Fate is supreme

Chapter 329, found stone milk

Dear friends, please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket and a few red tickets.

Soon, Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi were attracted by the surrounding scenery.

As you go deep into the stone karst cave mining area, the flowing streams are crisscrossed, dividing the mountains and forests into pieces. Not long after they flew, they saw a sunset hanging from the top of a towering peak, and wisps of red sunlight passed through the clouds and scattered on them, making each of them confused with a layer of red light.

Maybe they flew too high, and soon they were surrounded by a faint fog, mixed with a faint smell of stone milk, taking a breath and making people feel comfortable.

"This is simply a fairyland! If you can practice here, you will make rapid progress!" Mu Yun couldn't help admiring that the beautiful scenery here was unforgettable, and he couldn't help doubting whether he had arrived in a fairyland.

Mu Yun once flew high in the psychedelic jungle in an empty boat. If the mountains he saw at that time were heroic, thick and domineering, then the mountains and forests here looked charming and beautiful.

"Brother Mu, do you think that mountain looks like a jade woman standing upright? Do you think she is waiting for her Prince Charming? Mu Sangzi looked at the peaks like a jade girl and was a little crazy.

"Don't say it's a little similar!"

"Brother Mu, look, does that cliff look like a beautiful woman looking into the distance and waiting for her husband's return?"

Flying in the mining area, the different shapes and changing scenery made Mu Sangzi sometimes excited, sometimes sentimental, and sometimes tearful.

They really understand what natural beauty is.

Seeing that Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi were like this, Fu Ming just smiled and did not laugh at them. After all, when he first came here, he was also attracted by the beautiful scenery here. To be honest, he lived all his life and couldn't help seeing such a beautiful scenery.

After flying for a quarter of an hour, they landed slowly.

After walking a few steps, Mu Yun faintly heard the sound of drops of karst. At first, they began to walk along the curved path, and gradually, the sound of dripping water turned into a cling field, like the dense forest branches and leaves in the wind colliding with each other.

"This is the cave divided by my Pingchuan City branch, with a total of 18 places, and this is the largest one." Fuming sighed in his heart that there were 21 caves, but unfortunately he lost three places.

"This is the largest cave. The terrain in it is very complex, and we have not fully figured it out, so we can't guarantee your absolute safety. You must be careful when you enter it. In addition, please take out all the storage space items on your body.

He looked at Mu Yun and Mu Sangzi and frowned quickly and said, "It's not that I don't believe you, but this is the rule. Don't worry, as long as you help me find ten thousand years of stone milk, I will not treat you badly."

Mu Yun sneered in his heart and said that he believed them well, but where did he believe what he did? However, he was too lazy to argue with the floating name. He took a look at Mu Sangzi and took off the storage belt. Mu Sangzi also took off her storage ring and handed it over.

"Mu Yun's little friend, I know that you still have more than ten days to go to Dade City to participate in the martial arts academy assessment. Well, as long as you can help me find 10 million-year-old stone milk, 100,000 drops of thousand-year-old stone milk, and help me find a batch of good stalactites, how about completing the task?" Floating name said.

Mu Yun frowned: "Time is running out."

Floating name frowned and said, "In this way, the assessment of Dadecheng Martial Arts Academy is generally divided into two rounds. The first round is the preliminary competition, which is about ten days. How about I guarantee that you can pass the preliminary competition? Let you directly participate in the second round of assessment to ensure that it will not affect your entry into the martial arts academy.

"It's almost a month in this way, right?"

"Do your best!" Mu Yundao.

"Well, this is the topographic map of the karst cave we explored at the beginning. After you enter, you need to improve the topographic map. In addition, you can mark the area with stone milk on the topographic map. Of course, you can also send someone directly to the old man, who will send people in to collect the stone milk."

The floating name has obviously been considered, and Mu Yun has been entrusted one by one.

Mu Yun took over the jade slips that stored the topographic map and pulled Mu Sangzi into the cave.

As soon as it entered the mouth of the cave, a stream flowed out of the cave, but the stream did not flow outside the cave, but poured into a bottomless pool at the mouth of the cave.

"Be careful, there should be a dark river under this pool!" Mu Sangzi reminded that she has lived for so many years, especially those years, and she has traveled many places, which is also very knowledgeable.

Mu Yun nodded, looked around, and looked at the mountain wall above his head. He found that the entrance of the cave was very small, but after entering the cave, the mountain wall was quite high, mottled, abrupt and imposing.

Following the stream, the two walked into the depths of the cave.

While walking, Mu Yun looked around to see if there was any danger. In addition, he also followed the sense of summoning brought to him by the jade lifeline leaf to find ten thousand years of stone milk.

Soon, they came to a wide place like a hall, surrounded by stone walls and a high stone roof on their heads, which would not be crowded even if it gathered 8,000 people.

Near the right wall of the hall, a ditch of spring water flows out. If you look carefully, the water flows out of the pores of two boulders.

"This water is so sweet!" Mu Sangzi held a little water in his delicate hands and licked it, and the seductive appearance made Mu Yun's heart flutter.

"I want it too!" Mu Yun smiled shamelessly.

Mu Sangzi blushed and obediently held it with both hands and sent water to Mu Yun's mouth.


Mu Yun took a breath and closed his eyes slightly. Suddenly, a sweetness flowed down his throat into his stomach, and then the feeling flowed all over his body and was comfortable.

Huh? There should be stone milk in this water!" Mu Yun said in surprise.


"Well, it's not wrong! I have taken a lot of stone milk, and I have also taken a lot of stone milk for ten thousand years. Although this taste is extremely light, I won't feel wrong. Mu Yun smiled and said, in fact, he didn't say anything, and a strong sense of summoning came from the gap between the two huge stones.

That is to say, the gap between the two boulders contains stone milk. According to the life elves, it should be ten thousand years of stone milk.

"But how do we get these stone milks?" Mu Sangzi frowned. The two boulders are really too big, and once they smash these two boulders, it is likely to cause a chain reaction. The cave will collapse. Although their strength is good, if they are hit by the boulders, they will die.