and sisters used the "thousand-mile transmission" technique. They shouted for a long time, but there was no reply at all. There was not even a bird around except the white snowy ice field.

"It's really strange that the two of us are obviously together. Why did the xiao disappear?" Locke said to himself.

"Will my brother faint, or... pooh! How can I think so? My brother will be fine. Ruoxi took a few bites on the ice.

"Let's go. Let's go to the front and have a look. It's useless to shout. Maybe the xiao is injured or fainted like me."

The two brothers and sisters helped Locke walk forward. Gradually, the sky became darker and darker, and the moon rose, and the cold moonlight sprinkled on the bright ice, making the already cold world look colder.

"What should I do? After looking for so long, I still haven't found the eldest brother. Cologne's eyebrows turned into a pimple.

Brother Locke, what's going on? You said that you and my brother were together, why did my brother disappear? The little girl looked puzzled.

Locke didn't understand what was going on. He was a little tired and didn't want to leave, so he had to say, "Sit down, sit down, take a break, and then I'll tell you."

Lock shook his dizzy head, and he pressed his two brothers and sisters on the ice one by one. So, Locke said that he fell into the world under the ice with the xiao that day, saved the dragon-man named Miller in the city of Fire City, and then went to visit the Crystal Palace until the xiao's disappearance. Finally, he lay here inexplicably. Before and after, he told the two brothers and sisters. The two brothers and sisters in Cologne sighed.

"Alas! I don't know what's going on with my brother. I really hope he's fine. Ruoxi frowned and her eyes were full of melancholy.

"Don't worry. Your brother is much more able to do after the change. He should be fine. Let's look for it carefully." Locke comforted the two brothers and sisters.

Although Locke said so, he still sweated for the xiao in his heart. After all, the xiao also has a sworn enemy - Qiu Bai, and Qiu Bai is more than one. What he is most worried about is that Xiao will meet Qiu Bai. Once Xiao meets Qiu Bai, he is not by his side, and he doesn't know if he can deal with it alone. Alas, he has grown up, and maybe he should be allowed to experience. It's not a way to protect him like an old hen. Locke was thinking nonsense, and his heart was extremely contradictory and entangled.

Locke looked at Ruoxi and then looked at Cologne. Ruoxi was wearing the same clothes as before, but Cologne was wearing her upper body. Although the two brothers and sisters also showed aristocratic temperament, they looked haggard and tired. Especially Ruoxi, the girl looks much more mature, and her eyes are full of melancholy, like a sentimental girl, which is completely different from the innocent girl in the past. Something must have happened to them. Locke couldn't help worrying.

"Typ, how did you appear in such a place? What the hell happened?"

Colon looked at his sister and said, "Let me talk about it." So, he told the strange experiences of the two brothers and sisters in his slightly magnetic voice.