Magic totem

Chapter 233 Desert Soldier

With Mo Li's consent, Yat took everyone to fall on the board together. Not to mention that this board that floated from nowhere was really powerful. Not only could Mo Li and others not sink into the weak water, but now with so many people, it has not increased a trace of water. Mo Li was still very shocked by this.

"There is also the last drop, with a drop of about 30 meters, so it is very dangerous, and there are more than 20 fast eagles hidden under the drop, so in order to pass safely, we must divide the division again." After everyone fell on the board, Mo left and said, "Yate, since we have resumed the alliance again, I don't want to see any fighting and suspicion, so you should first restrain your people."

"Don't worry about this. It's just a misunderstanding at the beginning." Yat smiled and said, "Since we have stood on this board with everyone, naturally we will all follow your arrangement."

"Misunderstanding?" Mo Li couldn't help smiling in his heart. It was the first time that Mo Li had seen a thick-skinned, super thick like Yate. But now Mo Li and others really need help. The reason why Mo Li was so easy to camp just now also has this consideration. After all, the last gap is not easy to pass by Mo Li and others alone.

"Okay, in this case, we don't need to say anything more. We are divided into two groups. One group is responsible for stabilizing the boards so as not to lose their balance, and the other group is responsible for killing the fast eagles in the air. What do you think?" Mo Li said with a smile.

"I think it's okay." Yat was the first to nod and said, "Mo Li, you can assign it directly."

Mo Li looked around for a week and saw that everyone had no objection, so he directly began to distribute. Yat was directly divided into the ranks of the stable board with Mo Li and others. In addition, several more powerful magic mentors were selected to join. The others were divided into the killing of fast eagles by Mo Li. After the allocation is completed, it is about to reach the gap. Sure enough, as Mo Li said, the gap this time is very large, almost reaching about 40 meters.

The boards flew directly under the push of the river. Let's release energy together to balance the boards. At the same time, the other group kept fighting with the fast eagle fighters in the air to ensure the safety of everyone on the board. More than 30 fast eagles were killed by everyone in more than ten minutes. Just now, everyone saw that their companions fell into the weak water, so they worked very hard.

Although the fast eagle was killed, the board flying in the air was difficult to stabilize. Although everyone tried their best to keep it, due to the large number of people and still in mid-air, the board began to tilt to the right.

"Be careful, everyone." Mo Li shouted, but Mo Li shouted late. Two or three mercenaries slid down directly because they did not stand firmly when killing the fast eagle. A few loud noises splashed the height of the two people and disappeared directly into the river.

"Let's come together and keep the balance." Yat shouted. At the same time, he ran to the right, used huge light magic, and abruptly pulled the board back to a balanced position. Everyone emitted energy at the first time. After all, no one wants to die. With everyone's efforts, we finally maintained a balance. The board kept flying forward, but the height did not mean to drop.

Mo Li frowned for a moment and said loudly, "Listen to my orders later, and then jump down to the desert on the right without any hesitation."

Everyone answered, but no one asked Mo Li why.

"Jump!" Just as the board was about to fall to the surface of the water, Mo Li shouted, and at the same time, he flew out obliquely under his feet, crossing the top of Yat's head and falling into the desert on the right.

After a few "huh", everyone left the board, and a few people bumped together and fell into the river together, but most of them fell into the desert.

When everyone gathered together, they only heard a "clap" sound. After falling into the water, the seemingly indestructible board was divided into dozens of boards and fell on the water. Shake a few times and sank together.

"It's so close." Yat smiled and said, "Fortunately, Mo Li reminded him early, otherwise we would have been destroyed. By the way, Mo Li, how do you know that the board can't hold up?

Mo Li cursed Yat in his heart. At this time, this villain didn't even look at who fell into the water and how many people he lost. He was concerned about how he knew the endurance of the board. However, Mo Li doesn't want to offend Yat now. After all, there are more terrible things to deal with next. So he smiled and said, "This is not difficult. Just as we flew in the air with the board, I found that there had begun to be cracks under the board. In order not to panic, I didn't say it directly. You won't blame me, will you?"

"How come? You are also for everyone's good." Yat also said with a smile that he knew the importance of Mo Li in finding the crown of life this time, so like Mo Li, he still doesn't want to turn against Mo Li. Not to mention Magic Totem, just for the crown of life, he won't do it.

Finally, everyone checked the number of people and finally fell into the water. There were as many as six people who fell in the water. Not only did they lose, but Mo Li also had losses on their side, but Mo Li only lost a dwarf elder and Roman's men. The others did not lose anything, and the elder was also for Chipa Sarent. Falling into the water is not caused by collision. So at this time, Chiparant, the open-minded dwarf king, is inevitably a little sad. Everyone comforted each other for a while before they stabilized.

"Mo Li, where are we going next?" Cayle asked. And he has been wining at Mo Li.

Mo Li naturally understood what the elf queen meant. First, he shook his head and told Kaier that it was not the right time, and then said with a smile, "There is no danger here. There is a castle in front of it, and there is a king and two fully armed men in front of the castle, so our next step is to enter the city. In the castle, I think the crown of life should be in the castle, but I always feel that the two soldiers are a little weird, so we should all be careful.

"Well, it's natural. Now that we know the direction, let's go now." Yate said with a smile.

Mo Li was waiting for his words and said with a smile, "Okay, everyone follow me. Remember, when you see the soldiers, don't hesitate to kill them together. As for the king, it's better not to do it first. It may be useful to keep a living mouth."

"Okay." Everyone answered and walked forward behind Mo Li.

"Your Majesty Kaier, remember, don't take action later, just watch them do it." Mo Li sent a voice to Kail and said, "And those who told us this idea." After saying that, Mo Li said to the group of people before him. At the same time, everyone is required not to act rashly.

After all this last night, Mo Li shouted, "Everyone must be fast and fierce, don't keep your hands. There will be no trouble."

Follow Mo Li and those people naturally understand what Mo Li means, so everyone should make peace together. Yate and the others were not willing to show weakness and expressed their position one after another.

After all this last night, Mo Li no longer took care of it and took everyone forward quickly.

The weak river here turned a corner and flowed to the left, while a vast desert appeared on the right. Everyone saw a golden castle with a spire in the distance, and there were three small black spots standing at the main entrance of the castle. This should be what Mo Li said about kings and soldiers.

As soon as the crowd appeared in front of the soldiers, two soldiers who were no different from human beings rushed to the crowd fiercely, and the king pulled out the sword at his waist, raised it high, and shouted in his mouth, "Go forward!"

Seeing such a scene, the people couldn't help but feel as if there were only two soldiers, and the king's expression was as if he was controlling thousands of troops and his face was arrogant.

"Kill!" Looking at the approaching soldiers, Mo Li shouted and rushed over first with a magic wand. At the same time, the magic array in his hand flew out and directly destroyed a soldier.

What makes everyone depressed is that the two soldiers are not worth mentioning at all and died in two times.

"Mo Li, what's going on?" It's too simple for Yat to stand still and be as confused as everyone else.

"Do you want to defeat my army like this?" The king suddenly smiled and raised the sword in his hand again, "Kill! Kill me!"

Looking at the king's appearance, everyone couldn't help laughing, but they didn't laugh for long. Suddenly, they found four soldiers appearing out of thin air and running to everyone again. But under the killing of everyone, it is still vulnerable. But what shocked everyone was that the third wave of soldiers stabbed and now became eight, and after the number increased, everyone suddenly found that the strength of these soldiers was also doubling.