Fate is supreme

Chapter 328, slap in the face

The old man smiled and drank a bowl of spirits with the expressionless Venerable Hengyang. He laughed and said, "Floating name, it's been so many years. You still have this kind of nature, tut... I heard that you are going to be promoted to the director of a region. How can you be promoted with your nature?"

"I don't think it's better. How about you stay in the position of the shopkeeper of your Pingchuan City branch for a while and give this position to me?"

The floating eyes shrank, and he finally understood why it was a good thing. Their major branches came to the stone molten cave mining area to collect stone milk, and then selected a batch of stalactites. This is a profitable business, but the reason why the other party repeatedly found faults was here.

One regional director.

According to the internal setting of Damingbao Pavilion, one regional supervisor is already a senior management of Damingbao Pavilion. Although compared with the real boss, the power is still much smaller, the regional supervisor of one side has to supervise branches in at least 20 to 40 cities and has the power to impeach branch shopkeepers.

In order to please the regional supervisor, these branch managers will naturally have a lot of filial piety. What a wonderful job is this?

Anyone is willing to do this, but the question is that a regional director can be promoted so casually?

Is that a competition between 20 or 30 branch shopkeepers and even more branch shopkeepers?

He was nominated because he collected the 23rd blood soul beads on the list of mysterious items and presented them to the headquarters.

How rare is the blood soul beads?

Without blood soul beads, he would not have been promoted at all.

This is the reason why the old man targeted him.

According to the news from the headquarters, this time there is him and the old man in front of him, and the other is a seven-star elder at the headquarters, with a total of three places. However, an eight-star elder at the headquarters he joined told him that the Presbyterian still tends to promote him.

So what he needs to do at this time is not to open up, but to harvest. As long as he can spend the month safely and appoint him, he will fly high, travel around the world and leave a city branch.

However, at this time, there was a problem in the stone molten cave mining area. It took them a month to collect stone milk and look for stalactites in Pingchuan City. They did not find a drop of 10,000-year-old stone milk, and there were few thousand-year-old stone milk. How could he sit still?

Other branches have collected a lot of good things, but their Pingchuan City branch has not been found. If this matter is transmitted to the headquarters, no, it should be said that this matter will definitely be transmitted to the headquarters. Will the old guys of the headquarters elders still agree with him?

Although he knows that the variable is very small, no matter how small the variable is, it is also a variable, isn't it?

Unless he gets the letter of appointment, he will find a way to solve this matter. He can't just take a step at the door and regret defeat. That's a terrible thing.

"If you have the ability, you can fight for it. If you can get it, I have nothing to say." The floating name sneered and said that the old man just had no confidence to do so much.

How can an opponent with no confidence beat him?

"Haha... that's what you said."

The old man smiled happily and said, "Your Pingchuan City branch has gained better than nothing in the past month. In three months, the geology of this stone karst cave mining area will change, and the cave will disappear. If you can't get anything, how do you think the headquarters will react when they get the news?"

"Hmm! As you said, there are still three months left. Fuming retorted.

The old man nodded: "There are three months, but I have a way to stop you from collecting stone milk for a month. Naturally, there is a way to make you get nothing in the following days."

"Is it?" Floating name sarcasm, but he was a little worried. Up to now, he doesn't know what means the old man used to suppress him from getting stone milk.

The so-called acquaintance can win every battle. He doesn't know anything now. How can he solve the other party's conspiracy?

He thought of Mu Yun and knew that Mu Yun was outside, but Mu Yun couldn't get in now. He knew how many people were arranged in the Mingbao Pavilion in these ten miles, and he knew exactly what these people's abilities were and how strong they were.

"Damn... If I had known it, I wouldn't have come in first, and waited for Mu Yun to come in together..." He thought regretfully.

At the same time, he also hates Mu Yun. Can't he come a few days earlier? You have to wait for a few days to come. If Mu Yun came with him, wouldn't he have found ten thousand years of stone milk now?

"Well, you'd better go back and look for stone milk. Don't rub around here. You can't get out, and the person you want to pick up, I clearly told you that they can't get in." The old man smelled the liquor in the bowl, killed it in one bite, and said jokingly.

"Hmm!" Fuming's face was gloomy, and he turned around and left.

"Your Excellency, you are here to pick us up." Suddenly, Mu Yun pulled Mu Sangzi and came to Fuming's side.

"Floating lord, it's not easy to enter this area. There are so many hidden piles, you can give me more rewards at that time." Mu Yun said with a smile.

"Muyun? You..." The floating name was stunned. Mu Yun unexpectedly came in, and it didn't seem to be discovered by a dark pile. How can this be possible?

He asked himself that with his own ability, he could not do it to avoid these hidden piles to enter here.

"Presumptuous! Who are you? Why do you dare to break into my Daming Baoge stone milk karst mine? Do you know that this is a death penalty? The old man was shocked first, and then stared at Mu Yun with a gloomy face, and his eyes were full of murder.

In addition, it was the venerable. His face was red and white, and his eyes spurted anger. Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi didn't even find it under his eyes. Where is the face of him, the venerable earth?

"Hmm! Old man, this is the person I'm going to pick up. Now that they have come in, what else do you want to say? Of course, if you want to say that they are presumptuous and want to kill without mercy, they are now the helpers hired by my Daming Baoge Pingchuan City branch and have the right to enter here. Floating name sneered.

It's okay if Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi can't get in. Since they can come in, it's also a slap in the old man's face. Naturally, he has to tear open the scar and sprinkle some salt.

"Well, I don't bother to talk to you. If you have the ability, you can continue to stop us from collecting stone milk. I hope you have this ability."

Fuming waved his hand and motioned Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi to follow him.

Mu Yun smiled faintly at the old man, and then pulled Mu Sangzi behind Fuming, flew into the air and flew towards the area of the Pingchuan City branch.