Magic totem

Section 163 Mingxing Forest Change

When Mo Li caught up with Niko, the boy had already taken out his own flute. Jump to a big tree and carefully observe the scene in front of the person. Mo Li didn't dare to neglect it. He immediately went to Nico and said loudly, "Ker, no, I think the fire beast seems to be a little familiar. It seems to be the one before me. Don't hurt it."

Before Nico could speak, the old man said with an unhappy face, "What does Mo Li mean by this? Remember, although we orc masters can control the monsters in nature, we never hurt them.

Mo Li knew that he had said something wrong and jumped down with Nicco. At this time, the three women also followed. Mo Li walked to the old man and said respectfully, "Senior, I didn't mean that. This fire beast seems to be the one before me, so it is inevitable to be a little impulsive. Please forgive me.

"Yes, Master, I know that Brother Mo Li does have a fire beast, and it has reached more than the seventh level. There is nothing wrong with him being nervous about his partner. Besides, only we know that we won't hurt them, and others don't know. Don't blame Brother Mo Li." Nico pulled the master's sleeve and begged.

When the old man saw nico plead for Mo Li, he stared at Mo Li and said, "Since you said that the fire beast is yours, it's up to you." After saying that, he pulled nico to one side.

Mo Li opened his mouth, but finally said nothing. He took out his magic wand and sang a spell according to the method he originally taught him to summon fire slaves. A red six-pointed star appeared beside Mo Li, and then turned into a fiery red light and disappeared into the forest. After a while, a crisp song of birds came from the depths of the forest. With a flash of red light, the fire slave appeared beside Mo Li.

Mo Li looked at the fire slave carefully and found that nothing had changed in a few months. The expression is still arrogant. It was really happy to see Mo Li. His little head had been rubbing around Mo Li's waist, looking intimate. However, what puzzled me was that when I and Dominic left Sea Star Town, they clearly told it not to leave the Mingxing Forest. How could this guy suddenly appear here?

"Firenu, why did you come here?" Mo Li asked strangely. But then he laughed at himself. Although Hunu could understand what he meant, he really couldn't understand its song.

Sure enough, Hunu "Ji-jiu" shouted and knew nothing except that Mo Li could see that it was a little sad.

At this time, the old man walked to Mo Li with a smile and said, "Let my family come. Although you are the owner of this fire beast, you can't understand what it means."

Mo Li said with some surprise, "Can you beast masters?"

The old man said proudly, "Well, how can you become an animal master? We don't control these monsters by brute force, but they are purely voluntary. Now you know that we won't hurt it, right?

"So how do you communicate with them?" Mo Li asked curiously.

The old man did not tell him directly, but turned to Nico and said, "Kier, it's up to you."

Niko smiled confidently, put the flute in his hand to his mouth, and then a string of wonderful flute sounds appeared in the forest. With the sound of the flute, a pale green light appeared in nik's white jade flute and was slowly moving towards the fire slave. But the fire slave does not seem to reject this energy. Crying happily. The sound of the flute and the cry seemed to communicate with something.

When Mo Li didn't understand spiritual magic before, he naturally didn't care too much, but now Mo Li is different from before. With the sound of the nico flute, Mo Li noticed an extremely powerful mental fluctuation. Yu looked at each other one after another. Mo Li listened carefully. But with his current strength, how could he hear anything? Finally, after Niko put down the flute, he didn't find anything.

Nike went to Mo Li and said, "Brother Mo Li, Fire Slave asked me to tell you that it didn't leave the Mingxing Forest without listening to you, but something big happened there, and it had to leave by itself."

"Well?" Mo Li looked at Firenu in surprise, then turned to look at Nicco and said, "Can you really understand what it means?"

"Yes, Brother Mo Li, but he won't deceive you." Nikke said firmly.

"It's spiritual resonance." Yu suddenly said, "I didn't expect that the orc master controlled the warcraft in such a way."

This time it was the old man's turn to be surprised. He never thought that he could break the secret of the beast master in one word. This female doll, what do you say that our beast master controls the warcraft through spiritual resonance?

Being made a doll by the old man, Yu was a little unhappy, but when he saw Mo Li staring at him curiously, he said lightly, "I'm not sure about this. I'm just guessing. Generally, there are two ways to communicate with animals. One is to learn the language of animals, but this method has been lost. Besides, Ke'er didn't make the same sound as the fire beast just now. So I thought of the second method. That is to use spiritual magic and Warcraft to generate spiritual resonance. Only in this way can we achieve the purpose of communication with Warcraft. But I just observed for a long time, and except for hearing some resonance from the sound, I didn't find how much Ke'er's mental fluctuation was. So I have some doubts about my thoughts.

Nico looked at his master. The old man turned to Mo Li and said, "I didn't expect that there were many masters around you. Since this one can see the secret of our beast master, it is not ordinary compared with that one. As he spoke, he looked at the black charm.

Mo Li naturally dares not tell the identity of the black charm. Although he can accept the people in the demon clan, Nik's master is different. After all, there have been many generations of confrontation between the human race and the demon race. The old man must know this. If he finds that the two people around Mo Li are demons, no one can imagine what will happen.

Before Mo left his mouth, Yu smiled and took the black charming little hand and said, "The senior is wrong. The reason why I can guess some secrets of the orcist is that I am a spiritual magician. And my sister Meier is an ordinary person and can't do anything.

"What did you say? Are you a spiritual magician? The old man stared curiously and asked.

Mo Li looked at Yu gratefully, walked to the old man and said with a smile, "Yes, they are indeed a spiritual magician. Not only that, she also taught me spiritual magic. Senior, what is the spiritual resonance you just mentioned?

The old man couldn't help looking at Mo Li and Yu. Then he smiled and said, "Since you are both spiritual magicians, I won't hide it. Anyway, I believe that you won't tell this secret. Even if you say it, there is no way to use it unless the spiritual magician adds rhythm.

"Wait." Mo Li stopped the old man's words, "We are just like you, spiritual magicians who use flutes. So if there is really something taboo, don't say it." Mo Li knows that everyone has their own secret. Naturally, the old man will not be asked to tell his secrets.

The old man smiled and said, "If I had a taboo just now, I won't have any taboo after you say so. Boy, I like you more and more now. Since you are also spiritual magicians, I will just give you this method. Anyway, it's not a secret.

Yu naturally wants to know that if she can control Warcraft, her strength can be increased a lot. But Mo Li doesn't think so. He was ungrateful, so he immediately refused to say, "If you say so, this spiritual resonance should be the secret of the beast master, not to mention it."

"You think too much, in fact, this is not a secret. The reason why there are fewer orbeasters now is not that the method of beast control is difficult, but that the spiritual magic has been lost in this world. Since you are spiritual magicians, it won't be too difficult.

Mo Li nodded and said, "In this case, please teach me."

The old man frowned, but said nothing. This method is actually not the kind of spiritual resonance that this lady said. As far as I know, no spiritual magician has been able to reach the realm of spiritual resonance for thousands of years. Our method is not a spiritual resonance.

Yu nodded one after another and said, "You're right. Spiritual magic is different from elemental magic. Elemental magic is easier to practice. But spiritual magic is not only related to the brain domain, but also has a great connection with a person's understanding. It is said that even if the spiritual power reaches 100% of the brain, the magician can't reach the level of spiritual resonance. I just thought that the beast master had any wonderful way to achieve spiritual resonance. Hearing what you said, it doesn't seem to be the case. So, what method do you use to communicate with the Warcrafts?

The old man laughed and said, "Actually, it's very simple. You just said that you didn't notice how strong Ke'er's spiritual power was, but felt the resonance of the sound. In fact, you are right. What we use is not spiritual resonance, but voice resonance.

"Sound resonance?" Mo Li said, "Is it through the combination of sound and spiritual power, and the purpose of communicating with the Warcrafts through rhythm?"

"That's exactly. Although this method is simple, it is difficult to really do it. However, it should not be difficult for a magician like you who relies on the rhythm to release spiritual magic. The old man smiled and said, "Now there happens to be a fire beast. Mo Li, you can try it. Because this beast has recognized you as the master. The communication between you should not be too difficult.

Mo Li hesitated for a moment and took out a jade flute. Mo Li thought about it carefully and slowly blew it up. Mo Li knew how to communicate with Firenu, so naturally he couldn't play ordinary music. Instead, you should put your feelings, or thoughts, into the song. But he tried to change four or five tunes, and the fire slave didn't seem to hear it at all, and he didn't even shout.

"No, I guess I'm not the material to communicate with the demons." Mo Li said with a smile. By the way, he stared at the fire slave. The guy lowered his head aggrievedly.

The old man smiled and said, "You are wrong. Although this is related to a person's talent, it is also closely related to the method. From what you just saw, your talent has arrived. It's actually very simple not to resonate with the fire beast. You can't just say that your ideas are integrated into the tune. You should know that the fire beast is not a human, but a warcraft. What's the difference between your human method and its communication? All you have to do is to communicate with it with the voice of the fire beast.

"Are you saying that the tune should be reconciled with the tweets of the fire slave?" Mo Li seems to have some understanding.

The old man nodded and said, "Now you can try it."

Mo Li did not play the flute directly this time, but closed his eyes to recall everything about the fire slave. From the first time I summoned it, until I communicated with each other later. Every sound of Hunu's calls echoed in his mind. Suddenly, he raised the jade flute in his hand, "Woo..." twice, like the chirping of a fire slave. Then he kept "wooing".

Magically, this time the fire slave moved. First, I listened curiously. Then the wings suddenly opened, "chirp" and resonated with Mo Li's flute.

And Mo Li finally realized what the old man said about the rhythm resonance at this time. With the sound of the flute and the birds continue. Mo Li slowly knew the meaning of the birdsong. I also know how to communicate with Firenu.

"Master, I finally communicated with you." Hunu said happily, "I really didn't expect that one day we could communicate."

"Yes, this is thanks to Ke'er's master. By the way, Fire Slave, since you stayed there, you should know something about it. Mo Li asked curiously.

The firebird shook its head. Although I stayed by the master to take care of the master's inheritance, I did not always follow the master. It was only after the master came to Mingxing Forest that he subdued me. At that time, he only asked me to help him find food. Don't let me do anything else. And the old master died in less than a month. So I basically don't know anything about the old master.

"So, I still asked for nothing. I thought you had been with Su. By the way, how on earth did you get here? What happened in Mingxing Forest? This is what Mo Li wants to know most. It's rare to communicate with Firenu. How could Mo Li let go of this opportunity?

"It's like this. Half a month after the owner left, a big flying bug suddenly came to the Mingxing Forest. It seems to be looking for something, almost turning the Mingxing forest upside down. Naturally, I won't let it go on like this. So I fought with it. But I'm no match for others. Fortunately, it didn't mean to kill me, but expelled me. At that time, I followed the smell of my master and came here.

"Flying bugs? What is that?" Mo Li asked curiously.

"I'm not very clear about this either. The bug was covered with golden scales and had big eyes. There are also two big horns on the head. It was the golden light from that corner that defeated me. Later, I learned that the bug seemed to have lost his child and came here to find his own child.

"Children? Bugs. Is it a dragon?" Mo Li expressed his meaning in surprise.

"I don't know about this."

Mo Li knew that he didn't get any news from Hunu. So the resonance between the two stopped.

How's it going? Did you succeed?" Jiang Yan walked to Mo Li with a smile and asked. Nico also looked at Mo Li expectantly.

Mo Li nodded and said, "Success is a success. But I got a message from Firenu. Senior, you must have seen the dragon. Can you tell me what the dragon looks like?

"I've seen the dragon, but that's a long time ago. The dragon is a long, wingless but flying beast. By the way, it's the same as the one you just had. The difference is that adult dragons have a pile of horns and dragon claws below their abdomen. Why are you asking this? Did the fire beast tell you about the dragon? The old man looked at Mo Li with bright eyes.

Mo Li nodded and said, "You're right. That's true. Its description seems to be a dragon. But I don't know whether it is or not. The dragon seems to be looking for its lost child. I think it may have something to do with what I got.

"So you want to go to Mingxing Forest?" The old man said.

Mo Li nodded and said, "I know it's dangerous. After all, it is not an ordinary warcraft, but a dragon. However, it was learned from Firenu that it didn't seem to want to hurt any monsters, just to find its own children. If my dragon is really its child, I think it's my responsibility to send it back.

"Since you said that, I'm going to take Ke'er with you. After all, we are beast masters, and ordinary monsters will not hurt us. The old man said with a smile.

Mo Li smiled gratefully. Then he turned to Jiang Yan and his three daughters. The three women nodded at the same time and said, "Don't worry about us. We will follow you wherever you go."

Mo Li nodded and said, "Since everyone goes together, let's go to Mingxing Forest first, and then go directly south to the Rift Empire."

"Hmm." The old man nodded and said. Anyway, this time we split the day to find out the news of the dragon. This time, there was a trace of a dragon. Naturally, we won't let it go. But I warn you to be careful. The dragon is the most powerful warcraft on this continent. Don't provoke it easily, otherwise even if we work together, I'm afraid it won't be its opponent.

Several people nodded to say they knew. Then Mo Li instructed the fire slave to take everyone to find the dragon in the Mingxing forest. Although it is a little reluctant, it dares not go against Mo Li's meaning.