
Chapter 218 Second Coma

Soon after the goods were loaded and unloaded, the British and Spaniards boarded a military Hummer and went to the city. Angry water killed a crew member who came out to relieve his hand and put on a sailor's suit. There are several small leaders in his cabin, who are gambling, drinking and guessing. Angry water came up, and with his superb gambling skills and rich life experience, he filled the little leaders dizzy and coaxed them around.

Under the questioning of the angry water dragonfly, he got some information from the mouths of the little leaders. This cargo ship belongs to a country in the United Arab Emirates called Kuduo. In Minoswell's shipping company, only a small number of the sailors on the cargo ship were the company's crew, and the rest were brought by the British.

The angry water is confused. He wants to find out the origin of the ship and the origin of the British and Spaniards. However, he is the only one now, and he can't be separated. So he called An Qiming for help. At this time, the armed escort who fell into the water from the Fengqi and survived returned to Anshi Shipping Group Company. An Qiming was very happy to hear that the angry water dragon was still alive. With the support of An Qiming, the 17 surviving armed guards flew to the Allen Chief overnight.

After connecting with his brother, the angry water dragonfly assigned the task. He ordered the deputy commander to take the two brothers to Kuduo. Minoswell, a shipping company, investigates the source of the cargo ship. He himself stayed at the dock with other crew members, monitoring the warehouse loaded with rubber. The group of people stayed for a few days and nights without any movement. That's bad. Aren't I stupid? Why do people want to take a boat? Can't they take a plane?

When the angry water came back and rushed to a military garrison, the British and Spaniards had already disappeared. The angry water dragonfly is very annoyed. After that, through his brothers, he contacted the head of the branch of the Flying Whale Gang in the United Arab Emirates, an Arab named Saleh, who is the fifth of the Eight King Kongs. He is 42 years old this year. He is also an old subordinate of the waves. Angry and Saleh are also old acquaintances.

The angry water dragon stopped at Saleh's apartment, and he talked to Saleh about the military headquarters and "Cuedo". Minoswell Shipping Company. He learned from Saleh, "Kuduo. Minoswell Shipping Company is one of the customers of the Flying Whale Gang. The owners of the Flying Whale Gang often lease ships to other companies and entrust them to deliver goods. It is said that it is the master's instructions in order not to catch the FBI. However, as for which hall owner and Kuduo. It is not known that the Minaswell shipping company has business contacts.

Just as the angry water dragon and Saleh were talking about the past, the deputy commander sent back the news, saying, "Kuduo. The cargo ship of Minoswell Shipping Company, from N City, M Province, E, Southeast Asia, was rented to them by a man named Shen Haochen.

"Who is Shen Haochen? Do you know?" The angry water asked Saleh.

"I've heard that this person is the person next to the three masters."

The angry water was shocked. I thought: Since it is the person around Xing Wei, it seems that this matter must have nothing to do with Xing Wei. However, Xing Wei is a person who is quite valued by the chief ladle. How could he do such a thing behind his back? Angry water dragons doubted the authenticity of the matter.

"Alas, people's hearts are separated from the belly!" Saleh sighed, "The more people you trust, the easier it is to betray you. In those years, the old master Lang died tragically, wasn't it because the gang brother told the secret?

Angry Shuijiao felt that Saleh's words were very reasonable, and he planned to go back to Southeast Asia to plead Xing Weixing as soon as possible. Just as he got up and was about to leave, Saleh's men came in and reported that Master Feng and Miss Anqi had been found.

"What? They are not dead?" The angry water dragon was overjoyed. In fact, An Qiming had learned that An Qi and Ye Feng had been rescued in North America as early as a week ago. When An Qiming received a call for help from the angry water dragonfly, An Qiming was calling the board of directors, and he did not have time to tell the angry water dragonfly.

"Where are they? Tell me quickly and I'll pick them up right away!" Angry Shuijiao couldn't wait to see An Qi and Ye Feng immediately.

According to rumors, it is rumored that Master Feng and Miss Anqi are being held by a group of unknown people at Dubai Airport.

"Young Master Feng was threatened? Who would be so bold? Lao Wu, what do you think you should do? Young Master Feng and Miss An Qi were lost in my hands. If anything happens again, what face do I have to see the second head? Angry water is anxious.

"Brother Jiao, it is rumored that someone is offering a reward of 100,000 US dollars to take Master Feng's life. Do you think it will be..."

"Oh, why didn't I think of it? I'm going to the airport." The angry water rose up in anger.

"Brother Jiao, I have a gun here. Do you want me to send more people?"

"Don't bother Brother Sa, I'll bring someone here. As long as Brother Sa sends a vehicle and a guide to take me to the airport.

Under Saleh's arrangement, the angry water came to the airport. Angry water dragons and a group of men dressed up as crew members and hid their weapons in the food container. Luo, who previously reported the news, said that Miss Anqi and Master Feng were seen being held on a flight to N City, M Province, E, Southeast Asia. The angry water dragon led people into the kitchen for preparing meals. After the plane took off, he first led people to block the exits of each cabin, and then went straight to the cockpit. After controlling the plane, he first broke into the first class, found that the first class was empty, and then he rushed to business class again.

After listening to the narration of the angry water dragonfly, the clenched lips suddenly opened, "Puff", a mouthful of blood spewed out, and the originally weak body fell down softly.

"Brother! Brother!"

"Blood Moon! Hurry up and save!"


All kinds of calls and screams sounded together.

Fang Zhengtai has been sitting by the window. Although he is far away from the crowd, his eyes have always been paying attention to Phil. Nanke. When he saw the body in the white windbreaker crumbling, he also stood up and ran over.

"He is a blood attack heart. Really, why are you so excited?" Xueyue muttered, and she hurriedly used her power and began to rescue.

"He has lost too much blood and needs to replenish blood. Which of you can give some blood?" Blood Moon said.

"Pump me."

"You should smoke mine."

Angry Water Jiao and Fang Zhengtai both rolled up their arms and rolled up their sleeves. Angry water dragons thought it was all his fault. He was extremely guilty. He felt that only by doing something for the general ladle could he feel at ease. Fang Zhengtai also felt guilty, and he always felt Phil. Nanke was seriously injured and also took a certain responsibility.

"Do you want a blood test? Will it cause agglutination reaction? Locke is a little worried

"Who knows? Try it. I will try my best, but you step back!" The blood moon ordered.

Everyone took a step back.

Xueyue looked at the two people who were competing to donate blood, and then said to the angry water dragonfly, "You come first." Xueyue saw that Fang Zheng was too tall, but his physique was much weaker, far less strong than that of anger.

The blood moon performed power and transformed a scalpel formed by light and shadow from her palm. The scalpel cut the vein on the arm of the angry water dragonfly. After that, the light and shadow scalpel began to deform and become a pipe formed by light and shadow. The pipe connects the arm of the angry water dragonfly and Phil. Nanke's chest. The blood of the angry water dragon went along the pipe to Phil. Nanke's chest flowed away.

Why, is there such a blood transfusion method in the world? The Flying Whale Gang is really a place of hiding dragons and tigers! Fang Zheng sighed too much.

Under the gaze of more than a dozen pairs of eyes, strange things appeared, and the blood of the angry water dragonfly was forced back by a force. The blood moon struggled to drive the blood until sweat oozed out of her forehead, and the blood could not move forward by half a step. Blood can't flow in.

"Their blood repels each other. No, we have to change." Xueyue wiped the sweat on her forehead and said.

"Let's draw my blood." Qi'er said, "We are brothers and sisters, and we should do it." Qi'er rolled up her sleeves and showed a jade lotus-like arm.

"No, let's try mine. Besides, you are not brothers and sisters."

"brush", Fang Zhengtai raised a piece of wine glass and scratched to his arm. The bright red blood immediately gushed out. Fang Zhengtai released his own blood first, because he cherished Anqi, and he couldn't bear to look at the wounds of his beloved arm being scratched and drenched.

Qier Bingxue is smart, and Fang Zhengtai's feelings for her, how can she not notice it?

You don't want me to get hurt. Alas, you can try it if you want. In your eyes, Brother Nanke is my cousin. In fact, you don't know that we are real brothers and sisters. Qi'er lowered her head and silently looked at Fang Zhengtai's bleeding arm. Looking at it, her heart was faintly painful and heavy. It turns out that the feeling of being loved is different. Being loved by one person is a kind of happiness, and being loved by two or even two or more people is a burden.

Fang Zhengtai's love has created a kind of pressure on Qier.

Xueyue looked at Fang Zhengtai and said, "Okay, then try it."

The blood moon continues to perform power. To everyone's surprise, Fang Zhengtai's blood flowed smoothly all the way. Nanke's body.

"You are so strange!" Xueyue looked at Fang Zhengtai, looked at the angry water dragonfly, and shook her head puzzledly. She also doesn't understand why Phil. Nanke's body only accepted Fang Zhengtai's blood, but refused to accept the blood of the angry water dragonfly.

Well, maybe it's because I'm a lower race! The angry water dragon sighed in his heart and failed to offer his blood to the boss. He felt very inferior and frustrated.

After ten minutes of blood transfusion, Phil. Nanke's face was not as pale as before, and he finally woke up.

"I'm scared to death!" Locke patted his chest and was afraid.

Fell. Nanke looked at everyone's concerned and anxious look, reluctantly smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't die!"

When Phil. When Nanke saw Fang Zhengtai's blood flowing into his body, he was suddenly moved, and at the same time, he also felt deeply guilty. In his heart, the other party said: I'm sorry, brother Zhengtai. You risked your life to save me from danger twice, but I deceived you and didn't trust you. Didn't I judge a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain?