Dark Moon Concubine

Chapter 148 Fallen Blood Angel Token

At the same time, the patrol captain has turned his eyes to the token representing absolute power in his hand.

The whole body of the token is dark red. Although it is only a small token, it can make people feel the blood and murderous spirit from the token. It seems that the blood color on the token is stained by the blood of countless people. The patrol captain holding the token seems to feel the bursts of people who are dying from the token. The sound of mourning; one side of the blood token is carved with a big word "Order", which is surrounded by countless blood angels flying beside it; and on the other side of the blood token, a dark golden fallen angel with six wings on his back is in sight. Although the fallen angel is dark gold, the fallen sky The blood that seems to drip under the wings and on the body can make people understand that this is the incarnation of Lucifer, the commander of the fallen angel army that represents absolute strength.

Seeing the bloody token in his hand, the patrol captain has confirmed the identity of the three people. Even if the real identities of the three people on the opposite side are not known, the patrol captain knows that this is enough, and this token can already explain the identity of the other party.

"Hua Ming, the captain of the 12th team of the 9th Brigade of the First Brigade of the Fourth Army under the throne of the Dark Demon God Luo Hou, met the three adults."

After understanding that the token in his hand was real and confirming the identity of the other party, Hua Ming, the captain of the patrol team, half knelt on the ground with an extremely respectful tone and asked Bai Ying for instructions, and his hands also held high the bloody token that Bai Ying threw to him.

Although the 9 people behind Hua Ming did not know why Hua Ming suddenly changed his attitude to the three people in front of him, they also followed Hua Ming to half kneel down and salute to Bai Ying, and also shouted "See you." But they knew in their hearts that it must be the token in the hands of their captain to make their captain such a change.

"Get up!"

"Lord Xie..." Hua Ming and his party stood up, but Hua Ming still respectfully held a bloody token in front of his hands and lowered his head.

"Are you under Luo Hou's command? Is he all right now? Isn't he defending the guys in the Eastern Fairyland in the east? Why did you come near the imperial city?

"Uh... The leader of the legion should be fine. As you know, it is impossible for him to know the situation of the Great Demon God of Luohou in his small capacity." Hua Ming said in an awkward tone.

Bai Ying also nodded suddenly. Indeed, Huaming's current position really doesn't even know where Luo Houren is.

"Ha ha... I'm abrupt. You really don't know this, so why are you here? Did Luo Hou go back to the imperial city?"

"Yes, the great demon god Luo did return to the imperial city. I heard from our captain that the great demon god Luo and the other seven demon gods rushed back to the imperial city from the station. I heard that something grand will happen in the imperial city soon, so now the demon gods and the leaders of the major nobles have rushed back to the imperial city. And we came back with the Great Demon God of Luohou, responsible for patrolling the territory of the Marquis of Owa, and the other teams of the Demon Gods also sent around the imperial city to strengthen patrol and defense.

"Oh...so it is!" Bai Ying nodded.

Bai Ying knows everything from Hua Ming's words. No wonder this girl doesn't know herself. She turned out to be from outside. However, she hasn't come to the demon world for nearly a thousand years, and no wonder no one knows her. And Bai Ying certainly understood why Luohou and others returned to the imperial city from such a distant station, because they came back to welcome their return of the Dark Moon Princess.

Under understanding all this, Bai Ying didn't say anything more, but asked Leng Ming through voice:


"Ying said that she was fine, and also said that this person was conscientious and told you not to punish him. You can do the rest by yourself."

"I understand, emperor..."

Knowing the meaning of Leng Ming and Yue Huaying, Bai Ying also knew what to do next.


"My subordinates are here."

"Forget what happened just now. Pay attention to the girls in the future. Don't be so rude. Not everyone is as talkative as we are. Although you are the subordinates of Marquis Luo, you should know that if you meet some nobles, even if they offend you because of this, I don't think Marquis Luo Hou will ask too much. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, I understand. Thank you for your suggestion."

"Well... However, your due diligence is also a legacy of the Dark Legion, and you are worthy of being a subordinate of Marquis Luo. However, you should know that this is the imperial city, a place where nobles of all sizes gather, not your border fortress. Sometimes it is not about your own strength but a backer, understand?"

"I have understood that I will pay more attention to this aspect in the future, and I will certainly not humiliate the Great Demon God of Luohou and will certainly live up to the suggestions of my lord." Hua Ming said sincerely, because he knew that what Bai Ying said to him was not preaching but telling himself how to face the nobles, those high nobles.

"Well, since you understand everything, I won't say anything more. We have to hurry, so let's go first."

"Congratulations to your excellency. Your Excellency, would you like me to take you to the imperial city? At present, most of the imperial city is surrounded by the guards of the imperial city and the personal guards of the great demon gods. If you encounter the situation just now, I believe that the little one can deal with it, otherwise your subordinates will be uneasy if the previous situation occurs.

Hearing Hua Ming's words, Bai Ying smiled in his heart: This girl is now so smart that he still knows how to beat snakes and sticks. However, Bai Ying really doesn't need Hua Ming to lead the way for himself now. He has come to the imperial city more times than the women he has seen in the imperial city. Besides, if he opens his own way, may there be a situation just now? Just now, her imperial concubine was scared by the interrogation of the guards for the first time. Does this girl really think that her imperial concubine looks so easy to bully?

Thinking of the "legend" about the dark moon princess spread among the nobles in the demon world before the imperial concubine was with her emperor, Bai Ying was really happy for Hua Ming and others.

"Thank you for your kindness. I know better than you here. Besides, you are the only one who doesn't know me, the guardians of the major demon gods? Ask them when you have time, which of them hasn't been beaten by me? Hey..." Bai Ying said with a furry laugh in his heart.

Hearing Bai Ying's words, Hua Ming also knew that he could no longer be funny, and said with an awkward laugh: "Ha ha... That's a little boring. The little one is here to send the three adults.

Without any words, the three white shadows flew to the imperial city again.

Seeing the three people who are getting farther and farther away, Hua Ming is both embarrassed and excited at this moment, and maybe he will soon have some luck.

said to his brothers with a trace of excitement, "Brothers, let's continue to patrol."

Suddenly, Hua Ming shouted, "Bad!"

"Captain, what's wrong?" The rest of the people asked strangely.

Hua Ming raised the bloody token in his hand and said to everyone, "Oh, I forgot to return the token to the adults. My lord...token..." Looking at the three people who had gone a long way, Hua Ming shouted loudly as he held the token to catch up.

And before Hua Ming took a few steps, he heard a voice that seemed to speak in his ear from a distance: "Please give the token to Lucifa for me. Just tell him to prepare the bet he lost last time. I'll find time to get it, and he will understand."

Hearing Bai Ying's words, Hua Ming also stopped and looked at the token in his hand. Hua Ming's whole body was trembling at this time.

Thinking that he could finally see the legendary Demon Lord in person and maybe his future would be bright because of this meeting, Hua Ming really couldn't help but suppress his extremely excitement and excitement.

At this time, Hua Ming's subordinates helped up the two brothers who were still in a coma and rushed up from behind. Seeing Hua Ming holding the bloody token with a dull face and trembling all over his body, they asked inexplicably, "Captain, are you all right?"

However, Hua Ming still has no response.

"Captain..." Everyone shook Huaming.

"Ah..." Hua Ming recovered from his dream and looked at his brothers and subordinates around him. Hua Ming showed the happiest smile in his life and said:

"Haha... I'm fine. How can I be fine? I'm fine now, haha... Let's go and continue to patrol." Holding the token in his hand tightly, Hua Ming looked at the corner of the imperial city not far away and said.

This is really another village of willow dark flowers.

Captain, what is this thing in your hand? It seems to be quite expensive." A soldier next to Hua Ming couldn't help asking Hua Ming curiously.

"Do you want to know?"

"Well... well..." The soldier lit his head like a chicken pecking rice.

Not only him, but also the other 8 soldiers also looked at Huaming's head curiously. They also wanted to know what kind of magic this thing had that would make their captain's attitude change so much. They were the subordinates of Lord Luohou, the biggest demon god in the demon world. Even some little nobles have to give face to these people, but the posture of his captain is more respectable than seeing the leaders of the legion.

"Hey... do you see what this is?" Hua Ming said to the crowd with a happy expression holding the token.

"Huh...isn't this those angels in the West?"

"Pa..." The person who just said was patted with a skull and said, "Stupid, what kind of angel? It's a bird man."

"Oh, oh...bird man, bird man..." The beaten man obediently responded. He did not dare to have any resistance, because it would provoke public anger.

"Oh, it doesn't seem right. It doesn't seem to be those birds in the West. Why does this look like a sign of the Legion of Fallen Angels?"

Hearing another person say this, the others also nodded and said.

"Yes, the little monkey is right. This is the token of the fallen angel army, and it is also the portable token of Lord Lucifa, the blood angel demon god of their legion. Do you know now?"

"Ah..." Everyone looked at Huaming with a stunned expression. They didn't believe that the handsome young man they had just seen was Lord Lucifa, the legendary blood angel demon god. Because of their low strength, they didn't hear much of the conversation between their captain and the man just now.

"Team, captain, don't tell me that the man just now is Lucifal, Lord?" The little monkey asked Hua Ming in a frightened voice.

They know the prestige of Lucifer. Although Lucifer defected from the Western divine world to the demon world, the strength of those birds with blood-colored wings flying in the sky is not covered. The strength of each of their "bird" at least has the level of a demon general, and the demon generals, these little soldiers are not I know how many hundred years it will take to reach that stage.

Although the number of the fallen angel legions is not even one-tenth of the major legions, their overall combat strength is comparable to the original seven legions in the demon world. Moreover, the strength of their legion commander, the demon god named Lucifer, chased the first master of the demon world.

So, when Hua Ming said that the token in his hand was Lucifa, the people present were really shocked. They knew that they had just walked away at the ghost gate.

"Stupid...pa..." This time, it was Hua Ming's turn to knock on the little monkey fiercely and said, "Did I say that he is Lord Lucifha?"

The little monkey scratched his head and said aggrievedly, "Then you didn't say it earlier. It's a big loss for me to hit you for nothing."

"Haha...haha..." The soldiers around laughed again.

"Captain, who will he be if he is not Lord Lucifer? Who can get his token except Lord Lucifa? Isn't Lord Xifa angry?"

"Well, to be honest, I don't know who their identity is, but I believe that their identity is at least the same as that of the demon gods. Maybe they are not necessarily noble." Hua Ming looked at the direction of Leng Ming and the three left with a thoughtful tone and said, "Be by the way, didn't you hear the conversation between me and him just now?"

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, shook my head and said, "I didn't hear it. We only heard you talking to yourself there."

Hearing the answer of his subordinates, Hua Ming fell into thinking again. He finally understood why his subordinates were all curious about him, and he also knew more about Bai Ying's strength. Perhaps, the other party didn't want others to know their identity.

Thinking of this, Hua Ming said nothing more and said with a firm look, "Well, I won't say anything else. Let's patrol first. I will give you a big surprise at that time. I hope it can really give me a big surprise."

After saying that, Hua Ming said nothing more and walked in the direction of his patrol.

And the rest of the people also look at me. I look at you. They really don't understand what medicine is sold in Huaming's gourd and what the surprise is. There was nothing they could do. They had to follow Hua Ming to continue to perform their duties and patrol in other directions.