Fate is supreme

Chapter 295, the mysterious Gongsun Lin

The speed of the air-flow warship is very fast, and it will fly more than a thousand miles in a short time.

The atmosphere in the airflow warship is a little dull.

Gongsun Lin rubbed the Ming Wang Yupei in his hand, his face was full of excitement, and he could get a secret weapon, which was something he never thought of.

He got the black jade knife at the age of 18, studied it for decades, and controlled some of the abilities of the black jade knife. Originally, his cultivation was just the realm of Xianfu, his qualifications were limited, and it was very difficult to advance to the realm of masters.

However, since he mastered some abilities of the black jade knife, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he is now a venerable man of the earth.

But since he became a venerable man of the earth, his cultivation has stagnated. No matter how he studies the black jade knife and wants to develop new capabilities of the black jade knife to help him continue to improve his cultivation, he has no progress for decades.

He tried his best to study, but he didn't develop the new ability of the black jade knife.

Originally, he had died.

But today he got a mysterious jade pendant. If he can develop some abilities of the jade pendant to improve himself, maybe his cultivation can continue to move forward, and it is not impossible to break through the golden elixir saint.

"Mr. Gongsun, now that Lanxue has arrived, when can we start?" After all, Guo Yi couldn't stand it and looked at Gongsun Lin with a flushed face.

He has been waiting for so many years, and he has spent a lot of money on searching. Now he has finally found Lan Xue, a person with the fate of Tianshi. In the face of the ** of [Killing God Record], he can't stand it.

As long as he devours the fate of Lan Xue's Tiansasa Lone Star, he can make his killing body a great success and continue to practice the follow-up sixfold of [Killing God Record].

[Killing God Record] is a mysterious technique, and the level is unknown. This technique is divided into nine parts, which is more difficult to practice than one. The more profound the practice, the stronger the strength it shows.

He has now practiced to the third heaven, which is to condense the body of killing gods.

According to the record of [Killing God Record], once the body of killing God is cultivated, it is equivalent to having the body of King Kong. Even the blow of the golden elixir saint can resist it.

Thinking that he could soon fight against the golden elixir saint with the strength of a generation of masters, but the golden elixir had no way to take himself, and his heart was hot.

"Mr. Gongsun?" Seeing that Gongsun Lin didn't seem to hear his own problems, Guo Yi raised his voice unh pleased.

"Oh? Ha ha, don't worry. When we find a secret place, and then you take good care of yourself, we can start. Gongsun Lin said with a smile.

"Good! Then let's go to the Longduan Mountains. Although it is not as vast as the psychedelic jungle, it is also very big. It should not be a problem to find a hidden place. Guo Yidao.


The Longduan Mountains are located between Dade Hall and Ronghua Hall, which is the boundary between the two halls of Tianxuan. On one side is the Dade Hall, and on the other side is Ronghua Hall.

Guo Yi seems to be very familiar with the Longduan Mountains. He controlled the airflow warships to shuttle through the low air of the mountains and soon landed in a rather hidden valley.

hong hong...

The airflow warship suddenly shone, and the speed soared, fiercely hitting the upturned cliff of the valley. In the roar, the upturned cliff shook and the gravel flew.

However, when everything calms down, a huge cave has been formed.

Guo Yi drove the air-flowing warship into the cave and arranged a psychedelic formation at the gate of the cave. Unless he is a master of charm, no one will find a cave on the cliffs of the hidden valley in the vast long mountains.

"Haha... Mr. Gongsun, is this hidden enough?" Guo Yi said with a happy smile.

Gongsun Lin looked at the cave. The impact ability of the air-flow warship was very powerful. The cave was a hundred feet deep and seven or eight feet high. Standing in the cave, he felt that he was small.

"Not bad, very good." Gongsun Lin took out glowing stones one by one and took action like electricity. The glowing stones were embedded in the wall and overhead by him. Soon the cave was as bright as day, very bright.

"Okay, you quickly recuperate and adjust your state. After your state is adjusted, we will start." Gongsun Lin shouted.

"Good! I'm going!" Guo Yi's eyes lit up, found a flat ground, sat cross-legged, took out the elixir to take it, and quickly closed his eyes and adjusted his state.

"I should also prepare..." Gongsun Lin looked at Guo Yi, with a mysterious glow in his eyes, and turned back to the air-flow warship.

"What do you want to do?" Lan Xue looked at Gongsun Lin with a wary face, as if facing a big enemy.

"Don't be nervous! I mean no harm to you!"

"Huh... Then why are you tied me up?" Lan Xue said angrily.

Gongsun Lin made a move like electricity and tied Lan Xue solidly. After confirming that Lan Xue could not break free, he smiled and said, "You will know in a moment. But don't worry, the old man is not interested in your body.

Lanxue blushed, struggled a few times, and gave up.

The rope used by the old man to tie her is called the fairy rope, which is refined by a bone called the imperial belt fish in the depths of the vast sea. This kind of fairy rope has the ability to lock the yuan. Once it is locked by this fairy rope, the immortal practitioner can't use its power.

How can you break free if you can't use your power?

"Muyun, Muyun, you have made your sister suffer so many grievances... Sister, you must look good!" Lan Xue thought with hatred.

She lay on the soft sofa in the airflow warship hall and could not move, so she could only wait quietly.

She didn't know what she was going to meet.

Fortunately, this time did not last long. Three hours later, Gongsun Lin returned. His face was red and his eyes were full of excitement, but Lan Xue did feel that his body seemed to be rotting, which made her tremble.

"Let's go! Your good days are coming soon!" Gongsun Lin grabbed the rope that bound her and carried her out of the air-flow warship with an excited face.

Lan Xue looked at the empty cave, and Guo Yi sat cross-legged, breathing and spitting, practicing.

Gongsun Lin took her to the deepest part of the cave. In the corner, mysterious runes shone faintly, as if Gongsun Lin arranged a formation here.


He was thrown into the array by Gongsun Lin fiercely. The sharp stones hurt so much that he couldn't help shouting a few words.


Gongsun Lin looked at his masterpiece with a smile and said, "Soon, the old man will succeed soon!"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Lan Xue had a very bad feeling, and she was scared by Gongsun Lin's eyes.

"Hey...you'll know soon." The rotten smell on Gongsun Lin became stronger and stronger. He turned around and walked towards Guo Yi. Lan Xue saw that every step he took, there was a footprint under his feet, as if the shoes he was wet.

"Mr. Gongsun, I'm ready. Can we start?" Gongsun Lin suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of divine light shot out, and he was full of strength.

"You can start."

Huh? Mr. Gongsun, your body? Guo Yi looked at Gongsun Lin's rotting body and his face changed greatly.

Gongsun Lin sighed: "The old body is no longer good, and it is about to die, but before death, it can still be done to help you absorb Lan Xuetian's solitary life."

"Mr. Gongsun, don't you have any other way?" Guo Yi couldn't bear to ask.

"It's useless."

Gongsun Lin sighed, "My body has been consumed cleanly and has returned to power."

"Do you still have an unfinished wish?" Guo Yi's face was full of grief and indignation.

"Alas... My Gongsun Lin lived for more than 200 years, but unfortunately, his body suffered a huge trauma and could not be repaired 30 years ago, which seriously damaged the origin of the body. Now, in order to engrave the array, the origin of the body is completely exhausted, and finally it has come to an end." Gongsun Lin sighed and said, "Old man, what I don't want to do is that I haven't been able to practice [Killing God] in my life! Across the world..."

"But now with you, you are very talented. I believe that you will be able to carry forward the [Killing Record], across the Ming world, and even across the fairy world."

"I will definitely!" Guo Yi gritted his teeth.

Gongsun Lin nodded happily and said, "I believe you! Well, old man, I don't have much time. We must finish your ceremony as soon as possible!"

Gongsun Lin took Guo Yi to the depths of the cave.

Guo Yi felt the mysterious formation and suddenly felt refreshed all over.

"Well, sit cross-legged now, abandon distracting thoughts and follow my command!" Gongsun Lin said in a low voice.


Guo Yi did not talk nonsense. He entered the array and sat down cross-legged according to Gongsun Lin's instructions and closed his eyes slightly.

"Old man, I'm starting the big array now. You have to get ready!"

Guo Yi nodded solemnly.

hong honghong...

A mountain-like momentum suddenly flowed into the cave, and Lan Xue and Guo Yi's bodies were quickly covered by a thick white fog and could not be seen.

Gongsun Lin summoned a black jade knife. During the great light, the black jade knife turned into a black knife.

Gongsun Lin's expression was extremely solemn. He carefully waved a big black knife and engraved some mysterious runes in the air with a big knife.

"It's so cold..." Lan Xue suddenly felt a chill all over her body and her body became weak, and she even felt difficult to breathe.

"Am I going to die?" Lan Xue panicked and turned pale.

"No! I can't die! Mu Yun, are you really willing to come if your sister dies? Lanxue scolded angrily.

Mu Yun didn't come to save her and made her suffer such a desperate situation. She was furious.


Suddenly, Lan Xue felt that there seemed to be a tall evil beast above her head. The evil beast was ferocious and horrible, and its whole body was full of cold breath, which made her shudder.


At the same time, an evil beast appeared above Guo Yi's head, far away from her evil beast.