
Chapter 307 Hunter Attack

"Did your spaceship hit the earth?" Phil. Nanke was very surprised.

Camus nodded and continued, "I found that there are humans on this planet. In order to avoid harm to humans, I used manual driving to operate the landing. I sailed the spacecraft to a jungle, but I failed to land. My spaceship crashed and exploded into pieces, and my lifeboat fell to the bottom of the lake when it popped out, and I died as a result.

I have been looking for a suitable body until ten years ago when I fell into the water, and I occupied his body. However, he fell madly in love with the girl named Anqi. The more I stopped him, the stronger his love became. I couldn't completely control him, so I tortured him. I hope he would die earlier to completely occupy his body. Now he is dead, but he died so thoroughly that his body was completely destroyed that I had to escape.

"Master Nanke, you and I are quite close. Seriously, from the first sight of you, I have a feeling that we have known each other for a long time. The warm and mellow male voice sounded in my ear again. It turned out that Camus invaded your body. Brother Zheng, I'm sorry, I killed you! Looking back and glancing at the flower grave under Zhu Jin's tree, Phil. Nanke couldn't control his tears anymore.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault! Unexpectedly, my impulse not only affected the people, but also killed my own brother. The original magnetic voice changed its tone because of choking, "But Brother Wang, do you know? I have paid a huge price for this. I have died three times. Every time I am reborn, my soul and body are tortured. This is retribution, retribution, retribution! Hahaha!" Phil. Nanke suddenly burst into laughter.

The sad laughter spread far away, scaring Locke and others with hair all over their bodies.

"Sura, be rational!" Camu rebuked, "Errors have been made and the consequences have arisen. What we need to do now is how to remedy it. We need to find a way to stop the spread of war."

"Remedy? Is there any other way to remedy it? Can only my complete death stop the war? Then tie me up and give it to the Star Alliance. Anyway, I caused the accident, and naturally the responsibility should be borne by me alone.

" Shura! Would you please calm down?" Camus was so angry that he almost roared. If he had been an entity, he would have slapped his brother long ago.

"I'm sorry, Brother Wang! You don't know that I have experienced too many things, and I have killed thousands of human beings. 100,000 years ago, I used fire and rain to destroy almost all life on this planet..." The amber eyes are full of regret and self-reproach.

100,000 years ago? What do you mean? Camus looked at his younger brother in surprise.

"How to say it." Phil. Nanke grabbed his scalp and said, "Well, this is the future earth. According to the time of the earth, I left Hobbit 100,000 years ago.

"100,000 years ago, 100,000 years ago!" Camus muttered, "Since 100,000 years have passed on Earth, a hundred years have passed on the planet Hobby. Ha ha, in the past 100 years, not to mention hundreds of wars, thousands of wars have also occurred. Maybe... Maybe our parents and people are no longer there."

"What does it mean that life is worse than death? This means that life is worse than death! For us Hobbes, death is more painful than living. What should I do? What should I do?" Phil. Nanke muttered, and his amber eyes quickly faded.

"Two brothers, you don't have to worry and blame yourself. Don't we still have the key to time and space? If you turn back the time..." Qi'er came over with a smile. Qi'er has been sitting next to the flower tomb under Zhu Jin's tree, recalling her experiences on the earth. She was alone and sad when she heard Phil. Nanke was shocked when she laughed. Although she didn't know what the two brothers were talking about, she had guessed more than half of them with the intelligent minds of the Hobbi people.

Fell. Nanke looked at the "key of time and space" in his hand, then raised his eyes and looked at Locke and others and said, "You mean to let me go back 100,000 years ago?"

"Hmm!" Qi'er nodded, but tears had appeared in her eyes.

"This is indeed a good idea!" Camus was surprised and said, "You stay in the palace and I will escort the magnolite to the bighorn star. Only in this way will the magnolite not be lost."

"Can this... work?" The hand holding the "key of time and space" trembled a little, Phil. Nanke has no confidence at all. He remembered that 100,000 years ago, as Miller, he returned to Atlantis to prevent him from meeting Locke. As a result, what shouldn't have happened.

"Try it, how do you know if you don't try?" Camus encouraged.

"Be sure to try! Fate is not all determined by heaven. I think there is always a part in our own hands, as long as we can grasp it. After wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes and raising her bright black eyes, Qi'er said firmly.

Wang Locke and others, as well as the flower mounds under Zhu Jin's tree, and their amber eyes became wet. If I go back to the past, there will be no you in my memory. You can't hear the song of the phoenix and birds I sing, and you can't see the loneliness in my eyes, and I can't drink wine with you... Thinking about it, tears are wet.

"Brother, you can record them, so that even if we go back to the past, we can see them." Qi'er said.

"It's really a good idea, or Wang Mei is smart." Phil. Nan Ke praised. A shallow smile finally came out of his tearful eyes. I want to remember you, and I will definitely remember you! Take out the deformed mobile phone, Phil. Nanke took pictures of Locke and Pluto sitting under Zhu Jin's tree and took photos.

"Would you like to say goodbye to them?" Seeing that the two brothers and sisters looked reluctant, Camu's heart softened.

Suck your nose, Phil. Nanke sighed, "Well, forget it. The closer you get to them, the more reluctant you are to leave!"

After looking at those people with incomparably nostalgia, Phil. Nanke decided to start the "key of time and space". His fingers had not touched the magnetic European stone in the "flower/core", and a strange sound came from far to near, and a big fireball fell from the sky.

"Dodge, get out of the way!" Phil. Nanke shouted loudly, and at the same time, he also jumped up. Everyone was already very scattered and separated from Phil. Nanke is also far away, so William is focusing on chatting with the angry water dragon. James didn't hear it. The lizard man felt abnormal and jumped up to push the blood moon and the bighorns.

Locke and Pluto raised their heads in surprise, and with the rolling heat wave, a huge fireball ran into them.

Fell in mid-air. Nanke hesitated for a moment and showed his light skills. He jumped to William. Behind James, his arms are moving, and his right palm is suddenly pushed out, pushing the angry water out dozens of meters away. At the same time, his left hand goes inward, William. James pulled into his arms and quickly fell back.

"Kaff", it was like a thunderbolt out of thin air, and a big fireball hit the tall Zhu Jin tree. Kaka, making a violent sound, Zhu Jinshu was almost split in half, half towering, and half falling to the position where Locke and Pluto were.

"Fight away! Ah!" Locke screamed. Although he pushed Pluto out, he was knocked down by a tree trunk.

"Boom", the deafening explosion sounded around, and the originally dark surroundings were illuminated with snow. People suddenly fell down, covered their ears and closed their eyes. Pluto looked up in panic and saw the wreckage of a plane falling in front of him. Thick smoke rolled, the tongue of fire rushed around, and the flames almost burned on Pluto. Pluto was shocked and "dabble". He stepped back several steps, "poop", and fell down.


"Brother Locke!"


With all kinds of calls, the frightened people came to their senses and hurried forward.

"How are you?" Phil. Nanke came over.

Locke did not respond. He lay face down on the ground, with a large pool of red blood next to the corners of his mouth. The dumped and broken half of the tree trunk hit Locke's back.

"You'll be fine. You'll be fine!" Phil. Nanke was scared. He hurriedly bent down to move the trunk. The seemingly ordinary trunk did not move at all. He carried his internal force and concentrated his strength on his arms. His cheeks swelled red, and the trunk still did not move at all.

"Help, come and help!" Phil. Nanke was so anxious that he was about to cry.

"You go to the front, and we are in the back." At this time, everyone was in a panic. Only the angry water dragon kept calm. As he commanded everyone, he bent down. Blood Moon and the four bighorns went to the front, Fell. Nanke is in the middle, Qi'er, William. James, the angry dragonfly, and the lizard man in the back. At this time, Pluto had also reacted. He hurriedly got up and ran to help.

"What's up!" The angry water dragon shouted the horn, and everyone lifted it desperately. The trunk was like being welded to the ground, and no matter how hard it was, it could not move at all.

"Help, Brother Nan, help!" Pluto suddenly shouted in panic. He has run to Phil. Nanke was by his side. Before he bent down, his body suddenly couldn't move.

When everyone straightened up, they found that the sky above their heads had turned gray, like a layer of clouds. There was a red vortex in the center of the cloud, which emitted a red beam of light from the whirlpool, which was sucking Pluto from the ground. At this time, Pluto's feet had left the ground.

"Ha ha!" Qi'er screamed.

"No, it's a hunter!" Camus whispered, "They have found the earth. They must have mistaken the teenager named Xiaoha for you. It's so good that you can escape the disaster."

"Misunderstand me?" Raise your eyes full of anxiety and surprise, and then look up, Phil. Nanke suddenly reacted. At this time of his astonishment, Pluto's body had risen to mid-air.

"Brother, save Xiaoha!" Qi'er shouted in horror.

"Wangle" "Wang" can no longer take care of moving tree trunks, William. James and the angry dragon pushed the bullet into the barrel. They raised their muzzle and pointed it at the sky, but they only saw that Pluto could not see anything else.

"Clap..." There was a dense sound of gunfire, and the people with guns shot bullets into the clouds.