Fate is supreme

Chapter 28, Song Kui retreated

The morning time ended quickly, but the assessment was carried out continuously at noon. After seeing that his next test was to be arranged until the afternoon, Mu Yun simply went home for lunch.

During the meal, he told his parents that his strength had reached 2, 400 catties. He had not been told before that it was difficult to explain why he had made such progress. After this period of nourishment, he had an excuse.

Although the excuse is still clumsy, the parents in surprise and excitement ignore this point.

"Yun'er is the best. You will definitely be admitted to the College of Immortals!" The mother's face was filled with a surprised smile and her eyes were full of doting.

"Don't be arrogant, keep working hard!" His father also smiled and encouraged him a few words.

Not long after returning to school in the afternoon, the strength test was over. He Yue came over with a bad face and said, "According to statistics, the best result of this strength test is Class One, followed by Class Four, and we are third, and our score is one percentage lower than Class Four!"

"Oh?" Mu Yun nodded and said, "It doesn't matter. Our class's theoretical performance is better than that of Class 4, and we should be able to pull up some scores, so as long as we win this round of combat effectiveness, we can also trample them under our feet."

"Hope." He Yue nodded sadly, obviously with no hope.

Mu Yun shook his head and said nothing more.

The second round of assessment was measured by copper men. At this moment, a bronze man who was two meters tall and yellowed appeared in the place where the stones were originally placed on the martial arts arena. These copper men are cast from brass and then engraved with runes on them, giving them combat effectiveness.

And the bronze man's chest is engraved with one or more stars. One star represents the copper man's combat effectiveness is one star. The more stars engraved, the stronger the bronze man's combat effectiveness will be. In the field, there is a bronze man engraved ten stars on his chest, which is a ten-star copper man.

The strength of the students of Huangjiao Zhenfu School can't reach ten stars at all, and the most powerful one is five-star appearance. Except for the bronze people from one star to five stars, there is only one ten star at the scene, and the six stars, seven stars, eight stars and nine stars in the middle did not appear.

Looking at this ten-star bronze man, Mu Yun was excited. This bronze man was not used to test them, but to perform by Principal Song Yan. This kind of performance is an incentive for them. Under the call of strong strength, it is also a kind of teaching.

Yes, this is a teaching method.

President Song Yan is a strong man in the master's realm. His understanding of Yuanli and techniques has risen to a height. From the battle between Principal Song Yan and the ten-star bronze man, they can observe some practical methods and improve their understanding of techniques.

Mu Yun knew that every time he watched Principal Song Yan's performance, he had a deeper understanding of the technique.

"Last time my combat effectiveness was one star, which star did I challenge this time? Well, it can't be too high, lest you have no strength for a while..." Mu Yun thought silently.

After the star assessment, there is also a temporary assessment project, that is, the battle between students. The school encourages students to fight against each other. The winning party will be rewarded, and the losing party will be punished. This will affect the final assessment results.

Therefore, he needs to choose carefully, not only to test his combat effectiveness, but also not to affect subsequent battles.

In the end, Mu Yun chose the four-star bronze man. After a hard struggle, he finally defeated the bronze man and had four-star combat effectiveness.

And Utan is five stars, and Song Kui is four stars like him.

"Mu Yun, after our combat effectiveness assessment, we can fight between students. You won't refuse to agree, will you?" Just after the test, Song Kui came over with a group of students from Class 4 and looked at him jokingly.

"The combat effectiveness assessment of our class is almost the same as theirs. If you win the battle with Song Kui, our class is much more likely to win in the end." Because of Mu Yun's relationship, they have one more student with Samsung combat effectiveness in Class 8, and their scores have improved a lot, and He Yue's face has regained their brilliance.

"Hmm." Nodding silently, Mu Yun stared at Song Kui slightly: "I also want to close your stinky mouth with my fist!"

"You? Looking for death!" Song Kui's face turned cold, his feet moved horizontally, and his right hand became fists, attacking Mu Yun's head.

"Damn it, it's a sneak attack!" He Yue's face was cold.

"Hmm!" Mu Yun snorted coldly. At the same time, Song Kui also acted brazenly. Although he did it later, his movements were much faster than Song Kui. His feet were tigers and windy, his hands were palmed, and 108 palms suddenly filled the air.

Bum! Bang! Bang!

After resisting Song Kui's fist, Mu Yun, with his proficiency in [Qiankun Palm], slapped Song Kui three times in the chest.

Bump! Bump!

Song Kui stepped back three times in a row, and spit out a mouthful of blood every step. After three steps, his face was as pale as paper, and an incredible light flowed in his eyes.

He actually lost face-to-face...

"What? Winning?" He Yue's gloomy face suddenly froze. After a moment, she took a breath of cold air and looked at Mu Yun.

At this moment, Mu Yun was so strange in her eyes.

"Do not fight in private!" An angry shout came, and a handsome teacher came over with a cold face. It was Mr. Lanka, who taught miscellaneous studies.

"Mr. Frank!" Mu Yun called with other students to show his respect for Mr. Frank.

"Song Kui, Mu Yun, what's wrong with you? Don't you know that private fighting is not allowed in the assessment? Teacher Lanka nodded and frowned at Mu Yun and Song Kui, but his face changed slightly when he saw Song Kui suffering from trauma.

"Mr. Lanka, it's Song Kui's sneak attack..." He Yue said quietly.

"Hmm?" Lanke's eyes flashed with anger, "Song Kui, do you dare to violate the rules of the school?"

"No...No, I...I..."

Looking at Song Kui's obedient appearance, Mu Yun was very happy and said with a smile, "Mr. Lanka, we are just competing. There is no teacher present. Now the victory and defeat have been divided, but there are fellow practitioners of Class 4 and Class 8 who testified, which should be regarded as my victory. What do you think?"

Song Kui bit his teeth, "That's right, I admit defeat!"

"Oh?" Lank frowned, "But you must not do this in the future. There must be a teacher present in the assessment battle. This is the school rule!"


Mu Yun was relieved, and Mr. Lanke's words were equivalent to his approval of their statement.

Mr. Lanka took out paper and pen, wrote down the situation on it, and then asked him and Song Kui to sign for approval, which also shows that he defeated Song Kui and will have corresponding consideration when summarizing the total results.

"Well, do you have anything else to fight against?" Mr. Lanka swept the students of Class 4 and Class 8 and asked.


With a low shout, He Yue came out quietly and pointed to the deputy monitor of Class 4 and said calmly, "Guo Du, you are the deputy monitor of Class 4. Now that your monitor has lost to Mu Yun of Class 8, I will challenge you!"