Fate is supreme

Chapter 293, Jumping God?

Hua Xiaolou pondered for a long time and said, "It seems that he is talking about some spells or something. It should be dispelling the connection between Lanxue and our Lan family."

Lanshan frowned deeper. Obviously, Hua Xiaolou's explanation could not make him relieved.

"Brother Guo Yi, what is this senior doing?" Lan Shuanger poked her head and looked at Guo Yi with a doubtful face.

Guo Yi made a silent move, and then whispered in Lan Shuanger's ear, "Senior Gongsun is using a secret weapon to provoke Lan Xue's evil spirit."

"Is there evil spirit on Lan Xue's body? Why can't I see it?"

Guo Yi smiled and said in a lower voice: "I can't see this brother Guo Yi. Only special people can see it. Elder Gongsun has talent and magical powers, and naturally sees these negative forces such as evil spirit and murder.

According to what he said, he saw that Lan Xue had endless evil spirits, which were very strong, and even there were already evil spirits in these evil spirits. And these evil spirits are her deadly weapons to restrain her family..."

What Guo Yi said was very mysterious, and Lan Shuanger heard it in the fog, but when her eyes looked at Gongsun Lin's back, there was no contempt in her eyes, but there was a strong fear.

"I didn't expect Lan Xue, a delicate beauty, with such a horrible thing attached to her body." Hua Xiaolou sighed.

Although Guo Yi is explaining to Lan Shuanger, his voice is very soft, but Hua Xiaolou and others are immortals, and their cultivation is still very high, so they can naturally hear them clearly.

Suddenly, they saw that Gongsun Lin's body became illusory, as if he was no longer in this world and had entered another mysterious world.

The black jade knife he held in his right hand suddenly changed from small to large. In the blink of an eye, it changed from the size of a palm to half a foot long, with black light flowing all over his body.

"What kind of secret weapon is this? How can it give me a feeling of chill from the bottom of my heart?" Lanshan took a step back and looked shocked. You should know that he is a strong man in the realm of the venerable of the earth. Even in the face of opponents of the same level, it is impossible for him to force him to retreat with momentum.

Lanshan took a step back, and Hua Xiaolou and others did not have such a deep determination. They retreated more than ten steps and almost withdrew from the living room before they stabilized.


A gust of knife wind blew, Gongsun Linwu moved a long black knife, his eyes were sharp and his expression was extremely solemn. He seems to be killing something amazing.

Soon, sweat appeared on his forehead. After a long time, his back was soaked, and the rotten smell on his body became stronger and stronger.


Suddenly, people seemed to hear some terrible beast roar, and a throbbing from the depths of their souls made them very sad.


At this time, Gongsun Lin's action stopped abruptly, opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, shaking, and his face was full of horror.

"Mr. Gongsun, what's wrong?" Guo Yi's face changed dramatically.

Gongsun Lin didn't have time to answer Guo Yi. His face was pale, his silver teeth were clenched, he held a long black knife in his hands, and cut into the void, as if he was fighting with some horrible existence.

Lan Xue was shocked, and the ability shown by Gongsun Lin gave her a familiar feeling.

It seems that Gongsun Lin and Mu Yun are the same kind of people.

She knew that Mu Yun had a magical power, and she also understood the strangeness of Mu Yun's magical power. Her fate is very hard, and she is the fate of Tianshi Lone Star.

According to Mu Yun, this fate is the mutation of her luck, which transforms part of her luck into a monster-like existence, which is very ferocious. These monster-like existences will devour the luck of her close people to strengthen herself.

Looking at Gongsun Lin's action, it seems to be killing her like a monster-like existence. How can this not frighten him?

"No! What do you have with you? Gongsun Lin suddenly stopped, and his eyes shot out two wisps of fine light and glanced at Lan Xue.

"Senior Gongsun, what happened?" Guo Yi asked solemnly.

Today, Gongsun Lin's performance is very good. It is also the first time he has seen Gongsun Lin's performance so hard that he doesn't even hesitate to hurt himself. Such a performance is enough to convince the Lan family that they have the ability to isolate the influence of Lanxue on the luck of the Lan family.

"She brought with her belongings to suppress grievances."

"What? Is there such a good thing on her? Guo Yi asked.

Gongsun's eyes flashed, and he knew that the value of this item was absolutely priceless.

He has only seen one item that can suppress evil spirits, that is, the black jade knife in his hand.

The reason why he can achieve today is because of this black jade knife.

Now Lanxue has another item that can be compared with a black jade knife. How can they not be excited?

"Brother Guo Yi, what on earth makes you so care?" Hua Xiaolou asked quietly.

Guo Yi secretly scolded himself for leaking his mouth just now. Hua Xiaolou and others are not good stubbles. If there is something wrong, they will be noticed.

"Lan Xue has items on her body to suppress evil spirits." Guo Yi did not speak, and Gongsun Lin said, "This item is very powerful and suppresses the evil spirit and resentment on her body."

"What item?" Hua Xiaolou couldn't wait to ask, is it extraordinary to make Guo Yi say something good?

Gongsun Lin frowned and thought, "I don't know."

Hua Xiaolou nodded, stepped forward, stared at Lan Xue and asked, "Sister Lanxue, hand over all the things on your body."

Lan Xue looked at the small building and sneered at the corners of her lips.

"Sister Lanxue, what's good about you? Take it out and let my sister have a look." Lan Yaner said gently.

Lanxue also ignored it.

Seeing this scene, Lan Shuanger's face was full of anger and scolded, "Xue, don't toast, don't eat punishment!" Hand over your belongings, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you.

"There!" Gongsun stared at Lanxue's chest. Although it was covered by clothes, he still felt the existence of the object with the guidance of the black jade knife.

"Hmm... Yaner, bring the items here." Lanshan gave the order.

Lan Yaner hesitated. At the urging of Lanshan and Hua Xiaolou, she stepped forward and looked at Lan Xue and said, "Sister Lan Xue, you'd better hand over your things. Don't force us to do it on you."

"Is this jade pendant? Do you want it? Then I'll give it to you." Lan Xue sneered, took off the jade pendant hanging around his neck and threw it to Lan Yaner.

"Huh? Is it a rare Ming Wang Yupei? Gongsun Lin was surprised.

"Not bad! Very good. Your jade pendant is not much compared with my black jade knife.


Hua Xiaolou quietly took the jade pendant from Lanyan's hand and rubbed it a few times. Although he didn't understand the wonderful things, he was also well-informed. At first glance, this jade pendant was not ordinary.

"Ha ha, Mr. Gongsun can continue, right? Without the suppression of this jade pendant, it should be easy for you to mobilize the evil spirit and evil spirit. Hua Xiaolou smiled, but wanted to put away the jade pendant.

"Wait!" Gongsun Lin looked at Hua Xiaolou and shouted in a low voice.

"What else, sir?" Hua Xiaolou looked at Gongsun Lin with an unhappy face.

"Ha, Mr. Hua, don't be angry. The old man wants to ask if Mr. Hua can give up his love and sell this jade pendant to the old man?" Gongsun Lin said with a smile, "This jade pendant is useless in the prince's hand. It's just an ordinary jade pendant, but it is of great use to the old man."

"Oh? Is that so?" Hua Xiaolou nodded with a smile and said in meditation for a long time, "In this case, this piece of jade pendant will be given to Mr. Gongsun, but please ask Mr. Gongsun to solve the matter here first, and then let's talk about this jade pendant."

Gongsun Lin meditated for a long time and nodded and agreed.

Without the suppression of Yupei, Gongsun Lin held a black knife and killed the void around Lanxue's body, as if he really fought with some powerful existence again.

Half an hour later, Lanxue's breath was sluggish, and Gongsun Lin's whole body was soaked as if he had been pulled out of the water.

"Okay! Lan Xue's fate has been cut off from the luck of your Lan family, and it can no longer affect the luck of your Lan family. Gongsun Lin wiped his sweat and said happily.

"Is that right? Thank you, Master Gongsun!" Unconsciously, Lanshan has changed his name.

"Yes! Master Gongsun, our Lan family is grateful for your help!" Lan Yaner also said some words of gratitude gently.

"Ha ha, the owner and Miss Lan are welcome." Gongsun Lin said with a smile.

"Now that the matter has been solved, I don't know if Mr. Hua has thought about it. How to make a price for this jade pendant?" Gongsun Lin looked at Hua Xiaolou and asked.

"Ha ha, since Master Gongsun likes this jade pendant, it's just to give it to you. How can we talk about the price?" Hua Xiaolou respectfully presented the jade pendant.

Gongsun Lin looked at Hua Xiaolou doubtfully. He didn't know what he had in mind and hesitated for a moment.

"Brother Xiaolou is so polite. Since it is the item that Mr. Gongsun wants, I Guo Yi will naturally find it for him. Although our relationship is very good, we don't get a good job. Let's make a price!" Guo Yi said with a smile.

"This..." Hua Xiaolou frowned and meditated.

"Well, I have a bottle of elixir here, which is a good elixir. How about exchanging this for it?"

"Wind elixir? Well, it's really good. Since Brother Guo Yi has said so, I won't refuse.

Soon the two sides exchanged.

Gongsun Lin rubbed the jade pendant and felt comfortable all over.

"Ha ha, brother, now that the matter has been solved, we have to leave. Brother, I still have military affairs, which is different from Brother Xiaolou. Brother can enjoy life with his lover to his heart's content, and brother, I am working hard to the end." Guo Yi hugged his fist and said goodbye.

"Brother Guo Yi is so polite!"