Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 147 Token Representing Identity

"If you are not from my demon world, even if we fight to death, my brothers and I will be loyal to His Majesty the Underworld." The patrol captain said firmly, and his eyes also showed indomitable eyes.

"Roar..." 11 people behind the patrol captain also burst into a desperate spirit.

Seeing the leader of this team of patrol guards is indeed quite a little spirited and a little brainy. The breath of danger and death on Bai Ying has faded a lot. Bai Ying, such a loyal and intelligent captain to the demon world, will not kill him for the face of the so-called aristocracy. Moreover, after all, this is a matter of the demon world. I'm a person in the underworld. It's better to intervene less in some things. After all, I'm not my own emperor and imperial concubine.

Looking at the young man with fighting spirit in front of him, Bai Ying smiled slightly. He is indeed a little optimistic about this young patrol captain now. After all, not everyone is as smart as him and will think about things in two ways, not like some self-righteous guys who will treat others because they are the elite of the Arch Royal City. It's the dog who looks down on people. He neither despises nor looks up to the three of them, and knows that there is an endless way out for himself before he has figured out the identity of the three of them. No matter which of these two aspects he guessed, it was very beneficial to him.

Bai Ying can imagine that if this captain's life is long enough, strong enough and a little luck, maybe he will really have a bright future in the future.

Perhaps today is the moment of his luck.

Bai Ying said to the patrol captain in front of him in a harsh tone, "Yes, it seems that you are still a little smart, not as self-righteous and arrogant as those little nobles. I believe that the subordinates you lead are also dedicated to you, right? That's all for today. I hope you will be more enlightened in the future. Not everyone is as talkative as we are. I'm very optimistic about you."

Before saying this, Bai Ying's body was slightly sideways, and this decision was also agreed by Leng Ming. Otherwise, Bai Ying did not feel that he was qualified to make this decision for his emperor and imperial concubine. After all, the patrol guards in front of him made some unfavorable actions to Yue Huaying, according to the demon world. According to the rule, there must be only one death to apologize.

However, those who don't know are innocent. The three of them didn't come back to find the trouble of these soldiers.

"Thank you for your false praise. Even so, please take out the corresponding vouchers, otherwise the three adults will not be able to cross the cross when they go back. I hope the three adults can understand. Now is an extraordinary period." Although Bai Ying said so, the patrol captain was neither humble nor arrogant and asked Bai Ying to inform his identity.

In fact, at this time, the patrol captain's heart not only has the feeling of escaping from death after escaping a disaster, but also has infinite excitement, because at this time, he is very sure that the three people in front of him are absolutely superior in the demon world. Can he not be excited when he meets such a noble man?

This opportunity without any * may be the biggest turning point in my career.

However, the patrol captain knows that he can't show too much excitement and flattery, otherwise it will only be counterproductive. Besides, although the possibility in his heart is very high, there is another possibility for the identity of the three people in front of him, which may lead to himself and his subordinates behind him. Push forward in the abyss of eternal disaster.

So, the patrol captain is facing the three people opposite him with two mindsets at this time.

Hearing the words of the patrol captain, Bai Ying's face really showed a helpless face.

Is this girl really so ignorant? After saying so much, don't you know the identity of the three of you? Aren't these three faces of the three of us a pass in the demon world? I didn't come from the remote town in the demon world, but near the imperial city, the center of the demon world. Haven't you seen the portrait of the princess of the demon world? Haven't you seen the appearance of the demon world's son-in-law?

Thinking of this, Bai Ying's heart really reported the peace for himself and the emperor and imperial concubine behind him. When he went back to his mother's house, he was actually rejected by his relatives at home. This feeling is not something that everyone can feel.

"This adult..." The patrol captain saw Bai Ying standing there with a "stacky" face and asked again with a frown.

"Ockey, it's really stupid and annoying. It's time to take back what I just said." After saying that, Bai Ying stretched out his hand to his waist.

The patrol captain's face turned red for no reason when he heard Bai Ying's words. Is his persistence stupid to the people in front of him?


"Oh... Here you are, can you see if this works? This is the only thing in me that seems to prove our identity. NND, I don't know if it's the first time I've been to the demon world. Fortunately, I stole a token from Luciface when he was drunk last time. Otherwise, I would have been humiliated today. I must have been laughed to death when I saw him. Bai Ying threw a palm-sized token with dark red blood to the patrol captain in the distance and whispered with an unhappy face.

Of course, the patrol captain would not suspect that this was the dark red object thrown by Bai Ying, and although Bai Ying was muttering in a low voice, the sound still intermittently reached the ears of the patrol captain.

When the patrol captain heard the words "Lucifa", "drunk" and "Steal", he swallowed saliva with difficulty. He really didn't expect that the identity of the person opposite was so horrible.

Of course, the patrol captain will definitely not think that Bai Ying really "stealed" Lucifer's token. Who is Lucifer? That is the first person under His Majesty the Demon Emperor of the Demon World, and he is the blood angel demon god of the demon world. Although the fallen angel army of Lucifa demon god is only an outsider who came to the demon world from the Western divine world thousands of years ago, the powerful combat power of the fallen angel army is not enough. And if you can drink with the demon god and get him drunk, you don't even "steal" the token carried by the demon god, and the demon god lost his token at this time as if it was okay, so the identity of the other party is about to come out.

The identity of the three people opposite him is an absolute top aristocrat even if he is not the demon god in his own demon world.

Thinking of this, seeing the dark red thing flying towards him, the patrol captain finally understood the high posture of the person in front of him.

Thinking that he had just looked weak to the woman, the patrol captain's back had been soaked by cold sweat.

With a trembling mood, the patrol captain caught the dark red token flying over by white shadow.

"Bum..." However, the white shadow thing is not so easy to pick up.

When the patrol captain received the dark red token, he felt the infinite power of the token, and almost let the unprepared patrol captain get the token out of his hand.

However, the patrol captain also knew the mystery of it for the first time. This is not that the handsome man opposite wants to give himself a majesty to revenge on what he had done to the girl before. This is the man opposite is testing his strength.

Thinking of this, the patrol captain quickly mobilized all his strength to the hands that received the token, and used all his strength and strength to hold the seemingly inconspicuous token.


Although the patrol captain has exhausted his strength and strength, the gap between him and Bai Ying's strength is not a star. Although this is only the strength of Bai Ying's strength, it still makes the patrol captain who has exhausted his strength and strength be poured into the token the next second after receiving the token. The strong force pushed back, leaving two inch-deep slip marks on the green grass. It was not until he was caught by the crowd behind him that he stopped sliding backwards.

"Captain..." Feeling the strong thrust after receiving the captain, the four guards who catch the patrol captain shouted eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just that adult's temptation. I'm not hurt." The upright patrol captain took a few deep breaths, calmed the surge of qi and blood in his body, and slowly raised his unconscious and trembling hands and said.

"Hey... It's not bad. I thought you would throw it away. It seems that your boy's strength is not bad. You shouldn't just be a patrol."

"This... the adult's praise, the villain just does his duty." Although the patrol captain said so, anyone could hear the unique tone in his tone.

Although the captain of the patrol knows that the person in front of him is a big shot, and seems to be very optimistic about himself, he knows that he can't complain too much in front of these three people. After all, everyone knows some potential rules in it.

As for the people on the opposite side, they don't understand. Anyway, the patrol captain knows that they understand.

Therefore, the patrol captain did not say much, but used his own strength and some of his own tone to let the people on the opposite side know that they were powerful but very talented.

Hearing the patrol captain say this, Bai Ying picked his eyes. Of course, he understood the experience of these low-level soldiers. Because he used to rise up so hard step by step, Bai Ying felt a little like this at that time.

However, this is not the time to discuss this. Bai Ying looked at the patrol captain in the distance and said, "Well, let's see if this thing can prove our identity first. We still have important things to go. We don't have time to spend here, but I still hope to see you in the imperial city in the future."

Seeing Bai Ying say this and showing his goodwill to himself, the patrol captain was excited. Of course, he understood what "seeing in the imperial city" meant, and the patrol captain replied with reverence with a surging excitement:

"Yes, my lord!"