Fate is supreme

Chapter 326, Stone Milk Area

Feng Ligong was shocked and angry. He didn't expect the ideas to be so pierced.

With a face-to-face effort, they lost two good hands.

The good hands of the two masters in the great perfect state are so broken, turned into mud, and died.

"Brother Feng, the information they gave is wrong!" Feng Ligong's men were full of resentment and their eyes were red. One of the dead was his eldest brother.

Watching his eldest brother turn into meat mud, the pain and hatred in his heart filled his whole heart.

Feng Ligong nodded slightly. There was indeed something wrong with the news this time. They did not say that there was a generation of masters in the team, and even the little guy's real cultivation was wrong.

Where does that cruel little guy only have the cultivation of the master realm?

Nima... That's a generation of masters, okay?

Yes, their ranger team is famous in the psychedelic jungle, but it can't stand the destruction of two generations of masters, right?

There are 11 people in their ranger team. In addition to his cultivation of the master's great perfection, the two who just died are also the master's perfection, and the other people are also in the perfection and success.

Ranger teams completely composed of master realm are rare. They are the kings defending their titles in the psychedelic jungle.

Of course, the premise of the defending king is that they will not provoke those strong men and monsters with more than one generation of masters.

Now the two most powerful forces in their ranger team have been damaged. It can be said that their vitality is greatly damaged. If they want to return to the original level, they don't know how many years they will be.


The men were resentful, and the news given by them was wrong, which made them suffer heavy losses.

He was resentful, and the wrong news from the other side caused great damage to his team.

"Now is not the time to say this. Let's leave here quickly. The two people just now are very strong. If we are entangled, they are likely to be broken." Although angry, Feng Ligong knew that those two people would definitely not stop here and would definitely make trouble for them.

"Ah..." As soon as his words fell, an old man under his master waved a tiger's head* and cut off a companion's head, and also wiped his neck to commit suicide. The scene was bloody.

"What's going on?" Feng Ligong roared.

"Soong... Old Man Song is crazy... He, he... He cut down when he saw people, and inexplicably committed suicide..." A subordinate's face was full of panic, and he couldn't figure out why Mr. Song suddenly went crazy.

The subordinate glanced at other companions and was secretly on guard for fear that he would become someone else's knife.

Feng Ligong's eyes shrank. Not only were the men secretly on guard, but also the other men. Feng Ligong immediately felt that they had been ambushed.

"Go! Get out of here quickly!" Feng Ligong's heart was bleeding, but after so many years in the psychedelic jungle, he knew that he must be calm and cautious at this time. If he is not careful, they are likely to be destroyed by the whole army.

Being able to calm down and maintain a calm heart in times of crisis is a magic weapon for him as the captain of the Ranger team, and also because their team can ravage, kill countless people in the psychedelic jungle, and survive.

Suddenly, he felt cold all over, and he shivered. At this time, his eyes flashed, and it seemed that a white light flashed in front of his eyes and he didn't see anything.

He rubbed his eyes, fixed his eyes and found that he was no longer in the psychedelic jungle, but in a gray space.

"Ah..." Suddenly, a sad howling resounded through the sky and shocked the world. He saw a man being held by a group of ferocious ghosts and thrown into a three-foot-sized oil pan, which was burning with hot oil.

The man was thrown into the oil pan by the fierce ghost, and the screams shocked his heart.

But the scream only lasted for three breaths. After three breaths, there was a pile of yellow white bones left in the hot oil pan.

Then, a group of ferocious ghosts raised a person with a frightened face and struggled but could not break free...

"Is this...is this the legendary hell?" Feng Ligong felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly, he felt that he was spinning around, weak all over, and the power in his body quickly passed away...

Looking at the nine headless corpses and two piles of broken meat mud in front of him, Mu Sangzi was stunned.

What kind of means is this?

Mu Yun didn't even do anything at all. Nine people seemed to have been hit by evil, holding knives, holding swords, carrying axes, and beheading their heads.

Such a scene is full of strangeness and selendness.

To be honest, she looked at the scene and felt a chill in her heart.

"Mu...Mu Ge, this...they...what's wrong with them?" Mu Sangzi asked with a pale face. Although she was a generation of masters, profound cultivation and thought she was knowledgeable, today she saw what she thought was the most horrible thing.

Mu Yun smiled, touched Mu Sangzi's cheek, and found that Mu Sangzi's cheek was as cold as ice. Knowing that she was frightened, he felt a heartache and secretly said that he was a little heavy, so that Mu Sangzi could see this miserable picture.

"It's okay! I don't have time to explain to you now, but I can tell you, good boy, this is my brother's magic power. After saying that, Mu Yun took out a few pieces of rune jade and input the power. In the roar, flames generated out of thin air.

Soon, nine bodies and two piles of minced meat were burned clean.

"Go! We have to change our orientation. It seems that some people don't want us to get close to the stone milk area. Mu Yun pulled Mu Sangzi and ran quickly.

Mu Sangzi was surprised to find that Mu Yun ran completely by the power of the body. Mu Yun pulled her and made her whole body float in the air.

How much strength does Mu Yun have?

Mu Sangzi's heart was full of doubts.

When she practiced when she was a child, after her physical strength reached eight thousand catties, her body generated power. At this level, her physical strength is only 10,000 to 20,000 jin, and it is impossible for her to reach the level of Mu Yun.

For an hour, Mu Yun pulled her to run for an hour and maintained a high speed. Even the steep hillside could not slow down his speed.

And she had a feeling that Mu Yun ran more and more easily. Later, she felt that she had become a wind without any sense of gravity.

Just as she was thinking, Mu Yun suddenly stopped. Suddenly, her face turned red and her heart beat wildly, while Mu Yun seemed to be fine and carefully observed the surroundings.

After a while, her qi and blood stabilized, and she was very ashamed. The strong man in the perfect realm of her generation of masters was not as good as Mu Yun, a young master of the fairyland.

"Be careful, ten miles ahead is already their stone milk area..." Mu Yun said softly.