Fate is supreme

Chapter 294, take away

I got up early in the morning to catch the bus and catch a plane. After a tiring day, I have finally arrived at the hotel and settled down. Let's wait for more.

Lan Xue stared at these people in the living room. She was really cold and full of resentment.

As the owner of the Lan family said, no matter what, as long as the owner of the family does not admit that he has separated from the family, she will always be a member of the Lan family. No one can change this.

But does the head of the Lan family, who has supreme power in the Lan family, really regard her as a member of the Lan family?

No! No!

In the eyes of the owner, she is a commodity that can bring benefits to the Lan family.

Today, at this moment, she has been sold. Being sold to Guo Yi, she couldn't imagine what kind of life she would live in the future if she really followed Guo Yi...

She dared not imagine.

She felt fear from the old man Gongsun Lin followed by Guo Yi. This is a strange person who can see through her fate and is likely to have the same ability as Mu Yun.

But the difference is that Mu Yun will treat her as a lover and a lover to love and protect her. Let her live a happy, happy and happy life. Her future is bright and smooth.

However, on Gongsun Lin, she saw that Gongsun Lin's eyes were not people, but animals and even food. She is the fish on the cutting board, let them slaughter it.

" Lanxue, have you thought about it? Shall we follow us or let us capture you together? Guo Yi stood upright, staring at Lan Xue with his eyes and asked in a low voice.

Lan Xue glanced at Lanshan and others, and finally fixed on Lanshan: "I don't want to say anything cruel, but I will remember everything you have done to me. One day I will come back. At that time, I will personally kick you down from the position of the head of the Lan family. The Lan family will not become strong in your hands and will only fail.

"I will come back..."

Lanxue exudes a sense of indifference, and her eyes are as cold as ice.

"Sister Lanxue, what you said is not right. We did this for your own good, and also for our Lan family. In a word, hello, hello, hello to everyone, and our Lan family is also good.

Lan Yaner sighed, looked at Lan Xue with a complicated expression and said, "In the month when you went home, our Lan's family was restless. Everyone was afraid that your fate would affect them and our Lan family."

"You don't want to be a sinner of the clan, do you? Although you will say that you are separated from the family and you will never return to Lan's house, is it really that simple?


"It's not that simple. As long as you live for a day, your curse on our Lan family will not disappear, but we can't bear to watch you die... Fortunately, we have finally found a way to do both sides. Don't you just think about your own grievances and don't think about the family?"

Lan Yaner's eyes are full of regret: "Although it is difficult, we still hope you can consider the feelings of the family."

"Humph... sister, why are you still talking nonsense with her?" Lan Shuanger sneered: "Now that things have come to an end, no matter how useless she thinks, she must follow Guo Yi."

"Lan Xue, you are an unknown person. You'd better follow Guo Yi and leave quickly. Don't struggle. Struggle is not good for you. The result is the same.

Lan Shuanger's voice is like a sharp blade inserted into Lan Xue's heart.

Lan Xue looked at Lan Shuang'er with a pale face. She couldn't imagine that Lan Shuang'er hated her so much.

"Xue, just go at ease. When you leave, the owner promised you that the owner of Mother Su's family will treat them well, and it is not difficult to give them a lifetime of glory and wealth." Lanshan, the head of the Lan family, said softly that he wanted to disintegrate Lanxue's will to resist from the other hand.

"Ha ha, Lanxue, come with us. Don't worry, I won't treat you badly." Guo Yi looked at Lan Xue with a smile and urged.

All the Lan family comforted each other and disintegrated Lanxue's will to resist.

When Lanxue finally agreed to follow Guo Yi, they were relieved.

Lanshan has even thought about it. When all the senior officials of the Lan family gather together in the evening, the problems that have plagued everyone for so many years have finally been solved.

He even thought that when he was at the banquet, he would vent well and let those who slander him say that because he did not govern the Lan family well, which led to several senior officials of Lan Xue, an unknown person born in the Lan family, to understand his power.

"Ha ha, Brother Lou, you don't have to send it. We're leaving." Guo Yi took out the air-flow warship and said goodbye to Hua Xiaolou and others.

"Brother Guo Yi, take your time. I'll go back to Ronghua Hall in a few days, and we can have a drink." Hua Xiaolou laughed.

"It must be. At that time, you must not be drunk, but your sister-in-law is not angry."

"No, it's too late for me to be happy when you drink. How can you be angry?" Lan Yaner said gently.


Seeing that the hatch of the air-flow warship closed and the air-flow warship quickly took off and disappeared over Lanjia Castle, Hua Xiaolou said, "The big trouble has been eliminated, and everyone can finally rest assured."

"Yes! Finally, I can feel at ease."

"Humph... Dad, you don't really want to give Grandma Su's family a lifetime of glory and wealth, do you?" Lan Shuanger stared at Lanshan with dissatisfaction.

Lan Yaner looked at Lan Shuanger with a smile and said, "Dad is just disintegrating Lan Xue's will to resist. Now Lan Xue has left, and it is impossible to come back in the future. It has nothing to do with our Lan family. What does the life and death of the Su family have to do with us?"

Hearing this, Lan Shuanger smiled and said, "That's good. That mother-in-law Su has offended me. I want her family to look good."

"Hmm... You can fool around, but don't mess around, or let's see how I deal with you!" Lanshan stared at Lan Shuanger fiercely and turned away.

"Okay, sister, you and your brother-in-law go to work first. I'll trouble them." Lan Shuanger jumped and went to Lanxue's yard with resentment in her eyes.

"Shuang'er is really nonsense!" Hua Xiaolou frowned.

Lan Yaner smiled, took Hua Xiaolou's arm, and the tender meat on her chest pressed against Hua Xiaolou's arm and said, "Shuang'er is still young and has a strange nature, but she is measured and won't mess around. Don't worry." Lan Yaner said gently.

"A woman is nothing, but after all, it's not a good thing for her to make those subordinates centrifugal." Hua Xiaolou warned.

"Well, let's go back and have a rest first. Dad will definitely have a big banquet in the evening. I will talk to her personally about Shuang'er, and it will be fine. Lan Yaner said.
