Fate is supreme

Chapter 27, the temptation of the deputy monitor?

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He Yue sighed disappointedly, "This time Song Kui and Utan are going to trouble you. I can block Song Kui for you, but Utan needs to face it by yourself. Be careful."

Looking at He Yue's disappointed expression, Mu Yun sighed. Although He Yue was a girl, her heart was very strong and she valued the honor of the class, but he admired He Yue for this.

"Don't worry, Class 8 will definitely beat Class 4!" Mu Yun said confidently.

"Hmm." Looking at Mu Yun's confident appearance, He Yue couldn't help but be relieved. Even she didn't know why it was like this... When did Mu Yun become so important in Class 8 or in her heart?

"The test begins!" Suddenly, a majestic voice hovered over the martial arts arena, and Mu Yun's spirit was shocked. This was the voice of Principal Song Yan.

"Is it finally going to start..." Mu Yun looked at the direction of Utan and Song Kui and muttered to himself.

There are three items in the monthly assessment: first, theoretical knowledge of immortal cultivation; second, strength; third, combat effectiveness.

Among these three contents, the first theoretical knowledge of immortal cultivation is important, and it is not important to say that it is relative to the latter two, especially relative to strength. If a student's strength is very low, even if his theoretical knowledge of immortal cultivation is excellent, there is no future.

Just like him before.

Strength is the foundation. On the basis of strength, students with strong combat effectiveness and solid theoretical knowledge of immortal cultivation can have the future of immortal cultivation and be vigorously cultivated by Tianxuan.

Therefore, at the beginning of the assessment, first test the strength, then the combat effectiveness, and finally the theoretical knowledge of immortal cultivation.

The assessment of strength is very simple, just lift the stone marked with the corresponding weight.

At this moment, many stones have been placed in the front of the martial arts arena, near the test room. These stones are marked with different numbers. The test students can choose the corresponding stone test according to their own situation. There will be a special teacher to record the strength of each student and finally summarize it.

"Dear students, today's test is a little different. It is not that the test items and test methods are different, but that the test rewards are different from the past. According to the latest * issued by our Tianxuan headquarters, students who have excellent results in the monthly examination and final examination will be rewarded. The reward details are as follows... ...

Today's assessment is a little different. At the beginning, President Song Yan read the * issued by Tianxuan headquarters. Mu Yun read the content of * carefully, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Students with excellent assessment results will not only be rewarded with Mingyuan, but also be rewarded with mental methods and techniques.

"Today, the top ten at all levels will be rewarded. The champion will be rewarded with a one-star top Xuanpin technique, and the following nine students will be rewarded with a one-star Xuanpin technique." Principal Song Yan's bright voice resounded on the martial arts arena, and suddenly there was a lot of discussion in the martial arts arena. The students' eyes were bright and excited, as if these rewards were already their own.

"Is it actually a one-star top-level mysterious technique?" Mu Yun was quite surprised that the value of a two-star mysterious technique was between 20,000 and 50,000 yuan, which was a real windfall.

If you get a two-star technique, if you don't practice it and sell it, you will immediately become a rich man.

Even if you can't get the two-star Xuanpin technique, it is very good to get the one-star Xuanpin technique, and you can sell it for more than 10,000 yuan.

"Okay, now the test officially begins!"

As Principal Song Yan's voice fell, the students of each class rushed forward and began to test their strength.

"Class 9, Class 1, Fengluo's strength is 1,900 catties... Song Zi's strength is 2,300 catties..."

A bright shout of reading reminded me, which made the students run in their hearts and put more pressure on them.

Soon, the level 9 test was completed and the level 8 test began.

"Class 8, Utan's strength is 2500 jin..."

"Hss! What? The strength of senior Utan has reached 8,000 catties? Doesn't that mean that he may be able to build a foundation successfully at the end of this academic year and follow the students of Grade 9 to participate in the assessment of the College of Immortals Cultivation?

"Speer Utan is worthy of being the first person to be a CET-8 student, and this kind of practice speed is really amazing..."

"Two thousand and eight hundred pounds?" Mu Yun thought silently in his heart and didn't care about the guidance of the fellow practitioners beside him.

"...Class 4 of Level 9, Song Kui's strength is 2,500 pounds..."

Another discussion. Song Kui, the monitor of the fourth class, is currently in second, behind Utan, the class leader.

At this time, the eyes of people looking at Mu Yun changed and became gloating. Mu Yun suddenly provoked the first and second masters of level 8.

Soon, it was the turn of Class 8 of the strength test.

Mu Yun took a deep breath and came forward.

"All look for the stones they want, but they are all awake. If the first time they can't succeed, the second time even if they reduce their weight, it will become very difficult..." Teacher Fengling's majestic voice came, and Mu Yun walked towards 2, 400 catties of stones.

Last night, he tested his strength of 2,360 catties. According to his own idea, he should have no problem lifting 2,4 hundred catties of stones.

Huh? Mu Yun actually wants to lift 2,4 hundred catties of stones? Does he think he has reached 2,4 hundred catties? He Yue, the monitor of Class 8, looked at Mu Yun in surprise and couldn't help frowning.

"Good! Start lifting!" Teacher Fengling shouted loudly.

Mu Yun took a deep breath, and a stream of air was sucked into his abdomen. Then he held the stone with his hands, and his body suddenly raised it toward the top of his head.

"Wow!" A white airflow spewed out, and the stone weighing 2 400 catties had been raised high by him.

"Class 8, Mu Yun's strength is 2,4 hundred catties... Er, yes, 2,4 hundred catties..." The teacher who asked the reader confirmed twice in a row and recognized Mu Yun's results after confirming that it was correct.

Mu Yun has made too much progress, which makes him feel a little incredible.

"Two thousand four hundred catties? It's really 2, 400 catties!" He Yue was stunned, and Mu Yun made great progress beyond his imagination.

"Two thousand four hundred catties! President Muyun is also very powerful. He is only 100 catties away from senior Song Kui. Now it's a good show..."

"Hmm! Although there is only a gap of 100 catties, at the juncture of 2,000 catties, the difference between one catties is a big distance.

"In a word, I am optimistic about senior Mu Yun."

"It turned out to be 2, 400 catties..." Song Kui frowned, couldn't help clenching his fists, and inadvertently looked in the direction of Utan. Utan nodded slightly to him, and he also nodded back.

"Class 8, 2600 jin in the month..."

After the strength test of Class 8 was completed, the monitor He Yue became the first with an advantage of 2,600 catties, and Mu Yun became the second.

"Mu Yun, I didn't expect you to make such progress, but this is the blessing of Class 8. Class 4 has always liked to bully us, which is higher than us. This time, I didn't expect you as a dark horse to appear. We must suppress their arrogance fiercely. After this time, I will ask the principal to upgrade you to deputy monitor." He Yue came over and said seriously.

"Deputy monitor?" Mu Yun shook his head and showed no interest.

"Don't refuse yet. Both the monitor and the deputy monitor have certain privileges, especially when participating in the assessment of the College of Immortals, you should take advantage of it."


"Of course it's true."

Mu Yun suddenly became interested and nodded and smiled, "That's good! This time we must suppress Class 4 fiercely!"