
Chapter 217 Before and after the hijacking

So, Angry Water Jiao and Phil. What is the relationship between Nanke? As mentioned before, the angry water dragon was brought from the "flying whale gang" when An Qiming broke away from the "flying whale gang" ten years ago. Although he has never paid homage to the two former masters, he is deeply valued. In the eyes of the older generation, he is equivalent to the third chair of the Flying Whale Gang. In fact, he is equal to An Qiming and Lang Yunfei, so Phil. Nanke called him uncle. Mingli, he is An Qiming's bodyguard, the armed guard of the fleet of An's Shipping Group Company, and secretly, he is also an important organization member of the "Flying Whale Gang". His other identity is little known. In fact, he is the head of the "Four Heavenly Kings" and is known as the "ghost-faced dragonfly". Phil. Nanke left him with An Qiming in order to protect An Qiming, because he is an old subordinate of Lang Yunfei and also Fer. Nanke is the most trustworthy person.

Although the angry water dragon is only 35 years old, it is very qualified, and its status in the "Flying Whale Gang" is unmatched, even by Dulo. Perez will also call his uncle when he sees him. Of course, Duro. Perez, Xing Wei, and Edipus, who made their debut very late and did not know the existence of the angry water dragon. They are known as the "Four Heavenly Kings", but there have always been only three people, and the head of the "Four Heavenly Kings" has been waiting for a virtual position, because of Phil. Nanke left it to the angry water dragonfly. For a long time, the world has thought that Phil. Nanke is not only the leader of the Flying Whale Gang, but also the head of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Fell. Nanke motioned the angry water dragon to sit down and speak. So, the angry water dragon sat down and began to talk about the history of the "hijacking" incident.

It turned out that when the Fengqi was attacked by a warship and was about to sink, the angry water made Ye Feng and An Qi, as well as Pan's sister and brother escape in a lifeboat. At that time, the lifeboats on which four young people were riding were blown up by the artillery on the warship. The angry water thought that Ye Feng and An Qi were dead, so he picked up the rocket launcher and fought back fiercely. His behavior annoyed the "commander" on the warship. Commander ordered to launch*. As a result, the "Fengqi" suffered a heavy damage and soon sank. The angry water dragon was blown into the sea by the air waves.

The origin of the angry water dragonfly is ominous. He was picked up from the sea on a stormy night when An Qiming went to sea. That year, An Qiming was 21 years old, and the angry water dragon was only six or seven years old. Angry water dragon not only has great arm strength, but also a rare water kung fu. He can stand on the wave peak and drive and call fish. His action jumping out of the water is like a dragon rising in the air. Therefore, An Qiming gave him the name "angry water dragon".

Because the angry water dragon has a deep understanding of water, An Qiming took him with him. He followed An Qiming and Lang Yunfei across the oceans and made indelible "contributions" in subduing large and small pirate organizations and carrying out various operations such as maritime robbery/robbery.

This time, the underwater kung fu of the angry water dragon also played a considerable role. He fell into the water and followed the warship. Because Master Feng and Miss An Qi were "dead", he failed An Qiming's expectations. He felt sorry for An Qiming. He wanted to avenge Master Feng and Miss An Qi.

The angry water dragon followed the warship to the Caribbean Sea. The warship "changed" with a cargo ship. A batch of British navy was launched from the cargo ship and took over the warships. The navy on the warship took over the freighter.

After the navy that came down from the warship got on the cargo ship, it changed into a sailor. After that, the cargo ship parted ways with the warship and sailed in two different directions. The angry water dragon was very strange. He felt that there was something wrong with the cargo ship. So, he quietly dived into the wheel, killed a sailor, changed into sailor's clothes, and lurked into the sailor's team.

In addition to the sailors of E, there is also an Englishman on the wheel. The British sat in the cabin, drinking coffee while dialing their mobile phones. As for what the British said, he didn't hear it. He didn't dare to get too close for fear of being found.

The angry water dragon lurked in the cargo ship until the evening, when the cargo ship entered the port of N City, M Province, E country. The angry water dragonfly is very familiar with this port, because the fleet escorted by him often enters and exits the port.

S sailors and loading and unloading workers in the port began to unload the goods. Angry water dragonfly unloaded the goods together. He saw a fleet parked in the port. The fleet is huge, at least * ships, each of which is more than 100,000 tons. The fleet is flying the flag of Panama. Yo, why is this fleet so familiar? TAKE A CLOSER LOOK, THE METAL SHELL OF THE BOAT EVE ENgraveS THE LETTER "AHNSHI..." No wonder I feel familiar. Isn't this the cargo ship of Anshi Shipping Group? Young Master Feng said that the fleet of Ann Shipping Group Company was seized by the British navy, and it was said that there was arms hidden on the ship. Why is the fleet here? I'd like to see who turned Master Feng's fleet here.

The angry water was calm. As he unloaded the goods, he closely watched the movements around him.

Finally, he saw the problem. He found that the container unloaded from the fleet was transported into the warehouse, and after a period of time, it was transported to the cargo ship.

There must be something tricky here, and I should investigate it carefully. A few hours later, the toss was finally over. The crowd gradually dispersed. Taking advantage of the night, the angry water opened the door of the warehouse and sneaked into the warehouse. This is a large container warehouse full of various types of containers. Angry water dragon saw the label on the container, and the goods marked on the label were rubber. Isn't it said that there are arms? Why don't I pry it open and have a look? He pried open the container and saw a whole box of rubber. Strange, why is there no arms? Since there is no arms, why arrest Master Feng? Angry water dragons are a little confused. He opened several boxes one after another and found that they were all rubber.

After the angry water came out of the warehouse, it saw the cargo ship that had been filled with containers sailing out of the port. Huh? It's so late, where is this freighter going? Could it be the arms shipped out? Angry water dragons were suspicious. He dived into the water and followed the freighter.

When he tried to sneak into the ship, the * wheel was heavily guarded, not only with a large number of armed guards, but also equipped with artillery and * devices. This is not a pure cargo ship, but a modified warship. Those armed guards are not all E people, including Africans, Americans and Europeans.

This scene puzzled the angry water dragon. He felt that the "ship" and the armed guards on the cargo ship were very similar to the ships and brothers of the "Flying Whale Gang". Although the angry water dragon has been away from the gang for more than ten years and has little contact with the "Flying Whale Gang", the ships escorted by him travel around the world and often pass by the ships of the "Flying Whale Gang". At this time, the brothers who are familiar with the "Flying Whale Gang" will point to the ships and tell the angry water dragonfly: "Master Jiao, that's the freighter of our "Flying Whale Gang"."

Angry Water Jiao knows that the current leader of the "Flying Whale Gang" is Phil. Nanke also knows Phil. Nanke is the only son of the old master Lang Yunfei, but he has been running around the freighter and is busy helping An Qiming do some business, and many times he misses with Phil. Nanke's meeting. He only heard from An Qiming, his brothers, and rumors from the world. Nanke's "deeds" and some situations in the gang.

He heard about Phil. After subduing Somalia and the Caribbean Pirates, Nanko unified the Atlantic Ocean, eventually established an aviation and shipping company, and became the chairman, military adviser and so on. He was very happy. He once shed tears in front of the flying spiritual position and said, "Old master, Nanke's ability is great. You should be proud of him." The Flying Whale Gang was not only carried forward in Nanke's hands, but also led to the right path. You can sleep at ease.

Angry water dragonfly continued to follow the freighter. After dawn, the cargo ship sailed out of the Strait of Malacca, went all the way west, and finally entered the Arabian Peninsula.

So, isn't he hungry or tired after such a long sea trip? Of course. When he was hungry, he grabbed the fish and shrimp and filled them into his stomach; when he was tired, he released the wires in the metal gloves, and he hooked them to the bottom of the boat and let the boat drag him.

The angry water was soaked in the water for seven or eight days.

At noon one day, the cargo ship sailed into the port of XX country, and he saw the British and Spaniards coming out of the cargo ship. After that, seven or eight military transporters appeared, and the soldiers who got off the truck carried the cargo boxes on the ship to the transporter.

The angry water dragon sneaked into the ship while everyone was busy loading and unloading goods. He pried open the container and found boxes of arms.

I understand that someone transferred the arms hidden in the fleet of Anshi Shipping Group Company and sold it to the military of a country in the United Arab Emirates.

Is it that the boss instructed his men to do it? Why did he frame Master Feng? The angry water dragon was puzzled again. Then, he denied the idea. Because he knows that An Qiming is Fair. Nanke is like his own son, and Phil. Nanke also has considerable respect for An Qiming. He thinks Phil. Nanke's body is the blood of the old master. Since he is the bone and blood of the old master, he must have inherited the old master's behavior and style. In the eyes of the world (except for the police), the general manager has always had a good reputation.

Is he in love with Miss Anqi? Did you frame Master Feng in order to steal love? No, no, no, it's impossible. The angry water dragon shook its head again. According to the second master, the boss often travels to Europe, the United States and other places, and rarely goes to Southeast Asia. He hasn't come to settle down for three years. How can he fall in love with Miss An Qi? There must be something wrong with the gang. The brothers did it behind his back. General, this time I will try my best to find out what's going on. The angry water dragon suspected that there was a traitor in the Flying Whale Gang.