
Chapter 112 Night Wizard

Khaman is the national master of the Dark Night Empire and Miller's teacher. He is a descendant of the Ice and Snow Gods and human beings. At the same time, he is also a wizard with super magic power.

Kuman is the fifth generation of the national master of the Dark Night Empire. He is more than 4,000 years old, but he looks like a teenager. His skin is white, his hair is long and black, and his eyebrows also have a tooth-shaped mark, which is a sign of the descendants of ice and snow, but his cultivation is much higher and deeper than Miller's, so the mark is golden.

The color of the pupils of Khaman's two eyes is different. The left side is red, which can control the flame, and the right side is blue, which can drive the sea water. He has cultivated to the highest level of Xuanbing, and can turn various crystals into Xuan ice, and then set up the Xuanbing array. The ice energy released by the Xuanbing array - "ice soul and snow soul" is difficult for even ordinary gods to resist.

Like Miller, Khaman's body also exudes extremely cold air, but his profound magic cultivation allows him to freely adjust his body temperature with the surrounding environment. He also wears white fashion like Miller, which is the same in any season, but his fashion is not as high-end as Miller's, because his status is different. Except for the pupils that are different from ordinary people, Khaman looks no different from ordinary human beings, so even if he walks among human beings, it is not easy to be found.

However, Miller is different. Due to blood poisoning, his body can only be in an extremely cold state. Moreover, Miller's spell cultivation can no longer develop to a higher level, otherwise he will lose his mana in the end, just like a human without the power of a chicken, which is also the reason why Miller died.

10,000 years ago, when Miller broke through to the highest level of Xuanbing, he was attacked by a blood-sucking beast, and his blood almost flowed, resulting in the loss of mana and died. Fortunately, the French division arrived in time. When he summoned Miller's soul, he brought back the soul of Shura. After that, Mosilfa encouraged Miller to practice Xuanbing again. Originally, Mosilufa had no hope for Miller, because if he lost all his mana after practicing Xuanbing, his body could no longer stand the cold of Xuanbing, and it was impossible to practice successfully. However, when Mosilufa saw that Miller was often looking for death, he thought that Miller could not stand the blow of losing his spell, so he encouraged Miller to practice the mystery again. In fact, Mosilufa didn't know at all that Miller often committed suicide because he couldn't stand the torture of blood poison and guilty mental suffering.

Under the guidance of Mosilfa, Miller began to practice Xuanbing. Because Shura's soul was placed in Wannian Xuanbing, Shura's soul was attached to Miller's body by Xuanbing, and soon practiced Xuanbing. This surprised the French division of Mosilu, who didn't have much hope, thinking that he had met a genius he had never met for thousands of years. Although Shura got Miller's body, he did not get Miller's magic cultivation and transformation ability, so he only had the appearance of the dragon clan.

In his hand, there is a strange magic wand, which is made of ten thousand years of black ice. It is more than ten feet long, transparent, white as snow, and curved in the shape of "S". Above it is coiled by a dragon. No, it is the skeleton of a dragon. It is called a bone dragon. A crystal ball is rolling in the mouth of the bone dragon.

Karman put down the wand in his hand, first asked about Micah's injury, and then closed his eyes and meditated for a while. After a while, he opened his eyes and cast spells. A mass of light burst out from the crescent-shaped mark on his forehead, and as the color deepened, a golden beam of light shot into Michael's chest. Then, Miller saw Micah's chest as transparent, and he also saw Micah's heart, which was surrounded by a black flame and burning. Miller's heart shrank into a ball of pain, and he felt that the burning heart was not Micah's, but his own. Miller was shocked.

When Kuman put away his mana, Miller couldn't wait to ask, "Master, what's going on? Is there any help from the Second Highness?

Torman frowned and said painfully, "I'm sorry, Your Highness, I have tried my best. If there is a fire in the second Highness, I can crack it. However, now the second highness is the art of 'fire burning the heart'! This technique is extremely sinister. If it hadn't been for the dragon clan, I'd have died long ago. Although His Royal Highness will not die, he has been suffering from the pain of being burned by the fire, which is unimaginable to you and me.

"What?' Burning heart?' What's the matter with the fire burning the heart? Is it a candle? How could he cast some vicious spells? Miller regretted it. He regretted that he went to beg Yanzhu stupidly. If he had known that Yanzhu was such a sinister person, he should have killed him with one slap.

"No, no, no!" Khaman shook his head and said, "No one knows this spell in the eastern earth continent, not to mention the candle. Even his teacher Hewiss can't practice such spells. The only gods of the underworld who can cast such spells - Hades and Death Tanatos."

"How can this... be possible? Micah is so kind, how can he offend Pluto and Death? Miller was shocked.

"This... is hard to say."

"Isn't there a way to crack the 'burning heart'?" Miller's eyes were extremely painful, and he remembered the man again. He felt that Micah was the man: he was still taking the responsibility of destroying his life, but he had already ended the pain in the Xuanbing array. Why, why is that man's burning still not over?

Torman looked at his disciple's painful and helpless look, and he was also heartbroken, so he said, "Although there is nothing I can do, there is nothing I can do."

"Please speak from the national teacher."

"You have to ring the bell."

"You mean, you can only turn to Hades or Tanatos?"

"Not bad."

"But, Micah..."

"Your Highness, you don't have to worry. There is a crystal ball here, which can relieve the pain of Your Highness."

"Crystal ball?"

"That's right, that's it." With that, Khaman took out the crystal ball from the bone dragon's mouth.

Miller showed a puzzled look and thought: Isn't it just a crystal? In the past, I had countless crystals, but I have never heard that crystals can also relieve pain.

Torman had guessed what he was thinking from Miller's expression, so he said, "Your Highness, don't underestimate this crystal ball. It is not a mortal crystal, but a fragment from the crystal from the divine world 30,000 years ago. My master, the first generation of national master, is the Mosilu magic wizard who assisted the lord of Suto, got these fragments and integrated ten thousand years of black ice into the fragments and refined them into crystal balls. This crystal ball is extremely cold, which can reduce the burning degree of the fire.

"Oh, so that's it. Then ask the national teacher to cast spells quickly!"

Karman cast a spell again, and a golden light appeared in the crescent-shaped mark on his forehead. Driven by the golden light, the crystal ball slowly moved to Micah's chest and finally disappeared in Micah's chest. Sure enough, Miller saw that the black flame surrounding Micah's heart was dispersed by the steaming fog, and then shrank a lot. Miller finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, how can we find Pluto or Death?"

"I'll go to my cousin. Maybe she can help with this."

"Your cousin?" Miller showed a puzzled look. Although Miller and Khaman are master-apprentice, Miller and Khaman are only learning spells together. He never cares about anything except for finding magnets. Therefore, he only knew that Khaman was a descendant of the Ice and Snow God. In addition, he did not know about Khaman.

"Yes, my cousin is the goddess of ice and snow - Dianyi. Dian Yi and Hades have some friendship.

"That's great. Sorry to bother you, teacher." Miller breathed a long sigh of relief.

After sending off the Kuman Master, Miller sat down next to Micah. He stretched out his slender fingers, stroked his long golden hair, and said to himself, "If you endure for a while, your brother will definitely save you from the sea of suffering. However, I still have important things to do. I'll let Lisa accompany you so that you won't be lonely.

Miller knew that Micah had always fallen in love with the girl named Lisa. Although he fell in love when he first saw Lisa 3,000 years ago, he could not ask for anything for Michael. What can a woman do? He loves Micah more than he loves himself.

Miller called Lisa in, briefly said a few words, and hurried into his room.

Miller took out the magnet. Since he got this magnetolite, he knew that the King of Hobbit had sent people to the earth. He was not sure who the comer was, and he didn't know whether the comer was looking for the magnet he had lost or to find himself. However, he knew that something must have happened to the person. Because this marble is the one embedded in the key of time and space. Once upon a time, Shura once deceived the bodyguard that there was only one "key of time and space". In fact, the "key of time and space" can be copied. Every royal heir of the Hobbit star clan can have one. First, it is to facilitate their interstellar travel, and second reason is that the sons of the royal clan often make it as interstellar messengers. Its planet, which interacts with brothers in the universe, requires the use of the "key of time and space".

Because Miller was eager to save Micah, he put the matter aside. Now that Master Kaman is back, and Micah is hopeful of being saved. Then, Miller wants to figure out who found the earth.

Miller closed his palms, held the magnetic European stone in the palm of his hand, concentrated all his spirit, and communicated with his own people with telepathy. However, after a long time, there was still no response. Miller sweated, and cold sweat flowed down his cheeks. He was worried that the person had died, or how could he not feel it at all? Miller wiped a handful of sweat and regained his concentration. This time, it took a long time for him to finally sense the weak message.

Miller hurried out of the castle and drove the dragon chariot in the direction of Middle-earth.

It's afternoon now, and the sunshine is very strong, but Miller practices bastion. He is a dragon clan, not a real blood clan, so the sunshine has no effect on him. However, Miller's dress makes people feel very strange, as if he is afraid of the cold. In fact, he wears a long fashion made of a thousand-year-old snow fox, which has the effect of separating the cold and can reduce part of the cold air on his body, which is also to make it easier for him to walk in human society.