Magic totem

Section 232 This is a naked threat

Mo Li and others have been following the board. Because there is no one on it, every time they pass a drop, it is very easy, and the fast eagle that was shocked by the board was also killed by everyone. Flying in the air, everyone can see it very clearly, and even Chipasa Liante killed one with an axe. Don't mention how easy it is.

"Please pay attention and return to the board immediately." Mo Li suddenly said loudly, and then he easily fell on the board. The falling force was very small, and there was no splash at all. Naturally, everyone was no different from Mo Li. After all, they were all at the level of sword saints and holy demon mentors.

"Mo Li, why did you let everyone come back again?" Cail said doubtfully.

Mo Li smiled and said, "You will know later. Don't worry, I won't deceive you."

Yat walked to Mo Li, slapped the boy on the head, and said angrily, "You boy, when did you learn this? Say it quickly, or don't blame me for bullying the little."

"No, Uncle Fit, are you really willing to bully me as an underage child?" Mo Li pretended to be very aggrieved and said, his eyes purring, as if tears would fall at any time. I can't help but make everyone laugh.

"You boy, just pretend to be young and still a minor. If you are really so lame, will you come here with us?" Roman greeted Mo Li's buttocks angrily and said with a smile.

"Wow, murder." Mo Li exaggeratedly covered his buttocks, jumped around on the board, and shouted loudly. It didn't matter if he made such a scene. The whole board shook up. Everyone's face couldn't help but change. He shouted, "Bad boy, if you don't want to die, be quiet. If you trample the board, it doesn't matter if you die. The key is us. After playing together, it will be good for you."

Mo Li suddenly stopped beating, staring at the lower reaches of the river, and his face slowly became serious. Everyone is ready to meet the enemy, and someone is going to grab the board.

After listening to Mo Li's words, everyone couldn't help looking at the lower reaches of the river doubtfully. I don't know what Mo Li means. But before everyone could speak, a group of people from downstream explained everything for Mo Li. Between them, the people of Yate flew over to Mo Li. Yate took the lead, holding a magic wand made of pure gold in his hand, with a smile on his face.

"Mo Li, how about we discuss it?" After Art arrived over the crowd, he maintained the same speed as the board and said with a smile. Others followed Yat and looked at the people on the board indifferently.

"Senior Yate, what's wrong with you? Don't you want to come back to wait for us? Although Chipasalente didn't know why these people gave up their advantages and ran back, he understood that this was definitely not a good thing, so he said meanly.

What Mo Li didn't expect was that Yat, as a strong generation, would be so thick-skinned. He smiled and said to Chipa Sarente, "The dwarf king is still smart. After all, we are together, so I don't want to take the lead like this, so I came back to meet you. I hope everyone can abandon the past. Let's face the upcoming danger together.

Mo Li looked at Yate and smiled. He glanced behind him and said in surprise, "Yat, why are you missing four or five people? Are you too aggressive and damaged?"

Yat's facial muscles beat a few times and said with a smile, "Mo Li, to tell you the truth, the previous paragraph seems to be unable to fly. Several of our companions fell directly into the weak water because they didn't have time to stop. So we thought of the board you were riding, so..."

"So he came back to rob?" Chiparsalent now finally understood the reason why Mo Li asked everyone to come back to find the board before. It turned out that there was a period before that he could not fly in the air, and he couldn't help admiring him more and more. If Mo Li hadn't followed him, I'm afraid that these people would have died in weak water long been like Yat's companions. However, Yat and the others must have no good intentions when they come back this time. It seems that the battle may break out directly here.

Yat shook his head and said, "Your Majesty Salente, I thought I didn't hear your words. What is robbery? Everyone is from the Tenglong Continent. In addition, it was also discussed before coming in this time. It's right to help each other. Mo Li, you won't disagree, will you?" The last sentence Yat said was looking at Mo Li.

Mo Li shook his head and said, "Yate, after all, we were friends before. Please tell me the truth. What if we don't agree?"

"You have said everything to this extent." Yat looked at Mo Li and said, "If I am more pretentious, it will be too unspeakable. To be honest, we will not give up any opportunity in order to reach the crown of life and successfully leave here. Your number is not very large. Although we have a large number of people, we can still stand on the boards. So I hope you can think about it."

Mo Li laughed. Yat, it seems that Mo Li still underestimates you. You are a naked threat. You're right. We don't have as many people as you. Even if there are more than you, we are not sure to win you, a thousand-year-old monster. Mo Li no longer cares about what she said now. After listening to Mo Li's words, they couldn't help showing a surprised expression. Who knows that Mo Li's face turned cold and looked at Yat and said, "It's nothing for you to come up to reveal, but you know my temper and hate those who betray you the most. Carmen initially betrayed us and used his own people as a shield for his escape. Therefore, I only have one request. As long as you agree, I will promise you on behalf of everyone.

"Mo Li..." Chiparsaliant seemed to think of something and said loudly. But his words were returned by Mo Li's hand. Revelation Mo Li didn't want Yat and others to stand on the board with everyone, and he didn't want them all to die directly. But Mo Li also knows that these people can't compete with others. It's better to...

"What conditions? As long as I can do it, I will definitely agree for the safety of these friends behind me." Yate said with a smile.

"Despicable!" Mo Li couldn't help cursing in his heart that this old man has still put gold on his face until now. It's really shameless. For the sake of those friends behind him, it's better to say that it's more direct for you to get the crown of life for yourself. Damn, it seems that this Yat is not ordinary despicable. But Mo Li didn't say what he thought. Looking at the area that could not fly closer and closer, he smiled and said, "The conditions are very simple. As long as you kill Camell for me, we will directly let you stand on the board together regardless of the past. Otherwise, no matter what others think, I still have the ability to destroy this board. If we are not satisfied, we will die!" Mo Li stared into Yat's eyes and said coldly. At the same time, the colorful light in his hand flashed close to the board, and it was too late for everyone to stop it. If you want to kill me directly, just try and see who is faster!"

"Senior Yat, don't, don't promise him, he is alienating us..." Camell was scared. Others don't know Yat's personality, and she knows it best. Yater has always done anything to achieve his goal.

"Mo Li, don't worry, I, Kaier, as your solid backing, will give you absolute time to destroy the board." Kayer went directly to Mo Li, and the life magic in her hand took action directly, looking at the Yat people in the air warily. Just after Kaier stood up, the people on the board took action one after another and shouted together, "If you can't, the net will be broken!" Although we can't beat you, we still have time to destroy the boards for the Mo Li brothers.

Yat couldn't help shaking his head, turned to look at the crowd and said, "Time is running out. What should we do?"

"Don't be fooled, gentlemen, don't be fooled!" Carmel's face is as pale as snow. They won't really destroy the boards.

"Is it?" Mo Li stared at Yat and said, "Since you don't agree, that's good!" With that, Mo Li wanted to lower the magic energy in his hand.

"Wait!" Yat shouted, and then waved a golden energy backhand and hit Camell directly. I only heard that Camell was caught off guard and was directly knocked into the weak water by Yat. Mo Li clearly saw that Cammon finally threw his eyes on Yate's incomparable eyes. Yat, you are so despicable!" Camell finally roared with all his strength. But everything is too late and falls into the weak water. No matter how powerful Cammon is, he can't escape the fate of death.

Yatt shook his head helplessly and said, "Kamon, don't blame me. Everything is your fault and you shouldn't betray others." After saying that, he turned to Mo Li and asked, "Now we can get on the board."

Mo Li stretched out his thumb and said with a smile, "Yat, you are cruel enough. It's okay. Although Mo Li is not a good person, I still have credit." After saying that, he directly withdrew the magic energy in his hand and signaled everyone to give up their seats.