
Chapter 131 Brothers Reunion

Locke slipped out of the palace, walked around the city for a while, and then stopped in front of the snack stall. He mixed with a group of boys and girls and fooled some delicious food.

"Hi, have you heard about it? A grand banquet will be held in the dark castle tonight. I heard that the two dragons are super handsome men. None of our men in the Rising Sun Empire can compare. Alas, I really want to see them!"

"Am I not handsome enough? You know, they are undead. Moreover, they and the blood clan breathe out in the same nostril.

"That's right, maybe it's the highness of the two dragon clans who condoned the blood clan to harm people everywhere."

"Are you handsome? Why are you so handsome that there are no girls chasing you? Blood clan, what's wrong with the blood clan? The men of the blood clan are very beautiful and immortal. If only I were a blood clan!"

"Fuck you, nymphomaniac, you are willing to be a blood clan, you go. Let's go. We ignore her."


When Locke heard the comments of boys and girls, he couldn't help laughing and thought to himself: How can these human children understand what's good about immortality? Sometimes, when you want to die but can't die, that's extremely painful.

While Locke was chewing and tasting delicious food, Miller was choosing a gift in a jewelry store not far away.

Miller turned around most of the Rising Sun Empire and couldn't find the man in black wearing a mask, so he wanted to buy some gifts. Because today is Micah's birthday, and he hasn't celebrated Micah's birthday since he was injured. Alas! My brother is really a failure. I watched my brother in a sea of suffering, but there was nothing I could do. Miller sighed in his heart.

Even if you fall asleep, your brother will celebrate your birthday. Miller first selected a thick gold chain for Micah, with a hexagonal crystal pendant on which he wanted to hang on Micah's wheat neck. He chose two more girls' accessories, and he wanted to give them to Qi'er and Lisa.

Miller walked out of the jewelry store and turned into a dessert house, where there was Micah's favorite fruit sandwich dessert. He asked for a large box. Miller took the dessert and walked into another hotel, where there was Micah's favorite wine. Miller looked at the purple **. He remembered that 10,000 years ago, he used to like to drink this kind of ** so much, but now...

"Customer, how many bottles do you want? Our store sells the best wines. As soon as the shopkeeper saw the costume of the teenager in front of him, he knew that he was the son of a rich family, and he wanted to make a lot of money.

"Oh, let's take 20 bottles, but I don't want the purple one, I want the blood red one." Miller thought of the princes of the night empire. He wanted to invite the princes to celebrate Michael's birthday together, but he could only drink blood. If he bought red wine, he would prepare some blood in advance and mix it up.

"Good!" The shopkeeper was so happy that he hurriedly ordered the clerk to go to the warehouse to get 20 bottles of red wine.

When the shopkeeper saw Miller alone, he immediately smiled: "Guest, I don't know where your mansion is? Our store will send it to you for free.

"No, I can do it myself."

The shopkeeper looked puzzled and thought: The son of a rich family has a strange temper, and he doesn't take a subordinate when he goes out.

Under the gaze of the shopkeeper's eyes like lanterns, Miller made the flying dragon chariot bigger. He threw large bags, bottles and cans, and a lot of miscellaneous things into the flying dragon chariot.

Miller drove the Flying Dragon chariot in the direction of the Dark Night Castle. Most of the dragon chariots are Michael and girls' favorite snacks.

Just as Miller's dragon chariot roared into the air, Locke walked into the jewelry store. He turned a string of ice silver bracelets and a jade bracelet, which he wanted to give to two beautiful women.

It was not until the shadow of the sun slanted west that Locke began to move north.

Far away, Locke saw the complex, which was not very large, and the area was about one-third of the Rising Sun Empire. Those buildings stand on the top of the dark mountain, with a somewhat similar appearance to the buildings in the western continent, with sharp conical roofs, like fortresses. They hide in the shadows that can't be illuminated by the sun.

If you want to come here, it is the Night Empire. Alas, why does Uncle Suto like to live in such a place? In fact, how can Locke know that more than 10,000 years ago, a strong earthquake suddenly occurred in the eastern earth continent. The earthquake caused the plate of the mainland to migrate, and the ground bulge and rise into mountains. The dark night empire originally located on the plain was pushed to the top of the mountain. At that time, many cities were turned into ruins. Now, most of the buildings in Locke's eyes are built later.

Locke sat down on the mountain stone, and he was waiting for dark. The mountain wind blew the robe, and Locke put his hand into his arms and took out the bracelet and jade bracelet. The ice silver bracelet is inlaid with an ice-blue lotus flower, while the jade bracelet is red, with blood-red silk inside. The jade bracelet is like Lisa's enchanting lips, and the lotus is like a beautiful face. Locke knows which one to give to whom.

Looking up at the sky, night has not yet come. Locke lay down on the rock. Since tracking Miller to the Eastern Land, he has not rested. A burst of fatigue hit him. He dozes out and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, a burst of coolness came, and Locke sat up excitedly. Why is it so cold on your neck? When I fixed my eyes, it turned out to be a sword. He looked up and saw a man standing in front of him, wrapped in a black robe and wearing a black cloak.

I think I met Qiu Bai. Locke sat there quietly and was on guard. He was ready to fight back at any time.

"Who are you? Why do you help me during the day?

"During the day, can I help you? You, you are..." Locke was overjoyed. He was about to stand up, but the sword in the man's hand forced him.

"Who are you? If I can't pay you back this time, I will pay it back next time. If I can't pay it back in my life, I will come back in my life.

"No, I don't want you to return it. I just want you to call me big brother.


"Yes, don't you remember? I'm your eldest brother, Locke.

"Rock! Are you really Locke?

"It's me, of course it's me." Locke hurriedly took off his mask.

"My eldest brother is not as handsome as you."

"Me?" Locke saw the blade show his face. It was Pluto.

"I'll change back, and I'll change right away." Locke is about to transform after casting spells. It's strange that he can't go back.

"Why is that? I'm Locke's. I'm really Locke. I can turn into a butterfly. Why can't I turn into a demon king? Locke was so anxious that he was about to cry. "Xing, I'm really Locke, but I can't go back to what I used to be."

"Do you know my name?"

"Because I'm your eldest brother, I not only know your name, but also Wufu, the old patriarch. By the way, the sword in your hand is still made by me. Isn't it 'Yoi'? Also, Ruoxi is also here. With that, Locke pressed the hilt of the sword in his waist and said, "Ruoxi, I found your brother. Come out quickly!"

"brushed", a golden light flashed in front of her eyes, and Ruoxi turned into a human figure.

"Sister, it's really my sister!" The xiao lifted the robe covering his head.



The three young people hugged each other tightly and cried in a mess. After a long time, several people finally calmed down. They sat down on the rock.

Locke wiped his tears and said, "We haven't seen each other for more than 200 years. Where have you been for so many years? I'm so worried that I sent a lot of people to find you, but I couldn't find them.

"Oh, it's hard to say!" Xiao sighed.

"You have grown up, really like a big man, and you are no longer the naughty child you used to be." Locke suddenly felt very lost, and at the same time, he was also happy for the xiao, because the xiao could protect himself.

"Why did you appear here?" Xiao asked strangely.

So, Locke and Ruoxi briefly told their respective experiences. Hearing this, he also understood the reason why Locke turned into Pluto.

"The eldest brother looks much more handsome now than before. Sister, you have to pay more attention. Otherwise, I don't know how many girls will be fascinated by his evil face. At that time, even if you make him small, it won't be your turn!"

"Oh, brother! His dead face is angry at a glance. Who cares about it!" Ruoxi raised her pink fist and beat her brother while gouging Locke fiercely with her eyes.

"It's really strange. Every man says I'm handsome. Why don't you girls like it?" Locke shrugged his shoulders and made a very helpless expression. He really couldn't figure it out. "Now I want to change back, but I can't go back. It seems that I have to continue to impersonate this Pluto. Ruoxi, stop it! Xiao, tell me what have you done in the past two hundred years? Why can't my people find you? Locke wanted to know what had happened to Xiao.

Ruoxi stopped beating her brother, held her cheek in her hand, and sounded quietly.

"After you disappeared in the Crystal Palace, Miller took me to the Night Castle in a flying dragon car."

"It's strange that when the wall fell down, both of us were hit underneath. I almost died, and you were still in the Crystal Palace." Locke was very surprised.

"Listen to Miller, what's the name, what 'space-time transfer'."

"Time and space transfer?" Locke shook his head, and it was the first time he heard this noun, "So, what happened later?"

"I went to the Night Castle and saw a national teacher named Kuman and a beautiful woman named Lisa. Since Micah was injured by you, I was afraid that Miller would deal with me, so I slipped out of the castle while they were away..."

"Wait!" Locke hurriedly interrupted the owl, "You said Miller lived in the Night Castle?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Xiao looked at Locke doubtfully.

"Miga, Miller and Lisa, they all live in the Night Castle?"

"No, only Micah and Miller live in the Night Castle, and Lisa lives in the Night Empire."

"It's broken!"

"What's the matter, brother? What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Locke hurriedly took Xiao's hand and asked, "What does Michael look like?" Is it like me? Does he have blonde hair? No, I mean it's not like me now, but like me in the past, me when I had red hair. Locke became almost incoherent.

Xiao shook his head and said, "I haven't seen Micah. I just heard from Lisa that Miller and Micah have a good relationship. They are as good as a person. Moreover, I sneaked into the Night Empire, and I heard the blood clan say that Miller was looking for Tanatos and Pluto all over the world for Michael. By the way, aren't you Pluto? It seems that he is looking for you.

Is Micah my brother? Maybe it's one of the five princes? Locke became uneasy. He suspected that Micah was his brother. If he hurt his brother, how could he be worthy of his dead father and queen?

"Well, then you go on." Locke sighed and thought to himself: After solving Qiu Bai, he must go to the Dark Night Castle to save Micah. Whether he is his own brother or his cousin, he should be rescued.

Xiao felt that Locke's behavior was really abnormal. He looked at Locke puzzledly and then said, "After I slipped out of the night castle, I met Uvo. Uvo told me that the night empire had become the habitat of the blood clan. Qiu Bai turned many human beings into blood clan after sucking blood, and they were still in the night empire. A group of humans are raised for them to suck blood..."

There is such a thing! Qiu Bai is too much. He is so arbitrary that he can never leave them in the world again. Father, what you didn't do 10,000 years ago, I will do it for you today! Locke swore secretly in his heart.

"In order to hunt the blood clan, Uvo and I hid near the Dark Night Empire and took a sneak attack to kill the individual blood clan one by one. Later, I met a person who looked very similar to me. I followed him to the Rising Sun Empire. It turned out that his name was Blood Hunt and he was a disciple of Yanzhu. I also heard that the Fire clan intends to join hands with human beings to deal with the blood clan..."

"Oh, that's it. However, Qiu Bai and the others are very powerful. Aren't you in danger?" Locke was worried. He was thinking: I've never been by your side. If you are caught by Qiu Bai, how can you get out of trouble?

"Yes, of course there is. Several times I almost died. Fortunately, Lisa saved me.

"Lisa? So, do you know who Lisa is? Locke asked carefully. He didn't know whether Xiao knew Lisa's identity.

Xiao's eyes dimmed and said, "At the beginning, in the dark night castle, I thought Lisa was not a human, but I was not sure. It was not until once I was caught by Will and she asked Will to let me go that I knew that she was also a blood clan."

"So that's it. Well, you should know that the blood clan is not all bad people, just like Uvo was cursed by God. In fact, Qiu Bai also sucks blood because he is cursed by God. Do you know this? Locke boldly said what he had always wanted to say, and he felt that Xiao's attitude towards the blood clan seemed to have changed.

"I know, Lisa told me. But, big brother, how do you know that Qiu Bai was cursed by God? Is that what Lisa told you? Xiao feels strange.

Locke patted Xiao on the shoulder and said, "Xing, we are good brothers, aren't we?"

"Of course, we swore." Xiao blinked his bright eyes and looked at Locke puzzledly. He didn't know what Locke was trying to say.

"If the eldest brother hides something from you, will you blame me?"

"No, I won't." Xiao shook his head and said, "Even if the eldest brother hides it from me, it must be for my good."

"Okay, good brother." Locke's eyes were wet. "Big brother, I'm sorry for hiding it from you. In fact, Qiu Bai is the night crusman of our demon clan. They were originally twelve beautiful brothers and sisters. Ten thousand years ago, they were cursed by God, and my father expelled them from the western continent. After that, they became vampires, and as a result, Wufu was involved, resulting in the murder of your ancestor. I have always hoped that Qiu Bai and Ufu can turn war into jade, and I have been trying to lift the curse of Qiu Bai, but I don't know which god's curse.

"So that's it. No wonder you said you are more than 10,000 years old. I still don't believe it." Xiao smiled and said, "I won't blame my eldest brother. Maybe this is fate. Born as Wufu or Qiu Bai, they are bearing an incredible fate. Who can be blamed? Weird god? Maybe the gods also have difficulties!"

"You have grown up, you have really grown up, and even what you say is different." Locke took Xiao's hand and said, "If the eldest brother is not in this world one day, I will be relieved that you will take care of yourself."

"Brother, don't talk nonsense. Xiao Xiao finally found his eldest brother, and Xiao will never leave his eldest brother again."

"Okay, big brother will never leave you again."

Locke felt sad, and he remembered Teli's words again. Since you will die, spend more time with them while you are still alive and try to do everything you haven't done yet.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao, why do you dress up as a blood clan? Are you going to the Dark Night Empire?

"Yes, I have been caught by Will several times, imprisoned in prison, and seen many human beings. I have always wanted to save them, but without success. Also, a month ago, I sneaked into the night empire and found a secret that led to a secret room. I heard a sound in the secret room, but before I could see it, I was found by the blood clan. I came tonight just to open the secret room and go in and have a look.

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Locke became interested, "But why are you so bold? Lisa is not in the dark night empire now. If she is caught by Will and the others, who will save you?"

"They all went to the Night Castle tonight."


"I heard that tonight is the birthday of a prince, and they celebrate the birthday of the prince in the dark night castle. Also, I heard from Uvo that they caught a man named Tanatos..."

"Tanatos was caught!" Locke's eyes widened unconfidently, "No wonder I can't find him. It turns out that he is not in the city."

"What's wrong, brother? Are you familiar with the one named Tanatos? Xiao asked puzzledly.

"Is it more than familiar? He is your brother, Cologne!"

"What? Cologne is Tanatos?" The xiao is confused.

"Because Tanatos is a follower of Pluto, I must have an attendant and a golden sword to pretend to be Pluto, so I transformed Cologne into Tanatos and Ruoxi into a golden sword."

"So that's it." Xiao understood.

"So, did Uvo say where they locked Tanatos?"

"No, but I guess it should be in the night empire, and maybe I will be locked in that secret room."

"Well, it's possible."

"It's not too late. Let's go right away."

With that, the two got up and were about to leave.

"What about Ruoxi?" Locke suddenly remembered. He turned his head and looked at it. He didn't know when the little girl had fallen asleep. Locke had to cast a spell to turn Ruoxi into a golden sword and put it in the scabbard.