Fate is supreme

Chapter 325, Attack


Suddenly, the beasts in the cave roared, earth-shaking, and the earth shook, like a group of ghosts dancing.

"What's wrong? What happened? Li Xi, who was immersed in practice, suddenly woke up, looked at Master Huan and woke up, and asked quickly.

Master Ring shook his head doubtfully.

"Damn! Mu Yun must be playing tricks. What on earth does he want to do? Li Xi said angrily.

This is indeed Mu Yun's mess.

If Master Huan and Li Xi walk out of the cave at this time, they will find that the beast of the master's realm suddenly cracks and turns into a pure black airflow condensed in the cave where Mu Yun is located.

After these airflows were absorbed by Muyun, part of them combined with the spirit of heaven and earth, coupled with the fate, formed his special power, and a large part of the black airflow was summoned into the world of fate by the fate elves.

After these black airflows merged part of the fateful spirit, they turned into a special substance, which were merged by the fate elves with seals and poured into the illusory human figures on the fairy grass of fate.

After the human shadow absorbs this special airflow, the body gradually becomes solid.

Mu Yun's soul looked at all this and became more and more nervous.

It's time to the critical moment.


Finally, the whole cave was full of black airflow, and terrible pressure burst out of the cave.

Mu Sangzi originally thought that Mu Yun was practicing, but later she realized that something was wrong. What kind of skill does Mu Yun need to practice such a huge amount of negative power?

But she could not be allowed to think, so Mu Yun sent her into a hidden cave. No, it should be said that it was Longde Xianfu.

Mu Yun sent her to Longde Fairy Mansion and disappeared in front of her before she could explain, making her extremely worried.

"Haha...it's done! Finally done!" The joyful laughter of the life elves resounded in the world of fate.

"It has become...it has become...it has really become..." Mu Yun's soul looked at Guiyun in a daze, with tears in his eyes.

Guiyun came back to life.

Guiyun came back to life in another way that others can't see, but in a real way.

Life Beast.

Guiyun's life form today is a life beast, a new life formed by the combination of negative forces and life.

"Guiyun..." Mu Yun shouted.

Guiyun's eyes showed confusion.

"Return to the cloud!" Mu Yun shouted again.

Looking at Mu Yun, who was a little insane, the magic elf shook his head and said, "He has no memory now, just like a newborn."

Mu Yun's heart trembled fiercely.

He knew the result, but when he confirmed it at this moment, he couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

"Let Guiyun live in another way, just to truly rescue him from the long river of fate when you are really strong. At that time, he and Guiyun are completely combined, and they are the real Guiyun..."

Mu Yun nodded.

"My brother, don't worry, I will resurrect you as soon as possible!" Mu Yun assured Guiyun.

After saying a lot to Guiyun, Mu Yun's mood gradually calmed down. Looking at Guiyun's closeness to himself, Mu Yun understood that this was not because of their brothers who died together, but because Gui Yun was a beast at this time.

is a life beast created by life elves.

"Well, it's been three days. I have stored some life beasts in the world of fate as food to return to the clouds. As long as there is a life beast, he will be infinitely strong, which is also a compensation for him." The life elves sighed and opened the passage to the cave. A ferocious life beast has a master realm, a generation of masters, and many earth venerable people. These life beasts are like pigs and sheep in his captivity and are destined to become food to return to the clouds.

When the life elves were busy, Mu Yun introduced the Li family into this cave and opened the passage to the Longde Fairy Mansion.

"Is this the Longde Fairy Mansion?" Li Xi looked around in surprise and his eyes were shining.

Master Huan also couldn't help being excited and looked around.

"Not bad! What a strong atmosphere of heaven and earth..." Master Huan sighed.

"Master Huan, this is Longde Fairy House. You can do whatever you want. I have other other things to do. Let's go first." Mu Yun is not excited. Longde Xianfu is good, but whether he can control it or not, it is useless no matter how good it is.

"Ha ha, Mu Yun Xiaoyou is free. We will stay here for a while. Three months later, we still hope that Mu Yun Xiaoyou can pick us up." Master Huan said politely.

"No problem." Mu Yun smiled, took Mu Sangzi's hand and returned to the channel and returned to the cave.

There is no need to stay in the cave. Mu Yun went straight out of the cave and returned to the psychedelic jungle.


Mu Yun manipulated the airflow ship, flew directly into the sky, and sped away according to the location mentioned by the floating name.

"Brother Mu, you seem to be a little unhappy?" Mu Sangzi looked at Mu Yun and her eyebrows were locked.

"Well, it's a little uncomfortable."

Mu Sangzi sat down beside Mu Yun, wrapped his arms, and his cheeks full of classical charm pressed against Mu Yun's face. He kissed him gently. His red lips were attached to Mu Yun's ear and asked, "What's wrong? Can you tell me?"

Muyun also needs a listener, so he will tell Mu Sangzi little by little about Guiyun.

Mu Yun's deep voice was like a heavy hammer, and the bridge was in her heart. Listening to the story, Mu Sangzi's own heart was held.

"Everything will be fine." Mu Sangzi didn't know how to comfort Mu Yun, so he could only comfort him like this.


Suddenly, the empty boat driven by the two shook and seemed to hit something.

"It's not good! Someone attacked us!" Mu Yun's observation and magic power felt a strong danger and quickly pulled Mu Sangzi out of the airflow ship.

With a bang!

As soon as the two got out of the empty boat and haven't escaped far, the empty boat is like a gorgeous flower blooming in the air.

Mu Sangzi pulled Mu Yun to float high in the air, looking at the empty boat that was suddenly submerged by the raging fire, and his eyes were cold.

"Haha... You are Mu Yun, right? Tut... I didn't expect that the famous old guy could really find a helper. A burst of cheerful laughter flowed in their ears. Mu Yun looked at the slowly approaching crowd and his eyes suddenly shrank.

They were attacked.

The person who attacked them should be other branches of Damingbao Pavilion.

"Who are you?" Mu Sangzi asked in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter who we are. The important thing is that you can't leave here today." The harsh voice came, and Mu Yun was sure that he was still the man who laughed wildly.

"Are you from Yuehu Branch, Yongfeng Branch or Qingchuan Branch?" Mu Yun asked with a smile.

"Hey... It seems that the old guy told you a lot of things. Yes, we are from the Yuehu branch. If you know each other, you will be captured. We promise to imprison you and never hurt your lives. After the stone milk collection is completed, we will naturally let you go. A voice of comfort came from the crowd.

Mu Yun frowned, thinking about whether this matter had anything to do with floating names.

If this matter has nothing to do with fame, it is enough to show that the competition between major branches has become white-hot, and no one will let anyone begin to fight without a private bottom line.

But after thinking for a long time, he felt that it had something to do with floating fame. At this moment, in the face of a group of arrogant and vivagant people, he should solve the current situation first.

"Hey! Have you two thought about it? Give you another ten breath of time to consider!" The voice of persuasion rose again.



"Don't count!" Mu Yun shouted in a low voice.

"Haha... It seems that you are still a sensible person. This is the best way to save everyone's time. Don't worry, we will only detain you for a period of time and let you go in a month or two."

"Is it?" Mu Yun's eyes shrank and his figure quickly disappeared.

By the time the person who had been hiding the speaker realized something, Mu Yun's hands were already enlarged in his eyes.

Bum! Bang!

Mu Yun grabbed the middle-aged man's neck with his left hand, pulled his clothes with his right hand, and directly gave the middle-aged man two feet, kicking the middle-aged man with gold stars in his ears and constantly coughing blood.

"You..." The middle-aged man was shocked. He... He is a master's perfect immortal cultivation. In the face of Mu Yun, he has no power to counter it. What is this concept?

Mu Yun quickly retreated with the middle-aged man and returned to the original place.

At the same time, Mu Sangzi also picked up a person.

"Let's go down!" Mu Yun walked away with the middle-aged man, looked at Mu Sangzi, and his body fell rapidly.

With Mu Yun's cultivation, he could not fly in the air at all. He could only rely on the manipulation of the airflow and glide in the air for a period of time. Just now, he suddenly took action with the help of Mu Sangzi's anti-shock power.

Now he is holding a man in his hand, and the descent speed is very fast. He almost landed a kilometer in the blink of an eye, which frightened the middle-aged people. He did not realize that Mu Yun was a limit of cultivation. He had not yet understood the mystery of heaven and earth and could not fly. He just thought that Mu Yun was playing with him and was pasting him.

He is afraid!

He is afraid of being killed by Mu Yun!

Just as they descended, other middle-aged companions realized something and quickly launched an attack and killed Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi.

It's just not as fast as Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi.

In just three breaths, Mu Yun had already seen the ground without hesitation. Mu Yun slid on the middle-aged man and produced an anti-shock force. With this anti-shock force, Mu Yun stabilized his body, gliding and slowly landed.

With a thong, the middle-aged man was not so lucky. Originally, he was caught by Mu Yun and could not fly, and was suddenly blacked by Mu Yun. By the time he reacted, his body had made a close contact with the earth, turned into a pool of mud, and died.

Mu Sangzi has learned a good example and also solved an enemy.

The two landed on the ground and quickly covered their bodies with the thick jungle cover.

Soon, the people who surrounded them also landed, but they saw two pools of meat mud. Looking at the clothes, they could still tell that these two pools of meat mud were their companions.