
Chapter 130 flirting with the princess

"So, why did you appear in the Rising Sun Empire? And being caught by human beings, is your brother so irresponsible? How can two girls run around?

"You are not allowed to speak ill of your brother." Qier pouted her mouth, and an expression of disgust appeared on her beautiful face.

"Okay, okay, I won't say your brother, I mean, you two girls shouldn't run around. It's too dangerous outside." Locke had to say in a low voice. He really can't figure out that her voice is very magnetic and should be very charming for girls. Why is she so disgusted?

"It's too stuffy in the castle. My brother asked Sister Lisa to accompany me to the Rising Sun Empire. Unexpectedly, he was put into a sack when walking on the street.

"Oh, in that case, I'll take you back to the castle first. Where is the castle?" Locke probably figured out the situation, and he had to rush to save the xiao. He was afraid that the xiao would be in danger.

Lisa said, "In the north, on the cliff."

"Let's go. I'll take you back right away." Indisputably, Locke took the hands of the two girls and used his wind control skills, "hoo" and galloped almost without touching the ground. The two beautiful women felt like they were in the clouds and fog. After a burst of dizziness, they found themselves already on the wall.

"Okay, I'll take you here. I'm going to save my friend."

"Hey, you said you knew me. Where on earth did we meet?" Lisa shouted at the figure who jumped out of the wall. However, Locke's speed was so fast that he didn't hear it.

Lisa looked at the direction of Locke's disappearance and was stunned for a moment.

Miller stood in front of the window and saw a man in black and two young girls vertically up the wall. In the blink of an eye, the man in black disappeared. A strange feeling flashed through his heart.

Soon, Qier and Lisa walked into the living room. The two girls are still chattering.

"Sister Qier, I always feel that that person is strange. He actually said he knew me."

"Hey, don't listen to him. That man is so annoying. He pestered when he sees a beautiful girl. He sees you so beautiful."

"My sister is really good at joking. If he wants to pester you, he will also pester you. I don't have a beautiful sister!"

"I'll be back so soon. Did you have a good time?" Miller asked the two girls.

"Your Highness, we had a good time." Lisa gave a salute and said hurriedly.

"Yes, yes, we went to many places, and the scenery there is very beautiful!" Qi'er also hurriedly echoed.

The two girls cheated on Miller. They knew that Miller had been worried about Micah's injury and they didn't want him to worry anymore.

"Really?" Miller was skeptical, "Who was the man who was with you just now?"

"The person with us?" Qier didn't want to mention that person. She didn't expect her brother to see it, so she had to say, "That man is the annoying Pluto. Who knows how he came to the Rising Sun Empire."

"What? Pluto, that man is Pluto!" Miller's eyes suddenly became fierce, and his red glazed eyes were covered with a layer of shadow, which was murderous.

Qier was very afraid of her brother's eyes, so she hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, how can I forget it? It's the Pluto who hurt the second brother."

"Did that man hurt His Highness?" Lisa looked stunned and didn't believe it.

"Where did he go?" Miller said coldly, "Why didn't you two bring him into the castle?"

Qier said in a hurry, "He was going to send us back to the castle, but he said he was going to save his friends and should go to the Rising Sun Empire."

"You two stay here and don't go anywhere until I come back!" Miller hurried out of the night castle and drove the dragon chariot south. There are only two dull beauties left in the living room.

Lock came to the palace. In the distance, some bold people are still standing there pointing. There are some Uvo and the bodies of many guards across the square. Some soldiers are busy carrying the bodies, and some soldiers are taking out water to wash the blood stains on the ground.

Looking up at the sky, it's already afternoon. There is still some time left before dark. What should I do? Let's go first and have a look. Locke turned into a swallow and circled around the royal city. He found that although the city is quite old on the whole, the palace is still very luxurious. The layout of those palaces is very neat and standardized, forming a semi-enclosed palace group, with a gate on each side leading to the royal palace.

Those palaces are cyan wall tiles and golden glazed tile roofs, which are trapezoidal, which is completely different from the architectural style of Middle-earth and Western Turkey.

There are many guards in the city, holding bronze swords and spears, as well as bows and arrows. Locke saw again the man in a fiery red cloak, the mage Yanzhu and his disciples, as well as Blood Hunter, and Princess Dina.

I don't know where they locked the xiao. I followed them to see what they were going to do.

Locke followed the people to the door, then shook himself and turned into a small butterfly. Locke continued to follow them. Soon, those people entered a palace, sat down in the hall and began to discuss. Locke perched on a peony flower in a flowerpot and secretly sounded.

"Master, the prince has disappeared, and the sacrificial ceremony has been destroyed again. Look, what should we do now?" The speaker is the middle-aged man with a golden crown.

"Lord, in the past two hundred years, human beings have often disappeared, and now even the prince has disappeared. I think they must have been abduction by the blood clan. The reason why I promised the lord to go out of the customs is to come here for this matter. After all, the existence of the blood clan is a scourge. I think you might as well send troops. Our disciples of the Fire clan will cooperate with your army, and we will flatten the night empire in one fell swoop.

What? This mage is going to destroy the dark night empire. He has a big breath. Locke despised the mage in his heart. He heard Lisa say that the Suto dragon clan once belonged to the demon clan, so the people of the dragon clan, like the demon clan, should also know magic and illusions. The fire clan and human beings actually want to destroy the dragon clan. Isn't that hitting stones with eggs?

"This... ancestors once set a rule: the well water of the Rising Sun Empire and the Dark Night Empire do not violate the river. If we start a war first, isn't it equivalent to slapping ourselves?

"Lord, what face do you want at this time? The blood clan has become more and more rampant. Besides, the prince has been abduction. If you don't save people quickly, I guess your prince has been blood-sucked and turned into a zombie.

"Ah! What did you say? Zombie!" The king's eyes widened and muttered, "No, no, no, no, my king, I'm such a king. I don't want him to become a zombie. Blood hunting, blood hunting!"

"My subordinates are!" The blood hunter stood up.

"I order you to lead 100,000 imperial guards in the king's city and cooperate with the mage to destroy the night empire in one fell swoop."

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!" The blood hunt bowed and sat down again.

"Father, what about me? I'm also going to save my brother."

"Dina, your brother has disappeared. If you disappear again, how can you let me and your mother live?"

"No, I must go. If I don't kill those princes with my own hands, I'm not Dina!" A vicious color flashed in the little girl's blue pupils.

My God! Who dares to marry such a cruel character? I guess this girl will rot in the palace and be a leftover girl for a lifetime. Locke muttered in his heart.

Blood Hunter stood up again and said, "Please rest assured that the master is powerful, and it is not easy to deal with several dark night princes. Moreover, I will also take good care of the princess. You'd better let the princess go!"

"This, this..."

"Oh, father, you agreed. Who doesn't know that blood hunting is the first-class protector of our Rising Sun Empire? With him, don't worry!" Dina acted coquettishly.

"Well, in this case, it's annoying for the mage and the general to bother. I'm just such a precious daughter. So, mage, when are you going to leave?

"The middle of next month, that is, the night of the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar."

"Evening? Why at night? I heard that the night is the time when the blood clan is at its peak. Master, you should think twice!" The head of the country looked worried.

"Yes, the night is indeed the time when the blood clan is at its strongest, but that means that the night of the 15th is different from usual."

"Why is that?" Everyone looked puzzled.

The mage smiled and said, "Because the night of the 15th is a full moon night, the time for the blood clan * party, and also the time when they are most relaxed in defense. If we launch a sudden attack on the blood clan, we will be able to win surprisingly.

"Master, are you... really sure?" The lord is skeptical.

"Yes. Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with the blood clan.

"Then rely on the mage." As soon as the lord saw the mage's confidence, he was relieved.

The mage pondered slightly and said, "It's just... the two blood women were robbed, and I don't know who did it."

"Yes, if the women of the blood clan escape back to the night empire, aren't they on guard?" The lord looked frightened.

"Please rest assured that I will go to the Night Empire tonight to inquire." Blood Hunter said.

"It's okay." The mage nodded.

"What kind of blood woman, she is simply two human beings." Dina curled her lips.

"Dina, don't be rude!" The Lord rebuked in a low voice.

"As said, the blood clan can't see the sun. As soon as they see the sunshine, their souls are scattered. Didn't the father also see it? Those two women are fine in the sun. Dina glanced at the candle.

"Yes... it's because my disciples are not doing well. I think they have caught the wrong person." The candle was so scared that he sweated coldly.

"Then you should be careful in the future. If you always catch the wrong person, it will make the people dissatisfied."

"Yes, Lord, I will strictly restrain my disciples." The mage stared at Yanzhu and said, "Since the two women are not from the blood clan, I don't think they can go to the night empire. However, the sudden appearance of werewolves and masked men, why did they destroy our ritual? Also, what does it have to do with the blood clan? This is a question worth pondering.

"This..." The lord lowered his head and said no. Everyone fell into meditation.

Locke frowned and thought: Xiao is the leader of Wufu. When did he become a werewolf again? What a bad name.

Blood Hunt suddenly said, "I've seen a werewolf before."

Everyone turned their doubtful eyes to blood hunting.

"General, please speak." The Lord said.

"A few years ago, in order to track the blood clan, I broke into a jungle. Later, I saw many werewolves fighting with the blood clan. Finally, they killed the blood clan. Those werewolves are wearing upper bodies, and it seems that they have a grudge against the blood clan. However, I don't know why the werewolf who came today looks very similar to me, and his clothes are the same as mine. It's incredible! It's incredible!" The blood hunt shook his head.

"Hey, Blood Hunt, do you have twin brothers?" Dina asked.

"I don't have any twin brothers, lords and city lords. Who doesn't know that my father is the only one and only son."

"Maybe your father has an affair?" Dina won't let go.

Blood Hunter's face turned red and said, "No, my father has always had a good relationship with his mother when he was alive. He will never do anything wrong to his mother."

"That's strange!"

"That's right, how can there be two people who are so similar?"


People in the hall are talking about it. Blood Hunter's face turned redder.

"Maybe it's just two people who look the same. Don't guess randomly." The lord interrupted everyone's discussion, "You can go down and get ready. This time, we will not only save the prince, but also destroy the night empire in one fell swoop."

"Yes, my subordinates are obeying!" A few people left the palace and walked in different directions.

Locke saw the blood hunter walking to the back of the palace with Princess Dina, and a kind of prank came out in vain. He flew to Dina's side and turned into a hurricane. He lifted Dina's skirt with a "huh" sound.

"Ah!" Dina was so scared that she hurriedly pressed her skirt with her hand, but the wind was too strong and her skirt was also very strong. The skirt flew up, revealing pink trousers and two slender legs.

"Ah!" Dina screamed in horror. Blood Hunt hurriedly wrapped Dina in his cloak and ran to the back of the palace.

Locke almost laughed and thought to himself: Hum, if you dare to be disrespectful to the devil, this is the end!

It seems that they didn't catch the owl. Why don't I go to the night empire to see what kind of princes condone the blood clan and chaos among the people? I don't believe it will be my brother. My brother should not do such a thing. If it is a good thing done by the Hillers, I will take this opportunity to eradicate them in one fell swoop.