
Chapter 306 Encounter UFO

A huge, dish-shaped spacecraft quietly travels through various celestial bodies. Although it is huge, it is extremely flexible. It can easily avoid the tail of a comet, the sudden meteor shower, the collision of unknown space stones, and the devouring of invisible "time black holes". Soon, a blue asteroid clearly appeared in sight.

"Master, that's the earth." The triangular eyes raised their long necks and looked down.

"Slow down and find a safe place to land!" The Black Armor was quite excited, and his voice trembled a little.

The triangular eyes danced with eight arms and began to be busy again.

"Brother, do you want to start the stealth device? In case we are attacked..."

"Sneer!" The black armor man sneered, "There is no need. The retarded earthlings can't wipe our side with the broken copper and iron in their hands!"

On this day, the multinational force military exercises organized and planned by a certain country's authorities are in full swing. At this time, the officers and soldiers of the M flight squadron are flying the latest attack aircraft F-99 "Thunder II" and are wandering at an altitude of more than 30 kilometers, looking for the target.

The pilot of G flew the J-68 Vulus I and peeped into the clouds, trying to make a surprise attack on the M flight squadron.

Suddenly, a huge shadow surged up. The sun first turned into a hemisphere, and then a crescent. Soon, the sun disappeared, and the originally clear day was dark in an instant.

"What's going on?"

"What's going on?"

The flight captains of various countries asked the ground headquarters, but received no reply, and they lost contact with the ground headquarters.

What should I do? Do I need to return? Davis, the captain of the G flight squadron, was hesitating when he suddenly found a bright snow in front of him. He saw a cylindrical light passage in front of him, with a huge disc-shaped luminous body at the top of the beam.

Oh, my God, it's the legendary UFO. It turns out that UFOs are real! Davis is very excited. He is a UFO fan, and that's why he applied to the flight academy. He has been looking forward to meeting UFOs one day and seeing the true faces of aliens. He always feels that the legendary aliens should not be as ugly as the aliens described in the movie.

I'll go and see what the legendary aliens look like. Excitement and excitement filled his mind, and Davis drove the landline to the UFO.

The pilots in G also saw the luminous body, and at the same time, they also lost contact with the ground command, so when they saw the captain's plane rushing towards the luminous body, they did not hesitate to follow.

What is that? Is it a UFO? The officers and soldiers of the M flight squadron hiding in the clouds also saw the luminous body, and the G flight squadron that went straight to the luminous body.

A blue light suddenly burst out in front of his eyes, followed by a failure of all the control systems, and the fuselage buzzed and hiss in pain. Davis panicked. He hurriedly switched to manual control and tried to "escape". It was not until then that he sadly found that not only all the instruments failed, but also his body could not move.

When they saw that the captain's car was sucked by blue light and rising, the team members who followed were scared. They wanted to save their captain, so they hurriedly fired weapons in an attempt to attack the luminous body. They found that not only all the operating instruments failed, but also they were paralyzed.

The captain of the M flight squadron saw the flight squadron of G being sucked into a string of luminous bodies. He hurriedly ordered the team members to attack. There was a sharp roar, such as laser-guided bombs, air-to-air*, cluster bombs, etc., all greeted the luminous body. The black sky was illuminated with snow in an instant.

They had a fierce battle here, which had already shocked the pilots hiding in other countries nearby. Seeing the G flight squadron in danger, everyone sweated. "Boo, boom", all fighters in this space came and opened fire. At least 10 countries and more than 200 fighters participated in the fierce battle.

"Master, we were attacked by an UFO!" The triangular eyes shouted in horror.

"Isn't it a retarded earthman? That kind of toy thing can also be called an aircraft? Don't worry, even the high-energy electromagnetic cannon can't penetrate..." "Boom", before the black armor man finished his words, his feet suddenly trembled.

"Brother, we were hit!" The Red Man said in panic.

"Stop energy collection and turn on the magnetic barrier." The Black Armor Man gave the order slowly.

"Brother, have you forgotten? Due to the absence of magnetite, the magnetic energy supply has long been cut off, and our magnetic protection system has been shut down for a long time.

"Then launch a high-energy electromagnetic cannon..." The words "destroy them" have not been exported yet, and there is a violent tremor under his feet.

"Shew", a bright light flashed on the console, and then the crystal screen suddenly darkened.

Master, the main control system has been damaged and cannot be started. Our mother ship is being swallowed up by extremely powerful energy from the earth!" The triangular eyes shouted in horror, and the voice became sharper and thinner, and even the red line in his eyes flashed rapidly.

"The mother ship is out of control, the mother ship is out of control, please take the sub-boat to escape, please take the sub-boat to escape..." The automatic alarm function is still working, so it sends an electronic voice prompt.

"brush", the lights on the left and right sides flashed and went out. In the vast space, various instruments that were originally flashing suddenly stopped working, and the surroundings became darker and darker.

"Why, even you can't do anything about it? Unexpectedly, he was overwhelmed by the little earthman. The black armor man rushed forward, opened his fingers, and suddenly pinched the neck of the triangular eye, making the thickness of the red line in the triangular eye change constantly changing.

"Brother, it's useless for you to kill him. It's all your careless!" The Red Armor man said anly, "The mother ship is out of control and is very likely to crash. Let's escape by boat, escape to the earth, and find the prehistoric base. Not to mention a spaceship, that fleet is all ours!"

"Hmm!" The black man snorted angrily and then let go of his hand.

The triangular eye was pinched with only breath, but no breath. It hummed twice and lowered its head and collapsed softly.

"You two go on the boat with me!" The Black Armor ordered two puppets.

"Yes, master!"

Four people jumped into a small spacecraft. The Black Armor man glanced back at the corner, and he saw the fainted triangular eye.

"Well, if it hadn't been for your use value, I would have executed you!" The palm of the Black Armor man emitted red light, which sucked the triangular eye off the floor and quickly flew up until it entered the sub-boat. The group hid in a small spaceship and fled from the emergency exit.

With the shutdown of the power system of the alien mother ship, the instruments of J-68 Vulcan I returned to normal, and the pilots in G also opened fire. Under the fierce siege of more than 200 fighters, a loud bang was followed by a bright light, and the huge dish-shaped aircraft exploded and fell to the ground. The impact and light waves of the explosion swept the fighters, and dozens of F-117s and dozens of J-31s were immediately shattered. Naturally, Davis was also included. His plane was almost sucked into the alien mother ship, so the pilot in the distance saw that his plane was evaporated almost in an instant, leaving no ashes. The rest of the fighters quickly turned around and fled in panic. Unfortunately, the high temperature and radiation generated by the explosion burned and exploded the rest of the fighters, and some even turned into ashes in an instant.

This is the most tragic air crash in human history. However, the relevant authorities did not know that after the nearly eight-minute solar eclipse, the fighters of various countries that originally participated in the military exercises disappeared without a trace, and the ground command continued to contact for a week without any news. However, the relevant authorities had to This incident is classified as "the most mysterious disappearance of this century". Of course, this is what I said later.


Look at Locke, and look at Pluto, Phil. Nanke hesitated. He was reluctant to separate from these two people, especially Locke. From 10,000 years ago to the future world, the two had already formed a deep friendship. If it is simply a friend or brotherly relationship, it does not seem to be all. Maybe this is the so-called pity for each other! My eyes are hot, and my nose is sore again, Phil. Nanke almost burst into tears.

Strive to control your emotions, Phil. Nanke said, "Why don't I send you two back first?"

Locke hesitated for a moment and said, "However, I haven't completed the task of saving my ancestors. Should I go back like this?" In case..."

"Yes, how can I forget such an important thing!" Phil. Nanke suddenly woke up and said, "I'd better send the lizard man back to the base camp first, and then send you back. Anyway, the two gods of war have been captured. As long as you escort them back, you should be able to recover your magic power."

Fell. Nanke took the "key of time and space" in Qier's hand.

"Wait, Shura, I have something to tell you." Camus stopped Fell. Nanke.

The two brothers stayed away from the crowd and began a close conversation.

"Jura, you can't send them back." Camus said.

"Why?" Phil. Nanke was surprised.

"I need them. I can also see that your friends are not ordinary earthlings, and the feelings between you and them are already extraordinary. I think it's better to bring them back to Hobby, which may help us..."

"No..." He raised his eyes and looked at Locke and others, Phil. Nanke immediately refused, "I know you want to take advantage of them, but I don't want them to be involved in danger with me."

"Listen to me. Your disaster is big! Because you 'abducted' the magnetic Eurasian, which not only violated the interstellar law, but also led to the outbreak of interstellar war. Now the Speer Dick people use this as an excuse to rampage and plunder crystal satellites everywhere. More and more planets have been involved in this dispute, and the war has burned from the sixth universe to the Milky Way. The Star Alliance was very dissatisfied with this, so it issued a wanted notice. Not only you, but also Qier has been wanted. Before I left Hobbit, the Spedic people had already suppressed the situation and forced my father to hand over the magnetolite. The Star Alliance has repeatedly put pressure on my father, and most of the members of Congress have also favored the Star Alliance. In order to protect our people, under the pleading of our father and the mediation of the Sirius, we finally won ten days. With the help of Sirius, I left Hobby and went to the universe to find you and Qi'er.

Unexpectedly, I was targeted by the hunters (i.e. catchers) sent by the Star Alliance, and they kept chasing me. My escort fleet was hit and the captain of the guard has been killed. When I escaped into the solar system, they launched an attack satellite. In order to cover me, the Sirius spacecraft was hit. From then on, I lost contact with the Sirius, and my spacecraft was also severely damaged and finally lost control and crashed into a blue planet..."